Nano-point Delivery / Nano-point Sampling SU10

Single Cellome Unit SU10 enables the delivery of substances, such as genome editing tools, directly to the cytoplasm or nucleus of targeted single cells. It can also perform sampling at the single-cell level.
For use with an inverted optical microscope and a stereo microscope type. The microscope is not included with the SU10.

Advantages of SU10

- Single-cell targeting with direct delivery into the nucleus or cytoplasm.
- Nano-point sampling from the nucleus or cytoplasm.
- Minimal damage to cells.
- Automated, high speed, and high success rate.


Automated nano-point injector for single cell : SU10


Single-cell targeting with direct delivery into the nucleus or cytoplasm

SU10 direct delivery

  • Select cells for delivery while observing under a microscope and deliver substances into the nucleus or cytoplasm of targeted cells.
  • Easy Control of XY-position and automatic control of delivery Z-position in software.

Minimal damage to cells

  • The nanopipette is a glass pipette with minimum tip outer diameter of several tens of nanometers, minimizing damage to cells.
  • Delivery with high cell viability enables live single-cell analysis.

SU10 tip of the nanopipette

The tip of the nanopipette under an electron microscope.

SU10 damage less

Automated, high speed, and high success rate

  • The SU10 uses automated cell surface detection, insertion, and delivery to the cell. The process takes approximately 10 seconds with a 90% success rate. (Experiment by Yokogawa)
  • Operations previously performed manually by experienced researchers are much more manageable with SU10.

SU10 nano delivery process

Nano-point Sampling

A very small amount can be sampled from a specific part of the cell.
Collected samples can be used in applications such as genetic analysis.

Nano-point Sampling

SU10 Automated nano-point delivery operation procedures

SU10 Automated nano-point delivery operation procedures

Webinar : Nanopipette Technology - A New Tool for Single-Cell Analysis

Our primary focus is introducing a newly developed single-cell manipulation platform (SU-10) using a nanopipette for single-cell injection into living cells. This newly developed technology positions its nanopipette with nanoscale precision, allowing injection and/or aspiration of minute amounts of material into and from individual cells without comprising cell viability. Furthermore, we will display our strategy to develop this new product for single-cell-omics and how this nanopipette technology can analyze multiple analytes, including DNA, RNA, proteins, and other small molecules in basic research or drug discovery.

Watch our webinar about nanopipette technology for free. Register here


Application example

SU10 application

Application example : Delivery of genome editing tools

Delivery of Cas9RNP and Cas9RNP+donor DNA (100b) respectively to GFP-expressing HeLa cells using SU10 and successful knockout of GFP gene/modification to BFP gene.

Application example Delivery of genome editing tools

Application example : Delivery of primary cells

Significantly improves transfection efficiency in cells that have been difficult to transfect​

Application example Delivery of primary cells

Application example : Delivery to cultured plant cells and plant tissues

  • The SU10 can be used in different ways depending on the sample, such as with an inverted microscope for cultured cells and with a stereo microscope for thick tissues.
  • Applicable to cells with rigid cell walls or high turgor pressure.

Application example Delivery to cultured plant cells and plant tissues​

Verified SU10 performance applications

Verified SU10 performance applications

Injection Movies

Available to separate the nucleus and cytoplasm


cell : HeLa
substance : FITC-dextran

Live cell imaging of the movement of delivery reagents from the cytoplasm to the nucleus


cell : HeLa
substance : SYTOX® Green, 500 μM

Enables antibody staining of intracellular molecules/organelles in live cells


cell : U2OS
substance : Alexa647-conjugated
                     anti-TOMM20 antibody

Imaging of intracellular environments


cell : HeLa
substance : Qtracker 655, 1µM

Non-membrane permeable reagents can be injected, enabling live cell imaging of actin


cell : Fish epithelial keratocyte
substance : Alexa Flour 488 Phalloidin


Operation Principle

Automatic cell detection and penetration is a SICM* based technology.

Operation Principle

Delivery of solutions and substances into cells is performed by electro-osmosis and electrophoresis.

Operation Principle



Q1. How is it different from a microinjection system?

A1. The SU10 lowers the damage to a cell with the nanopipette because its tip size is less than 1/10 of a tip used for microinjection.
Automatic detection of cell surface enables a high success rate of insertion to the intended depth of a cell.
The delivery operation uses an electrical method rather than pneumatic or hydraulic pressure.


Q2. How is it different from traditional transfection methods (e.g. transfection reagents, electroporation)?

A2. The SU10 can deliver materials into the selected cells.
The SU10 enables direct delivery of reagents into the cytoplasm or nucleus.


Q3. How is it different from electroporation?

A3. In addition to the above-mentioned “difference from traditional transfection methods”, due to automated cell surface detection, the suspension of cells is not required during injection.


Q4. What is the max volume of injection into the cell?

A4. It is estimated to be tens of femtoliter (fL) per second (1fL=1x10-15L).
The volume can be changed by software settings.
* The delivery volume may vary depending on the solute and vehicle.


Q5. Is the nanopipette disposable?

A5. Yes, but one nanopipette can deliver to 50 cells or more*.
* Experiment using HeLa cells by Yokogawa.


Motor actuator Number of axes XYZ direction : three axes
Stroke XZ : Max. approximately 50mm, Y : Max. approximately 30mm
Setting resolution 0.625um
Maximum movement speed 1mm/sec
Piezo actuator Number of axes Z direction : one axis
Stroke 500um
Setting resolution 10nm
Retraction stage Number of axes X direction : one axis
Stroke 100mm
Rotary stage Range of movement 360°
Number of joysticks For XY operation : one piece, For Z operation : one piece
Number of switches 2-selection toggle switch : one piece, 3-selection toggle switch : one piece
Power voltage Power voltage 100 to 240V AC
Power frequency 50/60Hz
Power consumption 70 VA
External dimensions and weight Main unit 337 to 456(W)mm×230(H)mm×377(D)mm, 7.4kg
Main controller 133(W)mm×309(H)mm×364(D)mm, 5.9kg
Joystick controller 140(W)mm×114(H)mm×144(D)mm, 1.2kg
nanopipette Tip outer diameter : Several tens of nanometers or less (reference value)
(in case of SU10ACC-NP02)
Ambient operating conditions Temperature Main unit and electrode head : 5 to 40°C
Other modules : 15 to 35°C
Humidity Main unit and electrode head : 80% RH or less (without condensation)
Other modules : 20 to 70% RH (without condensation)
Installation environment Keep the system away from direct sunlight. Do not allow it to come in direct contact with water, oil, organic solvents, etc. Make sure there are no flammable, toxic, or corrosive gases. Also, do not use or store the system in locations where sand, dust, or particles have accumulated, where there are sources of strong electromagnetic noises, where fire is used, that are readily exposed to water, or where strong vibrations occur.
Installation posture Horizontal installation
Altitude 2000m or less
Storage environment Temperature -10 to 50°C
Humidity 95% RH or less (without condensation)
Installation environment Keep the system away from direct sunlight. Do not allow it to come in direct contact with water, oil, organic solvents, etc. Make sure there are no flammable, toxic, or corrosive gases. Also, do not use or store the system in locations where sand, dust, or particles have accumulated, where there are sources of strong electromagnetic noises, where fire is used, that are readily exposed to water, or where strong vibrations occur.
Operation Environment For use with an inverted optical microscope. * Microscope is not included with the SU10.
Please contact Yokogawa to possibly install the SU10 on a different inverted microscope.
Installation examples; Evident IX83, Nikon Ti2, Zeiss Axio Observer
Software specifications
Installation PC requirements
OS Windows10,Windows11
USB One (1) or more Type A2.0 USB ports


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SU10 is a novel technology that enables the delivery of target substances directly into cells (nucleus or cytoplasm) using a "nano" pipette made of a glass capillary with an outer tip diameter of tens of nanometers.



YOKOGAWA will contribute to technology evolution particularly in measurement and analytical tools to help build a world where researchers will increasingly focus on insightful interpretation of data, and advancing Life Science to benefit humanity.


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