Yokogawa Endorses the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures Recommendations and Becomes a TNFD Adopter

Tokyo, Japan - November 11, 2024

Yokogawa Electric Corporation announces its endorsement of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)*1 recommendations, released in September 2023, and that it has become a TNFD Adopter*2 in October 2024.

This announcement of endorsement for the TNFD recommendations is an indication of Yokogawa’s determination to proactively tackle challenges relating to the natural world. In accordance with the TNFD recommendations, Yokogawa will apply the LEAP approach*3 to evaluate the impacts, risks, and business opportunities relating to natural capital and biodiversity, and will proactively disclose related information.

Through these activities, we will move forward with our biodiversity conservation initiatives and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

*1 An international initiative that provides a framework under which companies evaluate and disclose information on natural capital and biodiversity risks and opportunities arising from their business activities
*2 Organizations committed to voluntary reporting of their nature-related issues in line with the TNFD recommendations by fiscal year 2025.
*3 An integrated approach developed by TNFD for the evaluation of nature-related issues such as points of interaction with nature, dependency relationships, impacts, risks, and opportunities that comprises the four steps of (L)ocate, (E)valuate, (A)ssess, and (P)repare.

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