Energia odnawialna
The use of renewable energy protects the environment and takes both society and industry closer to the goal of achieving sustainability. However, compared to conventional energy sources, there are certain challenges that stand in the way of its rapid adoption, such as higher production costs and greater instability in the supply of power to the grid. As a leading company in the control and instrumentation business, Yokogawa has always striven to help its customers in various industries achieve stable operations and improve productivity in their plants. Based on our VigilantPlant concept for attaining operational excellence, we are providing solutions that pave the way to the use of renewable energy sources.
Food & Beverage
At Yokogawa, we understand that today’s food and beverage companies face unprecedented challenges in climate change, consumer demand, and increased global competitiveness. Overcoming these challenges will require innovative solutions that focus on key areas of production, asset management, and food safety and quality.
Industrial Water
Industrial water is used in all industrial plants such as power generation stations, refineries and petrochemical plants. Yokogawa’s single control platform handles all water and wastewater control processing integrated with the main process.
Przemysł chemiczny
Chemical plants rely on continuous and batch production processes, each posing different requirements for a control system. A continuous process calls for a robust and stable control system that will not fail and cause the shutdown of a production line, whereas the emphasis with a batch process is on having a control system that allows great flexibility in making adjustments to formulas, procedures, and the like. Both kinds of systems need to be managed in available quality history of product, and to be able to execute non-routine operations. With its extensive product portfolio, experienced systems engineers, and global sales and service network, Yokogawa has a solution for every plant process.
Przemysł petrochemiczny
Petrochemical companies’ needs are extremely diverse. To come out ahead in today’s highly competitive marketplace, producers are striving to improve quality and productivity. Yokogawa provides tailor-made solutions for these needs based on its long and wide-ranging experience in this field.
Ropa i gaz
Yokogawa has a wealth of experience in every part of the oil and gas business, from offshore and onshore facilities to pipelines, terminals, and deepwater operations. We provide solutions that enhance safety, ensure accurate and reliable operation, and increase plant efficiency.
Powiązane produkty i rozwiązania
Operations Management System
Yokogawa’s Operations Management System helps to ensure Safe and Reliable Operations by digitizing necessary information for Operation Management Practices.
Permit to Work (Zezwolenie na pracę)
Permit To Work (PtW) to formalny system komunikacji służący do identyfikacji, zarządzania i kontroli ryzyka oraz komunikacji – moduł w pełni zintegrowanego systemu zarządzania operacyjnego firmy Yokogawa.
Zarządzanie operacjami
Zarządzanie operacyjne w automatyce przemysłowej jest procesem projektowania, wizualizacji i planowania systemów produkcyjnych i biznesowych.