Smart Monitoring of Manufacturing Process Shelves and Storage Shelves (In-vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Applications)


Applications for In-vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Plants

"Applications for In-vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Plants"
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The DTSX is a unique and innovative temperature monitoring system that uses fiber optic cable as a temperature sensor.

Current Issues

Thermal Runway Risk in Manufacturing Process Shelves and Storage Shelves and its Impact on Business

When stacking large numbers of lithium-ion batteries in manufacturing process shelves, in temperature cycling tests such as aging, and in storage shelves, is it possible to detect early on if thermal runaway of the batteries has occurred?

Generally, temperature is monitored by point sensors. However, it is difficult to discover thermal runaway at an early stage just by one point sensor in cases where each individual shelf is large.

Thermal Runway Risk in Manufacturing Process Shelves and Storage Shelves and its Impact on Business

When damage spreads due to a late discovery, this directly leads to not just late deliveries but also the affect on the supply chain impacts society and the economy.


Solutions and Benefits

Comprehensive / Economical Monitoring of Manufacturing Process Shelves and Storage Shelves with Fiber Optic Cables

In the case of point sensors that have been used up till now, considerable costs are assigned to installation, wiring and treatment of cable ends on each individual shelf, which also lengthens work periods.
After installation, verifying the soundness of significant numbers of point sensors also has become an issue.

The fiber optic heat detector DTSX can comprehensively monitor all shelves as fiber optic cable is installed even in large individual shelves. This is being adopted as a new means of resolving issues such as a longer work period, initial expenses and increased maintenance costs resulting from the use of point sensors.

Comprehensive / economical monitoring of manufacturing process shelves and storage shelves with fiber optic cables

It can be flexibly configured and set to suit on-site environments as a means of detecting abnormal temperature in a way different from that of point sensors as it supports a difference with external thermometer alarm in addition to simple upper limit and rate-of-change alarms. This leads to discovery at an early stage and quick initial response which limits damage to a minimum.

DTSX conforms to EN54-22 the EU fire detection and fire alarm system standard, and is currently used as a fire detection sensor, and is being adopted in automatic physical distribution warehouses other than lithium-ion battery production processes and in various other applications.


Features of Optical Fiber Sensing in DTSX System

The Fiber Optic Cable Is The Temperature Sensor

Temperature distribution monitored every 1 m

Temperature distribution monitored every 1 m

  • Monitoring distance : to 50 km
  • Monitoring temperature : -200 to 300 °C
  • Shortest monitoring cycle : Approx. 5 seconds
  • Temperature resolution : 0.03 °C
    *: each specification dependent on conditions

Main Features

  • 24 hours a day, 365 days a year monitoring even in wide areas and ordinarily non-manned areas
  • Power supply not required, explosion-proof, not affected by electromagnetic noise
  • Flexible installation
  • High compatibility with DCS and other host systems (Modbus / TCP)


Other In-vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Applications

Monitoring of Soundness of Power Supply Bus Bar

The soundness of the joints of the power supply bus bar installed in lithium-ion battery is monitored. Abnormalities are not overlooked as fiber optic cable is built into the bus duct and bus bars extending over long distances in blind areas such as roof space are comprehensively monitored.
(For details, refer to "Monitoring of Soundness of Power Supply Bus Bar -In-vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Applications- ".)

Monitoring of Soundness of Power Supply Bus Bar


Prevention of Fires in Exhaust Air Ducts in Battery Assembly Process

Fires or dust explosions in exhaust air ducts for preventing the influx of aluminum dust in the assembly process of lithium battery batteries are monitored. Abnormalities are not overlooked as ducts extending over long distances in blind areas such as roof space are comprehensively monitored.
(For details, refer to "Prevention of Fires in Exhaust Air Ducts in Battery Assembly Process -In-Vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Applications- ".)

Prevention of Fires in Exhaust Air Ducts in Battery Assembly Process


Monitoring of Separator / Electrode Coating Drying Furnace Temperature Distribution

The temperature distribution inside the drying furnace of the coating drying process for the separators / electrodes that make up a lithium-ion battery is visualized. Optimizing the temperature profile improves productivity.
(For details, refer to "Monitoring of Separator/Electrode Drying Furnace Temperature Distribution -In-Vehicle Lithium-ion Battery Applications- ".)

Checking of Separator/Electrode Coating Drying Furnace Temperature Distribution


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