Basic Philosophy
- Principles of procurement activities
We of the Yokogawa Group are establishing a clean, clear, and open corporate culture based on our Corporate Philosophy and Standards of Business Conduct. We are committed to making our company more trusted by society, upholding the motto of "The sun is always watching us."
We conduct procurement activities based on the following principles:- Engage in fair dealings as an equal partner
We do not unduly discriminate against any supplier by abusing our superior position or imposing unilateral conditions on the supplier. We engage in honest dealings with all suppliers by striving to maintain fair and just relationships and abiding by all applicable laws and contracts. We promote fair and open competition. To that end, we provide an equal business opportunity to and make a fair evaluation of all suppliers. - Conduct business dealings with high integrity
We do not pursue personal benefits by receiving improper personal benefits or any other gain from suppliers. We respect the ideal of mutual benefit and are committed to the highest standards of business integrity. We strive to create a better partnership and to grow and develop together with our suppliers by building mutual understanding and trust. - Keep confidential information
We protect both personal and confidential information obtained in our dealings with suppliers. We never disclose this information, even to our own employees, unless there is a legitimate reason for knowing it.
- Engage in fair dealings as an equal partner
- Procurement activities based on CSR
With the rising interest of stakeholders in the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), CSR promotion activities by enterprises and industry associations have gained significant momentum in recent years. The Yokogawa Group has been working proactively to set up a CSR promotion organization, publish a CSR policy, and make CSR reports available to the public. Our Supply Chain CSR Guideline was made to promote procurement activities based on CSR throughout the supply chain, including not only the Yokogawa Group but also Yokogawa suppliers. - Evaluation and selection policy of suppliers
We evaluate and select our suppliers in a comprehensive manner by giving priority to the following criteria:- Agreement to comply with our Supply Chain CSR Guideline.
- Compliance with business ethics, laws, and regulations and maintenance of a healthy business operation allowing the establishment of a steady and cooperative relationship.
- Ability to offer a world-class level of performance in terms of quality, delivery, cost, technology, response, and service.
- Ability to supply the required amount at the required time in order to adapt to changes in our customers' delivery and quantity requirements.
- Have leading-edge technology for our supply of safe and outstanding products that meet our customers' requirements.
- Have an information security system for the strict control of confidential information obtained through dealings with Yokogawa Group companies.
Supplier Expectation
- Promote procurement activities in compliance with CSR
e of the Yokogawa Group have introduced a Supply Chain CSR Guideline. We expect that all our suppliers will comply with it. It consists of the following seven articles. For details, please click on the following link:
Yokogawa Group Supply Chain CSR Guideline (PDF: 80KB)
- Human Rights and Labor
1-Prohibit forced labor; 2-Prohibit inhumane treatment and infringements of human rights; 3-Prohibit child labor; 4-Prohibit discrimination; 5-Pay appropriate wages; 6-Regulate working hours; 7-Respect the rights to freedom of association - Occupational Health and Safety
1-Apply safety measures for equipment and instruments; 2-Promote safe activities in the workplace; 3-Promote hygiene in the workplace; 4-Apply appropriate measures for occupational injuries and illnesses; 5-Properly manage disasters and accidents; 6-Be careful about physically demanding work; 7-Promote safety and hygiene in all company facilities; 8-Promote health maintenance programs for employees - Environment
1-Control hazardous chemicals in products; 2-Control hazardous chemicals in manufacturing; 3-Establish and apply an environmental management system; 4-Minimize environmental pollution (water, soil, air); 5-Obtain environmental permits; 6-Promote resource and energy saving by reusing, reducing, and recycling (3R); 7-Promote green-house gas reduction; 8-Promote waste reduction 9-Disclose environmental preservation activities - Fair Trading
1-Prohibit corruption and bribery; 2-Prohibit abuse of a superior position; 3-Prohibit the offering and receiving of inappropriate profit and advantage; 4-Prohibit impediment to free competition; 5-Provide accurate information on products and services; 6-Respect intellectual property; 7-Use appropriate export procedures; 8-Disclose appropriate company information; 9-Detect injustice promptly - Product Quality and Safety
1-Ensure product safety; 2-Establish and apply a quality management system - Information Security
1-Secure computer networks against threats; 2-Prevent the leakage of personal information; 3-Prevent the leakage of confidential information of the customer and third-party - Contribution to Society
1-Contribute to society and community
- Human Rights and Labor
- Assure high quality
Suppliers are expected to provide high quality products and materials that meet Yokogawa's high standards and allow us to offer products that satisfy our customers' requirements. - Provide assured delivery and stable supply
Suppliers are expected to establish an assured delivery and flexible supply system that enables us to provide a stable and flexible supply of products to our customers. - Provide competitive pricing
Suppliers are expected to always be competitive on pricing by continuously and aggressively cutting costs, thereby making it possible for us to supply products that meet our customers' requirements. - Improve technical capabilities
Suppliers are expected to constantly improve their technical capabilities, enabling us to supply safe and excellent products that meet our customers' requirements.
Procurement Philosophy
Introduce the basic concept of procurement and purchasing activities of Yokogawa.
Expectations for Suppliers
We have released a request to our suppliers to ensure a sustainable society. Please refer to "Sustainable Procurement Guidelines" for more information.
Sustainable Procurement Activities
Kontrola nad ekologicznymi zasadami zamówień
Responsible Mineral Procurement
Introduce the basic policy for Responsible Mineral Procurement of Yokogawa.
Yokogawa has established a helpline for the general public and all stakeholders, including stakeholders in our supply chains.
The helpline accepts reports and consultations regarding violations or potential violations of laws, regulations, human rights, the Yokogawa Philosophy, the Yokogawa Group Code of Conduct, the Procurement Basic Policy, transaction contracts, or other matters by anyone related to the Yokogawa Group.
The helpline also accepts reports and consultations in connection with the violation or potential violation of human rights in supply chains.