Yokogawa Philippines receives the contract to supply the process control system for Universal Robina Sugar Milling Co. (URSUMCO) Refinery Expansion Project. The project was undertaken to expand the refining capacity of URSUMCO to address the demands of the market. The CS3000 R3.04, with its competitive packaging for this project size made it the suitable solution.
URSUMCO started automating their sugar factory last 2000 as part of its strategy to address their competence in the sugar market. Over the past years, automation projects were implemented annually, in sections and by phases: mulitple-effect evaporators, boilers, raw sugar vacuum pans and refinery vacuum pans. The new CS3000 would be integrated at a later stage with the existing CS1000.
As an indication of the benefits achieved by URSUMCO's modernization projects, where process automation is a part, URSUMCO is enjoying excess bagasse stock that's used for their refinery operations. Prior to the modernization campaign, URSUMCO has to consume bunker fuel for their refinery activities. Over the years, the use of bunker fuel was reduced as bagasse stock increased annually. Now there is enough bagasse stock for operations and the use of bunker fuel has been eliminated.
With the successes of the previous projects in terms of achieving stable operations and improved operating efficiencies, the recent award is the largest single order from URSUMCO, which is a statement of confidence to Yokogawa's proven capability to deliver process automation solution for the sugar industry.
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In the ever changing marketplace, refineries are seen not only as crude processing units but also as profit centers. At the same time, there is a keen awareness of the need for safety at such facilities. A total production solution that encompasses planning, scheduling, management, and control is required to achieve long-term goals for profitability, efficiency, and environmental protection. With years of expertise in the automation field, Yokogawa can bring you affordable total solutions for improved operability and a cleaner world.