
Yokogawa’s Mobile enables all users to interact in real time wherever they are, ensuring speed and accuracy of information and keeping everyone aware of work status in-field and in the control room.
For more information on Mobile Module please visit
With paper solutions for safety, access to data is via the control room and permit issuing authority via a paper permit only.
Realtime data is not available so decisions can’t be made in a timely manner.
Any information noted onsite then needs to be taken back to the control room for input this involves additional travel and administrative time.
Our Solution
Yokogawa mobile solution greatly improves communication, efficiencies and safety allowing for:
- Risk Assessment - assess the risks of the worksite and document them with mitigating measures in real time during the initial phases of a permit. These risks and mitigating measures will be visible in the further stages of the process for all to see.
- Equipment Searches
- Access to:
- Location – where on the site the work is planned
- Permit List – what work needs to be done
- Gas Test List – record and visibility of recorded gas tests
- Isolations List – visibility of isolations required and those that are in place

- Improved Planning
- Issue at the workplace
- Risk Assessment of current conditions
- Improved communication between all parties
- Login and see what is going on out in the field
- Offline input synchronizes when signal available
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