Industrial Cyber Security event

Dates: okt. 9, 2019
Location: Veenendaal, The Netherlands
Venue: De Basiliek

FHI is organizing the Industrial Cyber Security event in Veenendaal on 9 October about the challenges and opportunities in the field of Cyber Security in the Industry with success stories, interesting case studies and tips.

Does your plant have sufficient resistance to cybercrime, espionage and sabotage?
A hacker, security specialists and an end customer delve deeper into issues such as:

  • When is my plant cyber secure?
  • How can I identify cyber security risks?
  • In what way can I build a bridge between IT (information technology) and OT (operational technology)?
  • How do I convince users of the need to think ahead?
  • How do you benefit from digital innovations but at the same time know how to keep control of your information security?

Free access for end users
Do you want to join this free event? Then come visit the Yokogawa stand, our security specialists are available to answer your questions. You register via the FHI site. Please let us know if you are present and pass it on to your contact person. Then we can meet there.
