Vol.55 No.1 (2012)

Yokogawa periodically publishes the Yokogawa Technical Report, which contains articles that take a detailed look at the technologies employed in Yokogawa's products. At this site you will find links to all of the reports that have been published since 1997 as well as links to PDF files containing the full text of selected articles from each issue.

Measuring Instruments Pioneering New Fields

Significance and Expectations of Measurement 

  • You Kaneko*1

*1 : President Yokogawa Meter & Instruments Corporation

Contribution of Measuring Instruments to Sustainable Society 

  • Kenichiro Haga*1

*1 : Marketing department, Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation

Yokogawa Electric Corporation was founded in 1915 to manufacture analog meters domestically. Since then, Yokogawa has been contributing to technologies and industries by providing not only analog meters but also various high-quality measuring instruments. In the 21st century, the creation of a sustainable society has become one of the most important global issues. This paper introduces our contribution to this issue through our measuring instruments.

Prospects for Waveform Measurement Solutions 

  • Nobuo Koyanagi*1

*1 : General Purpose T&M Center, Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation

Waveform measuring instruments are one of the most basic measuring devices for observing physical phenomena over time. By changing the technology from analog to digital, these instruments have evolved from a simple unit for observing waveforms to products featuring improved functions of wave data analysis and calculation, and other functions specific to applications. The DL series waveform measuring instruments of Yokogawa Meters & Instruments are ideal for the development of mechatronics and energy-saving products. This paper describes the current situation of waveform measurement solutions and introduces their prospects.

Prospects for Power Measurement Solutions 

  • Eiichi Odaira*1

*1 : General Purpose T&M Center, Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation

In recent years, people are working harder to save energy in line with efforts to curb environmental problems including global warming. Yokogawa Meters & Instruments is assisting such efforts by developing and supplying power meters that can precisely measure the power consumption and efficiency of devices. We have also been improving our power measurement solutions by, for example, complying with international energy-saving standards, measuring the efficiency of inverters that effectively save energy, and helping to improve the power consumption of electric vehicles (EV), for which demand is increasing.

Real-time Math Function of DL850 ScopeCorder 

  • Etsurou Nakayama*1
  • Chiaki Yamamoto*1

*1 : General Purpose T&M Center, Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation

In recent years, energy-saving instruments including inverters have been actively developed. Researchers in R&D sections want to evaluate their prototypes in real time to enhance the development efficiency. Therefore, measuring instruments are required to have functions for not only simply recording data but also immediately calculating power values and efficiency based on the data. To meet this demand, Yokogawa has developed a unique real-time math function for the DL850 ScopeCorder, our multi-channel waveform recording instrument. This paper gives an overview of the function and its application examples..

High-speed, Real-time Power Measurement Technologies of WT1800 Precision Power Analyzer 

  • Toshiaki Shioda*1
  • Kenji Takada*1

*1 : General Purpose T&M Center, Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation

To keep pace with the increasing speed of switching devices in inverters, Yokogawa has developed the WT1800 precision power analyzer with 10 times faster sampling speed and 5 times wider frequency bandwidth compared with previous models. Its basic accuracy is 0.15% and the frequency bandwidth of voltage and current is 0.1 Hz to 5 MHz (-3 dB,Typical) including the DC component. With up to six inputs, a single WT1800 unit can measure the efficiency of three-phase inverters. In addition, the high-speed data capturing mode allows the WT1800 to measure transient power. This paper describes the high-speed, real-time power measurement technologies underlying these functions.

Development of High-performance, Multifunctional Compact OTDR 

  • Hiromi Yoshida*1
  • Yoshihito Tekawa*1
  • Katsushi Ohta*1
  • Haruyoshi Uchiyama*1

*1 : Optical Test & Measurement Center, Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation

Optical time domain reflectometers (OTDR) are indispensable to measure the quality of optical fiber lines. As fiber to the home (FTTH) and fiber to the building (FTTB) have rapidly spread worldwide in recent years, the requirements for OTDR have increased and diversified accordingly. Our AQ1200 MFT-OTDR series, a high-performance, multifunctional compact OTDR, provides solutions to those requirements. In this paper, we introduce improved trace quality especially for the FTTH PON testing, applications for improving work-efficiency, and design technologies of compact optical modules.

High-speed Measurement Technologies of AQ6370C Optical Spectrum Analyzer 

  • Manabu Kojima*1
  • Tohru Mori*1
  • Tsutomu Kaneko*1
  • Toshikazu Yamamoto*1
  • Atsushi Horiguchi*1
  • Gentarou Ishihara*1

*1 : Optical measuring instruments Division, Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation

The optical spectrum measurement is indispensable to the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology that is increasingly being used in optical communications. Optical spectrum analyzers, which measure and analyze the optical spectrum of light that travels through optical fibers, are required to have high performance, functionality, and throughput as sophisticated optical communication devices become available at low prices. To respond to these demands, Yokogawa has developed the AQ6370C optical spectrum analyzer with high accuracy, resolution, dynamic range, and fast measurement of 0.2 sec for a 100-nm span. This paper describes the optical spectrum measurement technologies in the AQ6370C.

Confocal Scanner System for Longterm Live Cell Imaging 

  • Hironori Takai*1
  • Kenji Hachiya*1
  • Youhei Kuwabara*2
  • Takayuki Kei*1

*1 : Development Dept., Life Science Headquarters
*2 : Sales Dept., Life Science Headquarters

The CV1000 is a new confocal microscopy system that enables multi-point, long-term 3D imaging of live cells while keeping them healthy and active. Based on Yokogawa’s CSU confocal scanner, the all-in-one CV1000 is equipped with laser light sources, highly sensitive EMCCD camera, precision XYZ auto stage, auto-focus and incubator functions. This system can be widely used by many researchers, especially for long-term observation of the development process of mammalian embryos, colony formation process of iPS/ES cells, and so on.

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