Welke waarde levert Artificial Intelligence op?
Eenvoudige Artificial Intelligence voor prestatiegerichte industriële automatisering
Yokogawa heeft kennis en ervaring opgebouwd door de uitdagingen van meer dan 50 fabrieken en vestigingen op te lossen met behulp van Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Yokogawa heeft AI ontwikkeld op basis van de prestaties, ervaring en kennis die het bedrijf jarenlang heeft gecultiveerd, en nu integreren we AI in de populaire SMARTDAC+ Series papierloze recorder GX/GP en GA10 datalogging software. Daarnaast is de nieuwe e-RT3 Plus serie F3RP70 CPU-module voorzien van industriële omgevingsbestendigheid en ondersteuning voor de generieke programmeertaal Python, waardoor het industriële gebruik en de ontwikkeling van AI eenvoudiger dan ooit wordt.
Deze producten hebben tot doel AI gemakkelijk inzetbaar te maken voor het voorspellen van storingen aan apparatuur, productkwaliteit en andere factoren om de uitdagingen waar de industrie voor staat te helpen oplossen.
Alle opgeloste problemen en de verdiensten van de introductie van Artificial Intelligence producten
→ AI Product Solution eBook downloaden
Redenen om AI-technologie in fabrieken toe te passen
- Drie manieren waarop AI waarde kan bieden in fabrieken
- Resultaten van Yokogawa AI-oplossingen
- Producten die standaard AI hebben en bijdragen aan een snelle AI-ontwikkeling
- Fabrieksbesturing met AI en zelflerend vermogen

Three ways that AI can offer value in plants.
We’ve been working on solving a variety of customer issues. Of the issues that couldn’t be solved with conventional analysis methods, we were able to solve 50 by applying AI. We learned that in plants AI can offer value in the following three ways.
Abnormal Sign Detection
Predicts various equipment failures and plant shutdowns. Enables you to perform maintenance before an abnormality occurs, take countermeasures in advance, and improve your uptime.
Root Cause Analysis
Ascertains the causes of previous problems, and identify the cause of reduced quality and changes in consumed power. By identifying the areas of focus when improving and implementing quality measures, you can improve product quality.
Quality Estimation
Assigns quality indexes, predicts quality before testing, and predicts changes in quality. Get a handle on quality without destructive testing and other processes that take time to test, and reduce costs.

Results from YOKOGAWA AI solutions
These are some of the analysis results from AI solutions that YOKOGAWA has offered.
We have been solving customers’ issues in many industries including oil refineries and chemical plants using our AI.
Abnormal Sign Detection
-Quickly detects Anomality in equipment-
A shaft breakage occurred in a reducer that monitored trends with a wireless vibration sensor (Sushi Sensor). The graph below shows acceleration, speed, and surface temperature data, and the results of AI analysis based on those data. The moving average of health index calculated by AI moved from the normal to abnormal range three weeks before a failure. You can see that it captured the “Anomality” that were signs of abnormality earlier than the sensor data trend changes. By combining the Sushi Sensor with the AI, undesired state can be notified based on the equipment's vibration and surface temperature data, which enables you to predictively detect equipment abnormality and to take prior actions for equipment maintenance.
Results from YOKOGAWA AI solutions (Excerpt)
Industry | Category | Overview | |
Abnormal Sign Detection | |||
Chemical | pH Sensor | Predict deterioration of sensors installed in a waste water pipeline | |
Oil | Furnace | Predict operating conditions of a furnace by using process data | |
Power | Pump | Predict cavitation in pipes by using pressure-related data | |
Root Cause Analysis | |||
Oil | Compressor | Identify the causes of reduced efficiency of cooling compressors in area A of a plant by using process data | |
Hot spring | Hot spring control | Identify the causes of changes in hot water distribution by using operating data | |
Paper & Pulp | Beater | Identify the relationship between a beating machine’s power and product quality | |
Quality Estimation | |||
Electronic parts | Electronic parts manufacturing equipment | Identify damaged parts in an assembly process by using sensor data | |
Chemical | Industrial material continuous production equipment | Predict indicators between quality measurement indicators by using 18 types of data | |
Oil | Product quality values | Estimate product quality values by using production data | |
Food & drug |
Medical product manufacturing equipment | Predict the quality of completed product by using 10 types of manufacturing data |
The above is only a small part.
See the AI Product Solution Book for other achievements.
Utilizing our analysis experience and technology, we can offer a lineup of easy-to-use AI products.
In addition, we have prepared a video of an example of optimal plant control using AI reinforcement learning.
→ Please refer to Plant control by AI
Draw the past to the present, and on to the future
Now with the Future Pen
SMARTDAC+ GX/GP Series Paperless Recorders
AI is installed as standard, while maintaining the reliability and functions of the SMARTDAC+ GX/GP Series Paperless Recorders. With no complicated settings, you simply register the channels that you want to monitor as future pens, draw the near future as waveforms.
The GX/GP series is a panel mount or portable paperless recorder that provides intuitive touch panel operation. Its highly flexible modular I/O architecture enables you to acquire, display, and record data such as temperature, voltage, current, flow, and pressure in various industrial production and development sites.
Future Pen Demonstration for Predictive Detection
GX/GP AI functions
Future pen
Using acquired data to predict future data, draw predicted future waveforms along with real-time data on the trend monitor. The future waveforms allow you to identify and deal with likely problems.

Future alarm
You can set future alarms against future measured data from the future pen. Future alarm information is shown in a future alarm summary. When a future alarm is generated, external output or email give prior notice.

Examples of building recorder-centric AI solutions
Easily add AI to a recorder (GX/GP future pen, future alarm)
Process signals such as temperature and voltage can be displayed from past to present, and future waveforms by AI function. (GX/GP)

Accurate AI analysis in real time on a PC and displaying determination results on site. (GX/GP + GA10)
GX/GP collects the process signal and displays the measured values.
Send real-time data to PC, the AI analysis function of the software GA10 displays the result of AI judgment such as uncomfortable feeling detection on the GX/GP on the site side.
Ask us about the highly accurate AI consultant service.
Analyze on an embedded device with accurate AI and display determination results (GX/GP + e-RT3 Plus)
GX/GP collects the process signal and displays the measured values.
Collects process signals with GX/GP, displays measured values, transmits data in real time to the Python-compatible AI platform e-RT3 Plus, and deploys the judgment results by the AI algorithm developed by the customer on the GX/GP screen can do.
Ask us about the highly accurate AI consultant service.
Please refer to the details of SMARTDAC+ SMARTDAC+ GX/GP Series Paperless Recorders
> Panel mount type GX10/GX20 > Portable type GP10/GP20
AI on a stand-alone computer detects predictive abnormality sign of equipment
with Anomaly Detection,
AI analysis data logging software GA10 + Sushi Sensor
In recent years the need for maintenance is growing as equipment ages. Equipment conditions are mainly ascertained by human workers through inspections such as operator rounds inspection. However, we face the problems of declining birthrates leading to labor shortages, and the retirement of skilled workers leading to skill shortages. Also, the measured results obtained through an operator rounds inspections are not quantified, and often cannot be utilized effectively. We urgently need to create more efficient equipment maintenance mechanisms.
Automatically detects the “anomalies” that are signs of abnormalities
GA10 + Sushi Sensor are equipment predictive maintenance solution that is just like an AI operator, detecting the "anomalies" that are signs of abnormality, and automatically notifying the user.
You can dispatch worker to equipment that needs maintenance at just the right time, this reduces equipment inspection man-hours, lets you quickly discover abnormal signs, and prevents unanticipated equipment shutdowns. You realize more efficient equipment maintenance and increased plant availability.
*Sushi sensor: Up to 1000 units can be registered. (Gate Sushi function; option)
Predict the future with AI New
Use acquired data to predict future data, and display predicted future waveforms along with real time data on the trend screen. You can also set alarms against predicted data to detect problems in advance when they occur in the future so you can deal with them beforehand.
GA10 Data Logging Software - AI notifies you of anomalies
What is GA10?
GA10 is PC-based data logging software that connects various devices installed in factories and premises (such as Sushi Sensor, recorders, and data loggers) through an Ethernet network, and performs monitoring and recording.
What is Sushi Sensor?
The Sushi Sensor* is a wireless solution for IIoT that includes sensors for detecting equipment conditions. It supports low power, wide-area LoRaWAN communication standard for wireless network.
*Sushi Sensor is to be released to other countries in order. For details, please click “more information”
Realize predictive maintenance and avoid future crises with the usual operability
Realizing predictive maintenance with trend monitoring
- Monitoring of large amounts of data
- Digitizing on-site know-how
Efficient equipment maintenance
- Digitize equipment health conditions and monitor trends
- Reduce the cost of operator rounds inspections
- Share and transfer field operator's knowledge and experience of equipment maintenance
- Prevent sudden unexpected equipment failures
Quickly capture the signs of equipment abnormalities
- Capture signs, even with equipment for which it is difficult to apply threshold-based abnormality determination
- Based on a variety of data, determine signs of equipment abnormalities
Easily detect signs of equipment abnormalities with simple settings
- Simple system: Sushi Sensor, LoRaWAN gateway, and GA10
- Just specify a data period of normal conditions, and start automated analysis
- Notifies you when anomalies are detected
With a wealth of I/O for high scalability
and fan-less high environmental worthiness Supports Python
Industrial AI Platform e-RT3 Plus
Supports Python, which is indispensable for development of machine learning and other branches of AI, and you can add many AI open source libraries to quickly ramp up your AI development. Strong environmental worthiness, and ideal for industrial AI platforms that leverage the unique strengths of the e-RT3, with its easy access to I/O.
> Please refer to the details of e-RT3 Plus
I/O modules for easy access
With a wide selection of I/O modules, you can easily incorporate your applications into the data acquisition and control level. The CPU and I/O modules are both from Yokogawa, making them easy to connect. And in the rare case of hardware trouble, isolation is simpler than ever.
Ubuntu supported
Comes with the more free and open Linux Ubuntu, and is compatible with most open source software. You can also more easily use software such as network file sharing software and PC-less SCADA.
Multi-CPU supported
Place the e-RT3 Plus CPU next to your existing sequence CPU, and divide their roles: a high speed ladder for control, and the e-RT3 Plus for communication and AI determination.
Environmental worthiness
Holds up in hot, harsh environments. The e-RT3 has a fan-less design, modules that can withstand temperatures from 0°C to 55°C, and installs in factories, plants, or inside a box outdoors.
Stable supply
Long-term stable supply made possible by Yokogawa, the PLC maker. Yokogawa maintains a long and steady supply of the same products and parts.
High-Accurate AI using Python for industrial application in harsh environment
Reduce development time
Your existing AI applications stay as-is, with many fewer tedious I/O settings.
Environmental worthiness
The device used for development goes right into the harsh environment. Runs in environments where single-board computers couldn’t until now.
The dream of an AI that can control your plant is becoming a reality.
-Plant control with AI and reinforcement learning-
Yokogawa has developed the technology to use AI to directly control equipment through reinforcement learning.
Reinforcement learning is one type of machine learning in which AI learns from its own trial and error. The key feature of Yokogawa’s reinforcement learning technology making it so practical is that it can learn with a small number of trials.
Issue with a complex process
- Indicated values are destabilized due to disturbances, resulting in loss of raw materials.
- Skilled workers have difficulty passing on control adjustment technology, requiring time and labor.
- Destabilization of process and decrease in quality due to unfamiliar control methods.
Features of Yokogawa Electric’s reinforcement learning
- The AI teaches itself, and doesn’t require large amounts of teaching data.
- Learns with a small number of trials.
- Optimized with reinforcement learning technology specialized for the control field.
Application example:
AI control test equipment by a Three Tank Level Control System
Real-world sites often require complex control mechanisms.
Here we show a experimental example of that, in which we apply reinforcement learning technology to control a Three Tank Level Control System. [Soundless video]

In under 4 hours of learning, it found the ideal control method to eliminate the overshoots that occurred previously.
ENEOS Materials successfully achieved the world's first long-term autonomous operation of a plant using Yokogawa's AI. FDKPP saves energy and reduces operator workload while maintaining manufacturing quality.
The e-RT3 Plus is an industrial AI platform, and supports programming in Python. Many AI libraries are pre-installed. The e-RT3 Plus is robust and reliable enough for data utilization in the factory and even in critical infrastructure.
Introduction video of Yokogawa's new simple solutions: AI Product Solutions. Based on Yokogawa's experience and
knowledge of industrial automation, Yokogawa has launched easy to use AI Products for manufacturing sites and product development.
AI development is not that difficult! This tutorial video shows you how to develop AI application on e-RT3 F3RP70 by running AI sample program available on Partner Portal.
Marcel Kelder van Yokogawa bespreekt hoe Machine Learning wordt gebruikt in een brownfield omgeving voor toegang tot asset informatie ongeacht waar de informatie is opgeslagen en in welk formaat en hoe de integriteit van de assetinformatie wordt vergroot.
Persbericht april 19, 2022 Yokogawa voegt voorspelbare detectie functie toe aan SMARTDAC+ papierloze recorders en dataloggers
Voorspellend detectiemodel kan door AI worden gecreëerd op basis van bestaande recordgegevens zonder gespecialiseerde kennis
Persbericht maart 22, 2022 Wereldprimeur: Yokogawa en JSR zetten AI in om een chemische fabriek 35 dagen autonoom te besturen
In de praktijk brengen van een nieuwe generatie besturingstechnologie die rekening houdt met kwaliteit, opbrengst, energiebesparing en plotselinge storingen.
Persbericht mei 30, 2022 Yokogawa and DOCOMO Successfully Conduct Test of Remote Control Technology Using 5G, Cloud, and AI
Yokogawa Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6841) and NTT DOCOMO, INC. (DOCOMO) announced today that they have conducted a proof-of-concept test (PoC) of a remote control technology for industrial processing.
Persbericht februari 27, 2023 Yokogawa Launches Autonomous Control AI Service for Use with Edge Controllers
Optimizes control to improve productivity and save energy
Persbericht maart 30, 2023 Wereldprimeur: De autonome besturings-AI van Yokogawa is officieel goedgekeurd en in gebruik bij een chemische fabriek van ENEOS Materials
Na eén jaar is aangetoond dat deze nieuwe generatie technologie de milieueffecten vermindert, een stabiele kwaliteit waarborgt en het productieproces verbetert.
Op zoek naar meer informatie over onze mensen, technologie en oplossingen?