Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
  • SIS (Up to SIL 2) ProSafe-RS Lite

    ProSafe-RS Lite voldoet aan de internationale veiligheidsnorm voor toepassingen tot SIL2. U kunt voor de ProSafe serie kiezen uit SIL2 (ProSafe-RS Lite), SIL3 (ProSafe-RS) en SIL4 (ProSafe-SLS). Als uitgebreide SIS-leverancier zal Yokogawa uw functionele safety management volledig ondersteunen gedurende de gehele levenscyclus van de installatie.

  • SIS (Up to SIL 3) ProSafe-RS

    De ProSafe-RS is een Safety Instrumented System dat is gecertificeerd door de Duitse certificeringsorganisatie TÜV om te voldoen aan Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3, zoals gespecificeerd in IEC 61508.

  • Solid-state SIS (Up to SIL 4) ProSafe-SLS

    ProSafe-SLS is een solid-state controller met inherent faalveilige prestaties en een respons van 10 ms. Het is een oplossing voor veiligheidseisen met een hoge integriteit en wordt gebruikt in pijpleidingbeveiligingssystemen onder water en op het land. Het is de meest betrouwbare oplossing voor ruige omgevingen gebleken.

  • Software Based Solution Sustainable SIS

    Sustainable SIS is een op software gebaseerde oplossing voor het optimaliseren en verbeteren van de procesveiligheid, geïntegreerd met ProSafe-RS en ProSafe-SLS. Het zorgt voor altijd groene veiligheidsprestaties met optimale OPEX (Operating Expense) gedurende de gehele veiligheidslevenscyclus.



De Prosafe-serie die een breed scala aan SIL-normen dekt

De ProSafe-serie is een product dat is gecertificeerd voor het Safety Integrity Level (SIL) door een externe certificeringsinstantie. De ProSafe-serie heeft een reeks van drie modellen, SIL2 (ProSafe-RS Lite), SIL3 (ProSafe-RS) en SIL4 (ProSafe-SLS), en omvat een breed scala aan SIL-standaarden.

SIS (Up to SIL 2) ProSafe-RS Lite

SIS (Up to SIL 2) ProSafe-RS Lite thumbnail

ProSafe-RS Lite voldoet aan de internationale veiligheidsnorm voor toepassingen tot SIL2. U kunt voor de ProSafe serie kiezen uit SIL2 (ProSafe-RS Lite), SIL3 (ProSafe-RS) en SIL4 (ProSafe-SLS). Als uitgebreide SIS-leverancier zal Yokogawa uw functionele safety management volledig ondersteunen gedurende de gehele levenscyclus van de installatie.

SIS (Up to SIL 3) ProSafe-RS

SIS (Up to SIL 3) ProSafe-RS thumbnail

De ProSafe-RS is een Safety Instrumented System dat is gecertificeerd door de Duitse certificeringsorganisatie TÜV om te voldoen aan Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3, zoals gespecificeerd in IEC 61508.

Solid-state SIS (Up to SIL 4) ProSafe-SLS

Solid-state SIS (Up to SIL 4) ProSafe-SLS thumbnail

ProSafe-SLS is een solid-state controller met inherent faalveilige prestaties en een respons van 10 ms. Het is een oplossing voor veiligheidseisen met een hoge integriteit en wordt gebruikt in pijpleidingbeveiligingssystemen onder water en op het land. Het is de meest betrouwbare oplossing voor ruige omgevingen gebleken.

Software Based Solution Sustainable SIS

Software Based Solution Sustainable SIS thumbnail

Sustainable SIS is een op software gebaseerde oplossing voor het optimaliseren en verbeteren van de procesveiligheid, geïntegreerd met ProSafe-RS en ProSafe-SLS. Het zorgt voor altijd groene veiligheidsprestaties met optimale OPEX (Operating Expense) gedurende de gehele veiligheidslevenscyclus.

Safety Consultancy Service

Yokogawa is committed to supplying industrial safety systems that meet the IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 standards. Safety management plays an increasingly crucial role in many process plants today, and widely recognized safety standards such as IEC 61508, IEC 61511 and ISA 84.00.01 have been instrumental in fostering more stringent safety requirements in process plants worldwide.
At Yokogawa a department of specialists guarantees adherence to safety standards and issues Safety Assessment Certificates for individual applications.
For more information, please go to the Yokogawa Europe website.

Trainings of the TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Program

TÜV Rheinland logoYokogawa has become a course provider for the TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Program of TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH.
For more information, please visit "Trainings of the TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Program."


  • Modern waste to energy facility in UK uses CENTUM CS 3000 and ProSafe-RS
  • Lakeside exports at least 34MW per hour to the country's national grid
  • Operational Excellence by Asset Maximization, Utilizing Yokogawa's DCS, SIS, Analyzers, and Field Instruments.
  • The CENTUM VP PCS and ProSafe-RS SIS were integrated using the same engineering environment.
  • Nearly 60 gas chromatographs and a large number of other types of analyzers in several analyzer houses.
  • Integrated CENTUM VP and ProSafe-RS Systems Ensure Nonstop Operation of ADU/DKU Processes.
  • "This is a real VigilantPlant! We will continue to improve our production efficiency."
  • Legacy ProSafe-PLC SIS replaced with ProSafe-RS to improve sustainable lifecycle support at LNG terminal.
  • The seamless use of the same HMI for both PCS and SIS, and improved safety and integrity.

Sandi Electricity Company selected Yokogawa to replace Foxboro IA Series at its power plant.
Yokogawa carefully extracted the configuration of old systems and successfully replaced with CENTUM VP and ProSafe-RS.

  • Online hot cut over from the legacy Honeywell TDC3000 to the Yokogawa CENTUM CS 3000.
  • The work was successfully completed 48 days ahead of schedule and without disruption to operations.
  • Completion of First FPSO Project for Prosafe Production Services Pte Ltd
  • Integrated Control & Safety System (ICSS) makes possible centralised plant supervision and management of all control and safety functions on this FPSO.
  • HMEL selected an integrated solution from Yokogawa
  • Yokogawa India oversaw and implemented the engineering, installation, and commissioning of the refinery
  • Reinstrumentation project at HDPE plant replaced legacy pneumatic instruments and PLCs with integrated CENTUM CS 3000 PCS and ProSafe-RS SIS.
  • HART field devices can be monitored from the central control room with the plant resource manager (PRM) package, enabling a more predictive and proactive maintenance approach that reduces total cost of ownership.

Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) is the Netherlands' largest natural gas producer. In addition to onshore fields, NAM operates manned platforms and four unmanned monotowers in 19 offshore locations. These connect to a pipeline network that comes ashore at Den Helder. 

  • The work was based on a preceisely formulated roadmap with detailed checklists for every control cabinet, process station, and network component.
  • The seamless use of the same HMI for both PCS and SIS, and improved safety and integrity.

Yokogawa CENTUM VP and SIS were selected for the Evonik Oxeno's BTX facility expansion project.
CENTUM provides the operational transparency, and more efficient diagnosis of compressors which are the heart of the facility.

  • Yokogawa joined forces with Air Liquide to co-innovate the step-by-step revamping plan based on Air Liquide's specific requirements.
  • Customer was satisfied that Yokogawa was able to deliver its solutions on time and on budget.
  • Extremely cost-effective, reliable fieldbus solution to revive control system
  • Minimized total cost of ownership and maximized total value of ownership

In maintaining and managing industrial plants, monitoring waste water pH/ORP is both a legal obligation and an unavoidable necessity for protecting the environment. Monitoring without an attentive eye can lead to severe consequences.


Recently, several ARC Advisory Group analysts and management team members had a chance to sit down with the new Yokogawa President and COO, Mr. Takashi Nishijima, and several other top Yokogawa executives to discuss the company's burgeoning presence in the worldwide upstream and midstream oil & gas industry.


Yokogawa has come a long way in making its message clear to the world of process automation. Last year, the company embarked on a full-scale global marketing campaign to make customers aware of the company's focus on system reliability, security, dependability, and robustness. Dubbed "Vigilance", the campaign created a unified message for the company and greatly helped expand awareness of the Yokogawa brand and corporate philosophy.


Process automation end users are under more pressure than ever to do more with less. The current economic climate means that many automation capital projects are on hold. With capital budgets tighter than ever, users instead focus on operational budgets (where cost cutting is also a key concern), or on automation investments with a very rapid return on investment.

Technische rapporten

There are already safety systems on the market that have achieved safety integrity level SIL3 of the functional safety standard, IEC61508. However, most of them have achieved SIL3 by conversion of modules into dual-redundant or triplex form.

Technische rapporten

The recent variety of industrial and railway accidents happening right before our very eyes make us painfully aware that "safety" must be put first and foremost. "Safety first" is a concept accepted by everyone and there is no room for disagreement. However, the author feels that, in some cases, the concrete objectives of "safety first" are not actually clear, and the grasp of the hazards is insufficient.


In recent years it has become increasingly common for plants to be provided not only with the control layer of a production control system (DCS, etc.), but also with the protection layer of a safety instrumented system (SIS) to reduce the risk of industrial accidents. The safety instrumented system is indispensable for avoiding risks to a plant failure.


Instrumentation devices and equipment serve for plants as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin, which are responsible for the five senses, and act as the central nervous system and brain do for human beings. The reliability and availability of such devices and equipment are the most important requirements of customers.


Upgrading and renewal of plant facilities, including production control systems and safety instrumented systems, are essential for maintaining safe and efficient plant operation. Even though these activities are categorized as R&R, they require investment and customers are often required to evaluate the profitability for obtaining approval.

Technische rapporten

Environment and safety are major topics on a global scale in recent times. As symbolized by the effectuation of the Kyoto Protocol, an interest in preserving the environment is growing worldwide, and there is also a tendency to criticize more severely, occurrences of industrial accidents that are accompanied by environmental contamination or which may cause damage, etc., to residents in the surrounding areas.


Conventional safety instrumented system (SIS) is typically installed separated from a distributed control system (DCS) to eliminate interference from the DCS and assure safety. However, users increasingly wish to integrate SIS with DCS while maintaining the safety of safety controllers.


August 2006

Many published papers discuss the benefits of subsea HIPPS and many studies show the potential cost-benefit analysis of this technology in deepwater applications. An internet search for subsea HIPPS is informative; however, little appears that discusses the systems already delivered and operating successfully.


September 2006

Launched in February 2005, Yokogawa's ProSafe-RS safety instrumented system (SIS) quickly gained a significant share of the market. Just 18 months later, 100 units had been sold-quite a feat considering the generally conservative nature of the SIS market. So what is behind this rapid success?


April/May 2007

A Yokogawa ProSafe-RS safety instrumented system (SIS) will be the nucleus of a new fire and gas safety system at Shell's Clyde (NSW) refinery. The contract includes the control system, system engineering and installation and supervision.



ProSafe-RS is Yokogawa's IEC61508 and ANSI/ISA 84 compliant safety system. It has been used in over 2,400 projects, ranging from large scale integrated process automation projects to stand-alone solutions. 


Yokogawa's first SIL 2 product, ProSafe-RS Lite, inherits the highly reliable technology of ProSafe-RS, and by combining with CENTUM VP/ProSafe-RS, enables integrated operation that includes process and safety control.


Yokogawa South Africa was appointed to design, supply and commission the Integrated Control and Safety System (ICSS) as well as the overall Terminal Management System at Sunrise Energy’s liquid petroleum gas (LPG) Import Terminal, the largest on- and offshore open-access LPG import terminal facility in Africa. Yokogawa’s Terminal Management System, Terminal Logistic Suite VP (TLSVP), was designed and developed to meet the exacting operational demands and logistic needs in terminals. Yokogawa’s experienced engineering resources ensured the project was successfully delivered, enabling Sunrise Energy to provide accurate mass balances and efficient terminal operations to its customers.


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