Executive Summary
Smooth Migration to CENTUM CS 3000 at Production
Facility Operated by The Polyolefin Company (Singapore)
First started operation in February 1984, the Polyolefin Company (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (TPC) was the first company to launch large-scale production of polyolefin in Southeast Asia. The company expanded its manufacturing plant in 1997. This has enabled TPC to become one of the largest and most successful polyolefin producers in the region.
TPC's facility originally relied on a Yokogawa CENTUM XL control system. This system proved to be highly reliable and no major problems were encountered for the more than 15 years that it was in operation. Due to the announcement of the end of service for CENTUM XL, TPC decided to replace this with an all new CENTUM CS 3000 system.
Working rapidly, Yokogawa Engineering Asia successfully migrated the existing CENTUM XL system and trend recorder consoles over to the CS 3000 in a very short period.
Product storage
The Challenges and the Solutions
The first challenge with replacing the CENTUM XL system was making sure there would be no disruptions in plant operations. While the pellet transfer section previously relied on customized software, it now uses the CS Batch 3000 package. Thanks to the good capabilities of this software, it was very easy to make modifications to product transfer.
The second challenge was the need to minimize shutdown time, with the goal of continuing operations around the clock, 365 days a year. The high reliability of Yokogawa's CS 3000 system ensured that operations could continue nonstop, meeting TPC's high expectations.
The plant also had to comply with Singapore's stringent environmental protection regulations. With the new CENTUM CS 3000 system, data from combustible gas sensors set up all over the plant to detect gas leaks can be monitored on the human interface station (HIS) in the central control room, ensuring timely detection and response.
In addition to the above, training for new plant operators and engineers was provided at Yokogawa Engineering Asia's training center. Here, TPC personnel mastered the fundamentals of measurement and control strategy, gained experience in operating a production control system, and learned how to perform system configuration.


Customer Satisfaction
Peter Tan, Deputy Instrument Manager for TPC, said, "We are very happy to use Yokogawa's system and products because of their high reliability and Yokogawa's good service support."
Bulk en petrochemisch
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Als marktleider voorziet Yokogawa wereldwijd in de automatiseringsbehoeften van de bulkchemiemarkt. Met producten, oplossingen en industrie-expertise begrijpt Yokogawa uw markt- en productiebehoeften en werkt met u samen om een betrouwbare en kosteneffectieve oplossing te bieden gedurende de gehele levenscyclus van uw fabriek.