Highly Reliable Yokogawa Flowmeters and Transmitters Installed in the State-of-the-art Water Reclamation Plant in Singapore

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Executive Summary

PUB, Singapore
PUB, Singapore

The Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) is an efficient and cost-efficient solution to meet Singapore's long-term needs for used water collection, treatment, reclamation and disposal. Conceptualised and managed by PUB, Singapore's National Water Agency, it was conceived as a cost-effective and sustainable solution to meet Singapore's long-term used water needs.

Components of DTSL (Phase I)
  1. Deep Tunnel Sewers
  2. Changi Water Reclamation Plant
  3. Link Sewer Network
  4. Deep Sea Outfall

The mammoth DTSS (Phase 1 & 2) project consists of two large, deep tunnels crisscrossing the island, two centralised water reclamation plants, deep sea outfall pipes and a link sewer network.

Phase 1: Completed in 2008
Phase 1: Completed in 2008

Completed in 2008, Phase 1 of the DTSS comprises a 48km long deep tunnel sewer running from Kranji to Changi, a centralised water reclamation plant at Changi, two 5 km long deep sea outfall pipes and 60km of link sewer.

NEWater storage tanks
NEWater storage tanks

The heart of the DTSS, the Changi Water Reclamation Plant (Changi WRP) is a state-of-the-art used water plant capable of treating 800,000 cubic metres (176 million gallons) or 320 Olympic size swimming pools of used water a day to international standards. The treated used water is then discharged into the sea through deep sea outfall pipes or channelled to the Changi NEWater factory on the rooftop of the reclamation plant where it is further purified through advanced membrane technologies into NEWater, Singapore's own brand of reclaimed water.

Crowned 'Water Project of the Year' at the Global Water Awards 2009 in Zurich, Switzerland on 28 April 2009, the DTSS was selected as the water project with the most significant contribution to water technology and environmental protection. The annual Global Water Awards is widely recognised as one of the most prestigious symbols of achievement in the global water industry.

Yokogawa Engineering Asia was selected as the instrument supplier for this megaproject, as part of which it successfully installed more than 1,000 pressure transmitters, level transmitters, magnetic flowmeters, and pH analyzers.

Changi WRP overview

Changi WRP overview

The Challenges and the Solutions

One of the key challenges was field device management through PROFIBUS. PROFIBUS incorporates the field device tool/device type manager (FDT/DTM) technology, which enables the monitoring of measured data and the configuration of devices from the operator stations in a central control room. With these requirements in mind, the devices installed in the DTSS were all designed to the PROFIBUS specifications.

The other challenge was the large 2.4 meter diameter of the sewage pipes from the influent pump station at the Changi WRP. Prior to the installation of two 2.4 meter Yokogawa magnetic flow meters, flow tests were executed at a Yokogawa test facility in China that was sufficiently large to handle tests on this scale. In the presence of the customer's project managers, the flow meters were tested for a three minute period of time to verify that they measured flow with the required level of accuracy and repeatability. Following the successful completion of these tests, the flow meters were shipped to Singapore.

Deep tunnel sewage system (DTSS)

Deep tunnel sewage system (DTSS)

Yokogawa flowmeter for 2.4 meter diameter pipe

Yokogawa flowmeter for 2.4 meter diameter pipe

A row of Yokogawa magnetic flowmeters

A row of Yokogawa magnetic flowmeters

The Benefits

By means of PROFIBUS, data and device monitoring and control can be carried out from the central control room, eliminating the need for site patrols. This reduces maintenance costs and maximizes efficiency by enabling quick and timely operator responses.

The high reliability and accuracy of our field devices reduces the likelihood of failures and contributes to the minimization of maintenance costs over the entire plant lifecycle. 

Delivered Products

AXF series magnetic flow meters, EJA series pressure/differential pressure transmitters, and pH analyzers


  • Afvalwaterbehandeling

    Bij afvalwaterzuiveringsinstallaties zijn veel apparaten betrokken, zoals motoren, pompen en ventilatoren, waardoor het belangrijk is om het elektriciteitsverbruik te verminderen en de bedrijfskosten te besparen. Yokogawa biedt optimale besturingsoplossingen met digitale technologieën om de energie-efficiëntie te verbeteren.

  • Water en afvalwater

    Waterbronnen zijn eindig en daarom is het bijdragen aan een duurzame watercyclus een van de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDG's). Yokogawa levert al jaren geavanceerde digitale besturingsoplossingen voor de stabiele levering van schoon en veilig water en de behandeling van afvalwater ter bescherming van het watermilieu. Maar ook het beheren van waterverliezen en de optimalisatie van de werking van installaties ter vermindering van de CO2-uitstoot en de bedrijfskosten.

    Yokogawa ondersteunt een breed scala aan waterbesturingstoepassingen in zowel waterschappen als de industriële watermarkt. Met onze toonaangevende technologieën, betrouwbare producten, uitgebreide expertise en ervaring met diverse waterprojecten over de hele wereld, werken wij met u samen om duurzame wateroplossingen te bieden die uw bedrijf een impuls geven en waarde toevoegen gedurende de gehele levenscyclus van de installatie.

  • Waterbehandeling

    Yokogawa levert optimale oplossingen om de betrouwbare werking van waterbehandelingsinstallaties te verbeteren. Deze oplossingen omvatten geavanceerde technologieën, onovertroffen productkwaliteit, en uitgebreide applicatie kennis gedurende de gehele levenscyclus.


Gerelateerde producten & oplossingen


    The AXF magnetic flow meter is a sophisticated product with outstanding reliability and ease of operation, developed on the basis of decades of field experience. Based on FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus specifications, AXF Fieldbus Magnetic Flow meter models offer more flexible instrumentation.

  • pH and ORP Sensors

    pH electrodes and sensors are the sensing portions of a pH measurement. Various installation options including retractable, flow thru, immersion, and direct insertion. Proper pH electrode/sensor selection is critical for optimal measurement results.

