Chevron Turns to Deeper Relationships with Fewer Suppliers to Increase Project Execution Consistency
by Keith Larson
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"It used to be lowest cost; now the emphasis is on value." Chevron's Roy Corbett on the company's increased reliance on main automation contractor (MAC) relationships for capital project execution. |
Even when you're a global energy player like Chevron, managing complex "mega" projects presents a tall order. Indeed, over the past 10 years, the project management workload of Chevron's internal project management arm, Chevron Energy Technology Company (ETC ), has grown from perhaps eight at any given time to several dozen simultaneous projects today. A main automation contractor (MAC) relationship with Yokogawa has helped Chevron in its efforts to standardize its project approach and become more consistent and efficient, according to Roy Corbett, technical team lead for MAC within Chevron ETC 's Process Automation Unit. Corbett shared how the company has leveraged its MAC methodology together with other work process improvements at this week's Yokogawa Users Group Americas meeting in Houston.
Chevron's Enterprise Automation Strategy to achieve "flawless automation" is based on three primary initiatives, Corbett said. First, the company uses a more limited number of suppliers, which is intended to promote deeper levels of mutual expertise and understanding between the user and supplier organizations. Second, where possible and practical, Chevron will promote the use of common work processes and drive standardization globally. Third, it will optimize project execution by using MAC contracts with a more select group of suppliers to ensure that Chevron standards are met on a consistent basis. "It used to be lowest cost; now the emphasis is on value," Corbett said. "We're relying on much closer collaboration with our suppliers to raise our game." "It used to be lowest cost; now the emphasis is on value." Chevron's Roy Corbett on the company's increased reliance on main automation contractor (MAC) relationships for capital project execution
Closer Collaboration, Deeper Understanding
Chevron's MAC relationships in turn are based on Alliance Supplier Relationship (ASR ) agreements, which stipulate twice-annual, executive-level meetings to set objectives and report on progress. The ASR core team meets every six weeks during the course of a project. These meetings also provide a venue for Chevron to provide Yokogawa with longerterm input, to influence their technology roadmap, Corbett explained. "It's not all sunshine and roses," Corbett added, "but there a commitment on both sides to resolve any issues."
Chevron also has created an "Automation Toolkit" that is intended to help standardize and streamline 80% of project effort, while leaving room to accommodate aspects unique to any given project. "We're looking for commonality from one project to the next," Corbett said. "The Toolkit consists of best practices for achieving Chevron engineering standards with Yokogawa technology."
Now that several projects implemented using Chevron's MAC approach and Automation Toolkit are about to come online, Chevron is looking to document advances in execution time, capital expense and return on investment achieved, Corbett said. Some additional measures are anecdotal, but telling; for example, the number of alarms on day one of operation. "If that number is 10,000 it really tells you something!"
Offshore (FPSO FLNG & FSRU)
Offshore exploratie en productie vereist maximale uptime onder zware omstandigheden. Bemande en onbemande installaties hebben behoefte aan betrouwbare geïntegreerde controle- en veiligheidssystemen (ICSS) met geavanceerde mogelijkheden voor bewaking op afstand. Yokogawa beschikt over ultramoderne technologie en uitgebreide ervaring in de uitvoering van offshore projecten van elke omvang en complexiteit van de automatisering.
Olie & gas
Yokogawa heeft diepgaande ervaring in elk deel van de olie- en gasindustrie. Van offshore- en onshore-installaties tot pijpleidingen, terminals en diepwateractiviteiten. Wij leveren oplossingen die de veiligheid verhogen, een nauwkeurige en betrouwbare werking garanderen en de efficiëntie van de installatie verhogen.
Upstream olie & gas
De upstream-industrie omvat offshore- en onshore-activiteiten, waaronder automatisering van boorputten, raffinage, voltooiing en scheiding om ondergronds of onder water ruwe olie en aardgas te winnen en te bewerken.
Wanneer aardolie naar de oppervlakte wordt gebracht, moet het worden gescheiden voordat het wordt vervoerd. Primaire en secundaire scheidingsfasen verdelen gewoonlijk de gasstroom, waterstroom en oliestroom in een driefasen scheiding. Voor het vervoer van gas is een pijpleiding nodig en kan een raffinageproces in de upstream fase voorafgaand aan het vervoer plaatsvinden. Vloeistoffen kunnen via tanks of pijpleidingen voor verwerking worden verzonden, waarbij nauwkeurige niveaumetingen vereist zijn.