De zon is een onuitputtelijke bron van schone energie, en de mens heeft hier door de eeuwen heen op allerlei manieren gebruik van gemaakt. Tegenwoordig staat het opwekken van zonne-energie over de hele wereld in de belangstelling. Yokogawa zet haar expertise nu ook in om met een volledig geïntegreerde besturings- en bewakingsoplossing voor PV- en CSP-energiecentrales op zonne-energie.
Customer Challenge
Optimizing power generation efficiency by accurately tracking the sun as it moves across the sky
Yokogawa’s STARDOM controller accurately calculates the position of the sun and precisely controls the actuators that keep the mirrors properly aligned with the sun.
Enabling Technologies

STARDOM Controller
The Stardom RTU controller uses the Solar Position Algorithm of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the United States Department of Energy for single- and dual-axis tracking and positioning, and offers an inverter interface via Modbus TCP as well as DNP3 and Modbus RS interface options.

The FAST/TOOLS package optimizes performance for renewable energy applications. It ensures high availability and performance and supports online configuration.

PRM Plant Resource Manager
Plant Resource Manager (PRM) makes predictive maintenance easy. Early detection of system and device malfunctions helps prevent catastrophic failures.

CENTUM VP Integrated Production Control System
The CENTUM VP integrated control system secures interruption-free “uptime only” plant performance for optimal productivity and profitability in the renewable energy field.
Customer Challenge
Presenting different kinds of data in such a way that they can be understood at a glance
Yokogawa’s FAST/TOOLS SCADA system employs a graphical user interface that represents data in a highly intuitive visual format.
Enabling Technologies

The FAST/TOOLS package optimizes performance for renewable energy applications. It ensures high availability and performance and supports online configuration.
Customer Challenge
Large solar collector fields must be managed reliably and efficiently
Yokogawa’s FAST/TOOLS SCADA system can remotely configure the Stardom solar tracking controllers and obtain the detailed performance and status information needed to reliably and efficiently manage a large field of solar collectors. The use of peer to peer communications reduces the communications load for the SCADA system.
Enabling Technologies

The FAST/TOOLS package optimizes performance for renewable energy applications. It ensures high availability and performance and supports online configuration.
Customer Challenge
Integrating the various systems and subsystems throughout a plant so as to optimize efficiency and ensure stable operation
Yokogawa seamlessly integrates the power generation system with subsystems such as the solar collection system and the heat exchange system. This facilitates the monitoring and control of the entire plant, thereby leading to increased efficiency and greater stability.
Customer Challenge
Using battery energy management system (BESS) in order to ensure the stable supply of power to the grid even when there is a dip in poer generation
Yokogawa’s network-based control system with its redundant SCADA helps customer’s stable and profit-maximized operation with following key functions:
• Operation planning and monitoring: Display required information of every BESS integrated in the system in remote control center by multi-screen, and let operators make the setting of schedule for constant power or load following for each BESS.
• Control and operations: Distributing the information to BESS for stable operations such as reference value for demand-power- level, reference-power (active/reactive) from the distribution management center and schedule warning alert.
• Battery monitoring: The charge-discharge rate, charge status and operation status of each battery are displayed.
Concentrated Solar Power Generation Process
A CSP generation system consists of a solar thermal collecting unit, a heat transfer unit, a heat storage unit, and a power generation unit, and is classified into four types according to the solar thermal collection technology: tower, parabolic trough, linear Fresnel, and parabolic dish. All technologies, with the exception of the parabolic dish technology, collect sunlight with reflectors and use the stored heat to produce steam that drives a turbine.
In such systems, the power generation unit is basically the same as that of a thermal power plant. Thus, conventional technologies that have been in practical use can be applied to CSP plants.
Control and Measurement Technologies
Plant-wide Systems and Instrumentation | ||
Processes | ||
Heat Collection and Storage | Turbine | Power System |
- Yokogawa's HXS10 solar controller optimizes conversion efficiency at Australian solar cooling plant
- Accurate sun tracking and visualization of all process data
- Australian National University's "Big Dish" controlled by Yokogawa PLC and FAST/TOOLS SCADA
- FAST/TOOLS benefits us in many ways and allows us to clearly see the entire process, giving us the information we need to take immediate action
TSE proposed to customer a floating solar PV system that floats in water storage pond, cooling ponds, and wastewater ponds in the plant.
Yokogawa's CI Server and FA-M3 PLC contribute to the production of clean power for the plant.
- The NEP Solar team developed the control strategy and the Yokogawa engineers programmed the controller accordingly.
- The FAST/TOOLS software could be installed on the notebook PCs used by the development team, eliminating the need for costly dedicated servers.
Granite Power is a geothermal company that has developed GRANEX®, a patented direct supercritical fluid heat transfer technology for the efficient, eco- nomic, and zero carbon emission generation of electricity from low grade geothermal sources using the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC).
- FAST/TOOLS SCADA system to remotely monitor the optimization of the process and make any required engineering changes to the live system.
- The Yokogawa control system (FAST/TOOLS, STARDOM, HXS10) monitors not only the sunlight but also the weather conditions.
Industrial hydrogen fuel cells can be used to produce hydrogen and oxygen from distilled water as well as run in reverse to generate electricity. Fuel cells can also be used in conjunction with intermittent energy sources like solar or wind to provide regulated continuous energy output.
Power monitoring package SMARTDAC+ GM and UPM100 system measures and quantifies the electrical energy consumption for each assembly line.
More than half a century has passed since Yokogawa developed Japan's first magnetic flow meter for industrial use in 1955, and today, Yokogawa's magnetic flow meters are widely used in a variety of applications thanks to features such as low pressure loss and maintenance-free operation due to no obstacles and moving parts in the fluid flowing pipeline.
In the paperboard market, which is expected to grow in China and other Asian countries, demand for paper color control has recently been increasing. To satisfy this demand, Yokogawa has developed a new color sensor for the B/ M9000VP system, a measurement and control system for both paper and coating machines.
Persbericht december 2, 2021 Yokogawa neemt PXiSE over, een ontwikkelaar van supersnelle besturingssoftware voor netwerken en hernieuwbare energiebronnen
Oplossingen maken een geoptimaliseerde energiedistributie, veerkracht van het elektriciteitsnet en een hoger rendement op assets mogelijk
Persbericht juni 10, 2024 Yokogawa neemt BaxEnergy over, leverancier van beheersoplossingen voor hernieuwbare energie
Bewezen resultaten bij meer dan 120 GW+ aan hernieuwbare energie in meer dan 40 landen
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