Yokogawa Speeds up the Disclosure of Cybersecurity Vulnerability Information by Joining the CVE Numbering Authority

Tokyo, Japan - October 25, 2023

Yokogawa has joined the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Program as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA). As of October 24, 2023 (USA), the company is authorized to assign CVE IDs to cybersecurity vulnerabilities for Yokogawa Group companies' products and Yokogawa Group subsidiaries' products.

Yokogawa provides cybersecurity support over the entire lifecycle of its control systems, from system design and development to construction and operation. In 2008, the company established a Security Competence Laboratory in Singapore to research and stay up to date on the latest advances in IT security technology, and it went on to open similar laboratories in Tokyo, India, and the U.S. In 2014, the company started collecting information on Yokogawa product vulnerabilities and countermeasures, and began disclosing this information in Yokogawa Security Advisory Reports. In accordance with the CVE Program's mission of identifying, defining, cataloging, and publicly disclosing vulnerabilities, Yokogawa included CVE IDs in the Yokogawa Security Advisory Reports. Now, as a CNA, Yokogawa does not need to request and wait for the issuance of a CVE ID, and can therefore quickly disclose information on cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Yokogawa remains vigilant in its efforts to reduce cybersecurity risks with its products. When a vulnerability is found, the company will act as prescribed in the Yokogawa Group Vulnerability Handling Policy and provide whatever support is needed to ensure the security of its customers' assets.

Security Competence Laboratory in Singapore
Security Competence Laboratory in Singapore

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About Yokogawa

Yokogawa provides advanced solutions in the areas of measurement, control, and information to customers across a broad range of industries, including energy, chemicals, materials, pharmaceuticals, and food. Yokogawa addresses customer issues regarding the optimization of production, assets, and the supply chain with the effective application of digital technologies, enabling the transition to autonomous operations.
Founded in Tokyo in 1915, Yokogawa continues to work toward a sustainable society through its 17,500 employees in a global network of 122 companies spanning 61 countries.
For more information, visit www.yokogawa.com 

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