Yokogawa Enhances YS1000 Series Single Loop Controllers

Tokyo, Japan - June 13, 2014

Yokogawa Electric Corporation announces that it has enhanced its YS1000 series single loop controllers, and will be releasing them on June 13 in all markets except Japan. The controllers feature a new thin film transistor (TFT) LCD with improved display characteristics and a design that facilitates easy maintenance.

YS1000 Series Controller
YS1000 Series Controller

Development Background

Single loop controllers are used in a wide variety of industrial facilities such as power plants, oil refineries, petrochemical plants, chemical plants, and iron and steel plants. These controllers receive temperature, flow rate, pressure, and other types of measurement readings from sensors and send corresponding instructions to control elements such as valves in order to maintain these values within a desired range. Each control loop* has its own controller. Single loop controllers are widely used in industry today to control small plant facilities and serve as back-ups to distributed control systems.

Yokogawa released its first analog controllers in the 1960s, and went digital in the 1980s with the release of the microprocessor-equipped YS80 series digital single loop controllers. The company continued to improve its products and followed up by releasing the YS100 series in 1991 and the YS1000 series in 2007. Today, for such reasons as the decline in the number of skilled engineers in the workforce, many of our customers have a need for controllers that are easy to use and maintain. To meet such needs, Yokogawa has improved its YS1000 series controllers.


  1. Improved LCD screen
    Formerly, this product used a super twisted nematic (STN) LCD screen. This has been changed to a TFT LCD screen that has a 1.5 times wider viewing angle. The display contrast and brightness are also notably improved, making the screen much easier to read. In addition, the TFT LCD has a longer lifespan and does not need to be replaced as frequently.
  2. Online replacement
    As controllers typically are used over long periods of time, periodic replacement of the LCD screen is required. With the enhanced YS1000 controllers, the TFT LCD can be replaced while the controller is online, without interrupting the output of signals to control elements; there is no need to switch off the controller before replacing the display.

Major Target Markets

Production sites in a wide variety of industries including power, oil refining, petrochemicals, chemicals, iron and steel, pulp and paper, food, pharmaceuticals, and water and sewage


Operation, monitoring, and control of production facilities

Future Approach

In total, more than 30,000 YS1000 series single loop controllers have been delivered to a variety of plants worldwide. The new YS1000 controllers offer improved displays that are easier to read and maintain, and their completely updated design ensures that they will be available for years to come. As a leading supplier of single loop controllers, Yokogawa is committed to meeting its customers' needs.

* Control loop: a process control unit in which measurement data from a sensor is used to perform a calculation based on which a signal is output to a final control element such as a valve in order to bring a value within a desired target range.


About Yokogawa


Yokogawa's global network of 88 companies spans 55 countries. Founded in 1915, the US$4 billion company conducts cutting-edge research and innovation. Yokogawa is engaged in the industrial automation and control (IA), test and measurement, and other businesses segments. The IA segment plays a vital role in a wide range of industries including oil, chemicals, natural gas, power, iron and steel, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, and food. For more information about Yokogawa, please visit the website www.yokogawa.com 

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