2008 Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Industrial Technologies Awards
DCS Company of the Year Yokogawa Engineering Asia
The 2008 Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific Company of the Year Award for Distributed Control System (DCS) market is presented to Yokogawa. Yokogawa is the market leader with a dominant market share in the Asia Pacific market. The company has attained this position through its high quality of engineering support and service, competitive price and its concentration on high revenue end users.
Strong presence in Asia Pacific with well set-up support and service structure
As service becomes an increasingly important differentiating factor between DCS manufacturers, Yokogawa is concentrating on this aspect with high emphasis on customer satisfaction. Yokogawa has a strong presence in Asia Pacific with regional headquarters in Singapore and group companies in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
Singapore is also significant to Yokogawa; Yokogawa Singapore's manufacturing, sales, engineering and service functions are headquartered in a new, highly automated S$30 million complex which is fully equipped with the latest machines and devices in measurement, control and information management. Yokogawa handles operations from here to Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam supported by local operations.
Yokogawa's regional presence and availability is coupled with its service offerings which cover maintenance, alarm management, simulation, advanced control & optimization, information technology integration and training.
Concentration on High Revenue Verticals
Yokogawa has built its customer base primarily around the oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical segments. In 2007, Oil and gas accounted for the largest share of total automation and software revenues with just over 20.0 percent of the total revenue in Asia Pacific. Chemical and Petrochemicals were also a significant user of automation with almost 14.0 percent of the total revenues. Yokogawa has been able to build up experience and confidence from end users in these segments to become the leading DCS supplier in these segments. Successful installations as well as good relations with multinational users have enabled Yokogawa to secure projects in both the oil and gas and chemicals/petrochemical segments and it is the leading supplier in these end user segments in Asia Pacific contributing heavily to its revenue.
Lowest lifecycle cost of ownership
Yokogawa's Stardom and Centum products have a track record of low lifecycle costs. Several major international users attest this fact and have chosen Yokogowa as a preferred supplier. A part of this can be attributed to lower migration costs. This is due to continual product evolution and backwards compatibility, all the way back to the first DCS release in 1975. This can also be attributed to the assured continued compatibility in the future. Yokogawa also follows distributed manufacturing for its DCS products in Singapore, China, and USA allowing for quicker and lower cost delivery than many of its competitors.
Brand Value
Due to its continued success in implementing projects both in Asia Pacific and other countries in the South East Asian Region, Yokogawa has built a strong brand value around its products and services. This brand value confers confidence upon conservative Asia Pacific customers to choose Yokogawa as their DCS vendor.
Market Leadership in Individual Countries
Yokogawa has been successful in building up strong customer bases in key Asia Pacific countries. It enjoys leading market shares in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand DCS markets. It also enjoys market leadership status in Australia and New Zealand. These countries are significant revenue segments in the Asia Pacific Market. From these leading positions as well as strong positions in remaining countries Yokogawa has been able to build up its market share in 2007 to lead in the overall Asia Pacific DCS market.
Yokogawa's vision of being the top industrial automation player by 2010 drives the organization to achieve its goal. Yokogawa's philosophy in Asia Pacific is to provide high value-added solutions that satisfy the evolving needs of customers, to capitalize on opportunities in the Asia Pacific market, to contribute unique Asia Pacific capabilities to Yokogawa group, and to maximize its contribution to Yokogawa's overall profitability. Through its involved presence in the Asia Pacific market, product and service strength and cost competitiveness Yokogawa has gained a dominant market share in the Asia Pacific DCS market in 2007. As a result Frost & Sullivan presents Yokogawa with the 2008 Frost & Sullivan Award for Market Leadership in the Asia Pacific DCS Market.
Award Description
The Frost & Sullivan Award for Market Leadership is given to the company that has exhibited market share leadership through the implementation of market strategy. The recipient has displayed excellence in all areas of the market leadership process, including the identification of market challenges, drivers and restraints, as well as strategy development and methods of addressing these market dynamics. Furthermore, the Award recipient has continually demonstrated solutions for monitoring market changes and for implementing superior market strategies. By utilizing these strategies for success, the company has established itself as the market share leader in its respective industry.
Measurement Criteria
In addition to the methodology described above, there are specific criteria used to ascertain final competitor ranking in this industry. The recipient has excelled in one or more of the following criteria:
- Market share position
- Number of products in market
- Market and technology innovation
Research Methodology
To choose the recipient of this Award, the analysts track competitor revenue and market share within the industry. This is achieved through interviews with market participants and extensive secondary research of proprietary data sources. Frost & Sullivan then presents the Award to the company that achieved the highest market share.
About Best Practices
Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary research in order to identify best practices in the industry. www.awards.frost.com
About Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, partners with clients to accelerate their growth. The company's TEAM Research, its Growth Consulting and its Growth Team Membership empower clients to create a growth-focused culture that generates, evaluates and implements effective growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan employs over 45 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from more than 30 offices on six continents. For more information about Frost & Sullivan's Growth Partnerships, visit www.frost.com .
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