Data Loggers

Industry-Recognized Data Logger

For a data logger to monitor, test, and analyze asset health and performance, it records sensor data over long periods of time. Yokogawa data loggers surpass the scalability of standard data loggers by utilizing a proprietary block architecture that enables you to easily and flexibly combine various modules, and add expansion modules for up to 450 ch of input (GX/GP). They offer superior savings on rewiring labor and maintenance because you can add or remove modules even after installation.

>> Module groups corresponding for various Applications/Measurement targets.

Our data loggers are recognized in the industry for their outstanding measurement accuracy, reliability, noise resistance, and ease-of-use. They support US FDA 21 CFR Part11 (regulations on electronic records and electronic signatures), EU-GMP Annex11, and other associated guidelines for data management as required for development and manufacture in the pharmaceutical and foodstuff industries.
Data Loggers also support data integrity in accordance with ALCOA+. In addition, AMS2750E which is required for heat treatment in the aerospace industry is supported.

Data Loggers

- Connection communication function : 920MHz wireless connection, Modbus/TCP, Modbus/RTU, EtherNet/IP, SLMP, OPC-UA, Bluetooth (GM10)
- Network function : HTTP, FTP, SNTP, DHCP, E-mail (SMTP)

  • Modular GM10

    For industrial and lab applications, the GM10 offers Bluetooth wireless connection and modular I/O that offers accurate and reliable measurements. The GM10 also supports 920 MHz band wireless communication.

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  • Touch Screen GX10/GX20

    • SMARTDAC+ Touch Screen GX10/GX20
    • Multi-point touch screen recorder
    • Intuitive design
    • Web functionality
    • Scalable
    • GX20 supports 920 MHz band wireless 
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  • Touch Screen GP10/GP20

    • SMARTDAC+TM GP10/GP20 Yokogawa Data Logger
    • Paperless recorder
    • Intuitive, human-centric design
    • Web-enabled functionality
    • Scalable architecture
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  • GX70SM wireless input unit for SMART 920

    The compact and battery-powered analog input module GX70SM uses 920 MHz radio link to connect to the GX20, GP20, or GM10. It can collect a variety of data points from locations that cannot be easily reached or are difficult and expensive to access. Sales area : US and Japan only.

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  • Product Finder

    This web tool makes it easier to find products according to the application, measurement conditions and required specifications.

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Data Loggers support various applications and measurements up to 450 channels (GX/GP).

The fully modular I/O design allows you to build the system with the channels you need today, and expand the unit's capability any time in the future by purchasing and installing additional modules.

Module/Unit Main unit
Name Measurement/Application Model
Analog input module DC voltage, DC current, thermocouple, RTD, contact GX90XA GM10, GX, GP
High withstand voltage AI module: Max. common mode voltage 600V GX90XA-10-V1
High Speed AI GX90XA-04-H0
4-wire RTD, 4-wire resistance (solid state relay scanner type) GX90XA-06-R1
Analog output module Current output GX90YA
Digital input module Remote control input or operation recording GX90XD
Digital output module Alarm output GX90YD
Digital input/output module Remote control input or operation recording/alarm output GX90WD
Pulse intput module Pulse signal data acquisition, integral count GX90XP
PID control module PID module GX90UT
Wireless input unit for SMART 920 Wireless, temperature, humidity GX70SM*

* Used in combination with the main unit.


Descripción General:

La sosa cáustica y ácido clorhídrico, producida en las plantas electrolizadoras, son materiales fundamentales utilizados en varias industrias; químicas, farmacéuticas, petroquímicas, pulpa y papeles, etc. El beneficio es el resultado de la producción efectiva con costos de explotación/mantenimiento mínimos. El control adecuado del proceso genera estabilizado productos de calidad estables con una gran ganancia operativa.

Descripción General:

A leading handler of specialty fluids was looking for a solution to manage various tank farms at many remote locations. The first application was to monitor level and temperature of asphalt storage tanks while performing light control duties including blending. The solution required data-logging, discrete control and a local operator interface for alarm monitoring and blending batches of asphalt.

Descripción General:

A major soft drink manufacturer dictates strict quality control standards to companies that manufacture vending machines, coolers, and dispensing equipment that handle the branded products of the company. The company operates an engineering lab at corporate headquarters in Atlanta where numerous environmental rooms can simulate any climate condition where a vending machine or cooler may operate.

Descripción General:

A leading manufacturer of fire protection and safety equipment runs multiple tests in a simulated environment to determine if their products will perform to specifications. The existing test procedure was a manual process that required data and reports to be completed by an operator using a combination of a notepad and a spreadsheet.

Descripción General:

In the transportation industry, vehicle manufacturers perform a wide range of performance and durability tests on the complex systems that comprise a modern vehicle. Test parameters cover an equally wide range and include an extensive amount of temperature, pressure, flow, vibration, speed and electrical parameter measurements.

Descripción General:

A leading manufacturer of high shear fluid processors was looking for a solution to provide secure, stable pressure readings. The speed of the process typically demands a very fast data-logger with enough intelligence to filter out noise while providing accurate results.

Descripción General:

A manufacturer of lime using an Allen-Bradley Series 5 PLC wanted local data viewing and network connectivity. The PLC was wired directly to a rotary kiln and measured kiln temperature, pressure, rotary speed and material feed rate.

Descripción General:

A large OEM parts supplier to the automotive industry has been a Yokogawa customer for several years. In the past, Yokogawa sold the customer field instruments and data logging equipment for measuring and recording environmental conditions within their facility.

AI Product Solution Book  
(ai product solution book download)
Yokogawa Technical Report
Descripción General:

The development of difficult to recover unconventional energy resources, is progressing. Figure 1 shows an example of how unconventional heavy oil is extracted from tar sand by reducing its viscosity with steam. To ensure efficient mining, changes in the underground temperature distribution will need to be monitored.

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