pH and ORP Analyzers


What Are pH and ORP Analyzers?

Obtaining accurate pH and ORP measurements and interpreting this data correctly is critical for ensuring product quality and making accurate predictions of sensor lifetime.

Yokogawa’s pH and ORP measurement solutions include 2-wire and 4-wire analyzers featuring real-time online sensor diagnostics to provide reliable results. Using the latest analyzer technology, our pH and ORP analyzers improve predictive maintenance and reduce the time and costs associated with sensor maintenance and replacement, optimizing your OPEX.



  FLXA402 FLXA202/FLXA21

Area Classification General Purpose
Class I Div II
General Purpose
Class I Div I
Class I Div II
Power Supply 110VAC, 24VDC
24VDC loop-powered
Communication 4-20mA, HART, Modbus
(Ethernet, RS-485), Bluetooth
4-20mA, HART, FF and PA*
Contacts and Relays 4 SPDT relays None

*FF (FOUNDATION Fieldbus) and PA (Profibus) communication only available in FLXA21


What Are the Applications for pH and ORP Analyzers?

Optimize and eliminate surprise field maintenance, calibration, and system configuration by utilizing real-time sensor diagnostic and predictive maintenance features built into Yokogawa pH and ORP analyzers.

Pure Water and Ultrapure Water

Purified water has very low conductivity, which means it is highly resistant because all the conductive components have been removed. Low conductive solutions combined with their susceptibility to contamination and temperature effects, make accurate pH measurement very difficult. Pure water and ultrapure water are used in a variety of industrial processes such as semiconductor, power, water, and pharmaceutical industries.

Achieving accurate and reliable readings using a traditional pH analyzer is challenging. However, stable and accurate pure water pH measurements can be accomplished with the right equipment. 

Water and Wastewater

Water quality is crucial in all areas of life to process industrial automation. Applications such as aquaculture and chromium wastewater treatment rely on accurate pH and ORP measurements to ensure safe pH levels or proper control of chromium reduction processes.

Yokogawa's 4-wire and 2-wire pH analyzer solutions with suitable immersion fittings and sensors are ideal for measuring these crucial pH and ORP measurements.

Pulp and Paper

The demanding applications and severe process conditions in pulp mills pose challenges for accurate, repeatable, and reliable liquid analysis measurements. Treating wastewater from pulp and paper plants requires maintaining proper pH levels, which can be controlled by referring to a pH analyzer.

Yokogawa pH and ORP analyzers include real-time sensor diagnostic and predictive maintenance features to continuously and stably measure pH levels, eliminate the need for frequent manual cleaning, and enable efficient use of flocculating agents.


The chemical industry presents multiple challenges such as chemical attacks, maintenance, safety, consistency, and reliability to any liquid analysis measurement. In flue gas desulfurization systems that use magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) slurry, the consumption of the desulfurization agent (Mg(OH)2) is controlled using online pH analyzers.

Yokogawa’s pH measurement solutions ensure stable, continuous pH measurement over long periods, reduce operating costs and eliminate manual cleaning.


Descripción General:

Optimizing ORP measurements for reliable chlorine control in cooling tower applications is essential for maintaining water quality, preventing corrosion, and ensuring work health and safety.

Descripción General:

Dairy wastewater is a mixture of organic compounds, suspended solids, fats, and bacteria that can produce a film or coating on equipment in the process. 

Descripción General:

Control of sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration at a salt dissolver where solid salt is dissolved in water, is highly important because of the electrolysis efficiency. A conventional way of measuring the concentration of supersaturated NaCl solution had been performed by using non-contact type sensors (e.g., γ-ray density meter) since NaCl, impurities, and precipitates are in the solution.

Descripción General:

La sosa cáustica y ácido clorhídrico, producida en las plantas electrolizadoras, son materiales fundamentales utilizados en varias industrias; químicas, farmacéuticas, petroquímicas, pulpa y papeles, etc. El beneficio es el resultado de la producción efectiva con costos de explotación/mantenimiento mínimos. El control adecuado del proceso genera estabilizado productos de calidad estables con una gran ganancia operativa.

Descripción General:

Problems at the wet end of a paper machine can rarely be corrected downstream. That is why monitoring and controlling pH in pulp stock is critical to the paper-making process. Essentially, at every stage in the manufacture of paper, correct pH values play a vital role. Variations in the pH value at the headbox have a negative effect on the quality of the paper produced. Proper monitoring ensures minimizing plugging and fouling problems that occur with pH measurements in paper mills. 

Descripción General:

Cyanide-bearing wastewater from mining and electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants is toxic and must be treated by oxidation with chlorine or chloride to bring the cyanide concentration within regulatory limits.

Industry:Electrical and Electronics

Descripción General:

The treatment of wastewater from pulp and paper plants is a serious environmental concern. Yokogawa's submersion holder with an ultrasonic+air-jet cleaner (customized product) can reduce the manual cleaning frequency to just once every one or two months.

Descripción General:

Continuous technology improvement is ongoing in the pulp & paper industry to obtain the best possible performance. Problems at the wet end (stock preparation) can rarely be corrected downstream. That is why monitoring and controlling pH in pulp stock is critical to the paper making process. Essentially, at every stage in the manufacture of paper, correct pH values play a vital role.

Descripción General:

Sour Water is the wastewater that is produced from atmospheric and vacuum crude columns at refineries. Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are typical components in sour water that need to be removed before the water can be reused elsewhere in the plant.

Descripción General:

Power plant boiler houses designed to burn coal or high sulfur oil are required by Federal and State pollution regulations to "scrub" (remove) sulfur dioxide from flue gasses to meet emission limits. SO2 in flue gasses is known to be harmful to the environment, as it is one contributor to the formation of acid rain. pH control is critical for the proper functioning of the scrubber system.

Descripción General:

For control of batch neutralization, a pH measurement coupled with a timer-controlled chemical feed scheme provides very satisfactory results.

This system can be adapted for either acid waste or alkaline waste neutralization.

Descripción General:

Wet scrubbers are used in utilities, paper mills, and chemical plants to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other pollutants from gas streams. Undesirable pollutants are removed by contacting the gases with an aqueous solution or slurry containing a sorbent. The most common sorbents are lime, Ca(OH)2, and limestone, CaCO3

Descripción General:

Wastes have been considered to be a serious worldwide environmental problem in recent years. Because of increasing pollution, these wastes should be treated. However, industrial wastes can contain a number of valuable organic components. Recovery of these components is important economically. Using conventional distillation techniques, the separation of acetic acid and water is both impractical and uneconomical, because it often requires large number of trays and a high reflux ratio. In practice special techniques are used depending on the concentration of acetic acid. 

Descripción General:

How integrating advanced pH sensors with temperature compensation, chemical resistance, and a dynamic mounting system can prevent fouling and damage.

Descripción General:

In flue gas desulfurization systems that use magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) slurry, the consumption of the desulfurization agent (Mg(OH)2) is controlled by using online pH analyzers. A great concern in the pH measurement is heavy staining of the pH electrodes by the Mg(OH)2 slurry. To ensure accurate measurement, frequent cleaning of the electrodes with an acid is required, adding to both maintenance workload and cost.

Industry:Chemical, Power

Descripción General:

In stable dispersion of fine particles is the pre-requisite for the selective flocculation technique involving separation of ultra-fine valuable particles from the gangue. Among mineral processing techniques selective flocculation technique is known to have outstanding potential of capturing the particles of particular mineral in slurry of mixed mineral system by selective adsorption of water soluble polymers known as flocculants.

Descripción General:

Wastewater from electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants contains toxic forms of hexavalent chromium such as chromate and dichromate. The hexavalent chromium in this wastewater must be reduced before the water can be discharged. This requires a two-step process: hexavalent chromium (CR6) is reduced to trivalent chromium (CR3); and CR3 is precipitated as chromium hydroxide.

Industry:Electrical and Electronics

Descripción General:

Yokogawa’s Process Liquid Analyzers series help pigment producers achieve a more reliable and accurate analysis of pH during industrial bioprocesses, improving product quality with less total operation costs.

Descripción General:

Fish are totally dependent upon water to breathe, feed, grow, maintain a salt balance, and reproduce. Water quality determines the success or failure of an aquaculture operation.

Descripción General:

In the manufacturing of Glass-Fiber wool for insulation a melt of a material such as glass is inductively heated at a stage intermediate an initial liquefying stage and a refining stage. Induction heating is the process of heating an electrically conducting object (usually a metal) by electromagnetic induction, where eddy currents are generated within the metal and resistance leads to Joule heating of the metal.

Descripción General:

The level of dissolved oxygen is critical to the quality and consistency of any brew. Too little dissolved oxygen results in the fermentation step of the process will lead to: off flavors (e.g. poor removal of diacetyl and acetaldehyde), poor yeast crop in terms of quantity and vitality, and low ester and alcohol production. 

Descripción General:

Many Ethanol plants running today are using a combination style pH electrode with a non-flowing reference to measure pH in the Mash Slurry transfer line from the Mash slurry mix tank to cook. The Mash is being pumped out of the Mash Slurry tank is at approximately 180 °F and 40 to 60 psig.

Descripción General:

Yokogawa’s conductivity transmitters and converters possess USP functions that make this seemingly complex and troublesome requirement pain-free and automatic.

Descripción General:

Optimizing four key factors will decrease pH sensor costs and optimize process control and overall plant efficiency.

Medios de Comunicación
Successful pH Troubleshooting
Edition 2 1
Descripción General:

The accuracy of pH measurements depends upon maintenance; maintenance frequency largely depends upon the application. Understanding and addressing the causes of pH measurement difficulties comprise key to ensuring stable and accurate readings.

The input module you need depends on the Model Number of your FLXA Analyzer.
Descripción General:

The input module you need depends on the Model Number of your FLXA Analyzer.

PH150 Forgot Password?
The PH150 allows the use of passwords to limit access to the Calibration functions and access to the Configuration functions. If these functions have been protected with a password and the password is not available there is a way to bypass the prote...
Error 130 & 131 are display errors. The PH450 calibrates the display each time it powers up. Error 130 or 131 means this calibration failed. Cycle the power to the unit and allow it to calibrate the display again. If after 6 times the error is st...
An Error 2 means that the calculated asymmetry potential is outside the acceptable range. The Asymmetry Potential (AS), also referred to as the millivolt offset, is an indication of the condition of the reference electrode. Theoretically when the ele...
The Error 3 is related to the slope value on a pH loop, indicating that the slope value is outside of the allowable range. The Slope (SL), also referred to as the efficiency of the electrode, is an indication of the condition of the pH electrode. The...
Air bubbles are normal in pH sensors and in some reference sensors. They are necessary because the pH sensor is a sealed device with no vent. Without the air bubbles the expansion and contraction of the liquid with temperature changes could cause the...
Yes. The Cation Differential pH and ORP sensors have a glass electrode that needs a 2 point calibration performed regularly. Because of the Cation Reverence electrode you must use special buffers with a constant sodium ion concent...
A tiny crack in the membrane of a glass electrode is not always visible to the naked eye. Frequent shocks may create cracks in the glass that cause measurment errors. These cracks will cause the analyzer to read 0 mV and the ...
It is very important that the cables maintain a very high impedance. If any moisture penetrates the cable the impedance will drop and the cable will short out the voltage generated by the pH sensors. This will cause errors or a total loss of mea...
Often, Instrumentation technicians like to shorten cables to match the installation. This is strongly discouraged with Analytical Sensors. Yokogawa has designed cables with a special layer of conductive plastic to ensure maximum noise ...
We recommend using pH buffers only once. If you want to use the same buffers for more analyzers, then you must avoid contamination of the buffers by the sensors. The sensor must be cleaned and washed carefully before inserted into the buffer. A senso...
That is possible but not guaranteed. The 225 mm sensor body is longer, so it has more electrolyte. Often the reference electrode fails because the electrolyte is depleted as it diffuses through the reference junction into the process. With ...
Most pH sensors with a glass membrane cannot be mounted upside down. To absorb the thermal expansion of the internal buffer solution there is always a sizeable air bubble inside the sensor. When the sensor is mounted upside down the reference element...
Yokogawa offers the PH18 sensor. This sensor is nonglass and suitable for regular CIP and SIP cycles. ...
In a dual input FLXA202 or FLXA21 analyzer you can use a HART Splitter to convert the HART® dynamic variables into current outputs or contact outputs. The model number is "1W-KFD2-HLC-EX1.D" and the description is "P+F HART Splitte...
Yokogawa's pH and conductivity sensors include a temperature sensor to allow for temperature compensation. The pH and conductivity sensors have a relatively large temperature mass and respond slowly to the changes in the process temperature. This...
Generally we state that the pH analyzer is as accurate as the care that is given to the device allows. With lots of care you can achieve 0.05 pH accuracy. With normal care you achieve 0.1 pH Without care the measuring error can be pH 0.5 or more...
The PH150 and SC150 were discontinued in 2004. The Manual and General Specification sheet are no longer available on Yokogawa's website. Use this link to download a zip file containing both documents.
The TM20 pH meter was discontinued over 20 years ago, but the manual is still available.  If you have trouble downloading it, send us an email at or call 800-524-7378.
First, check the grounding. A bad ground can cause this failure.  Next: cycle the power to the unit. Shut the power off for 30 seconds then restart.  If that doesn’t clear the error reset the analyzer to factory defaults. Be ...
Performing a two point calibration for an ORP sensor may make a user more confident in the measurement because it ties the measurement to two known millivolt values, offsets and slope values. When performing a pH calibration, the 2nd point&...
The reference potential difference between 1 molar and 3.3 molar is approximately 30 mV. The sensitivity of a pH sensor at reference temperature is 59mV/pH. So if you combine a measuring cell filled with 3.3mol KCl with a reference cell with 1mol KCl...
Yokogawa's buffer solutions have a guaranteed shelf life of 12 months from the date of shipment. The exception to this is the sodium buffer solutions used to calibrate the differential pH sensors (part numbers K1520BF, K1520BG, K1520BH, K152...
All Yokogawa analyzers use an open architecture with adjustable temperature compensation, adjustable isopotential point, and adjustable slope. They are compatible with all direct pH, ORP, and conductivity sensors. There are two exceptions to th...

Documentos y Descargas


Descripción General:

This video aims to answer the following: How does a traditional pH reference work and what are it's common problems? How does a sodium pH reference work and what are it's benefits? This webinar was presented February 12th, 2013.

Descripción General:

What about other instrumentation pain-points in the blow tank, washing, or bleaching process?

Descripción General:

In the digester process, high temperature and pressure, along with the slurry pulp, can cause extreme damage to traditional meters.

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