What is Analytical Instrument Management?
Analyzer Management and Data Systems (AMADAS) are meant to monitor, maintain, determine and improve the performance of on-line process analyzers.
Industrial Applications of Analytical Instrument Management
Yokogawa's Advanced Analytical Instrument Management System (AAIMS) is one step ahead, in that it provides real-time asset maintenance management for a wide range of on-line/in-line process analyzers from simple analytical devices such as pH, conductivity and O2 as well as for complex analytical devices such as gas chromatographs (GC) and Near Infrared (NIR).
AAIMS improves on-line/in-line process analysis efficiency by accurately assessing and displaying the KPIs of each analyzer. AAIMS is a core building block of Yokogawa’s VigilantPlant™ solutions designed for operational excellence to visionary plants by creating an environment where plant personnel can See Clearly, Know in Advance, and Act with Agility.
Challenges Managing Process Analyzers
- No confidence in analyzer readings
- Communication loss between operation and maintenance
- Low availability rate of analyzers
- Invisible analyser performance
- Human errors derived from manual coordination
- Root causes of breakdown are not analyzed
- Not developed PDCA
- Compliance

Standards Compliance
AAIMS makes use of the industry’s best practices by implementing the ASTM standards
- ASTM D3764 Standards for System Validation
- ASTM D6299 Standards for Statistical Quality Control (SQC) evaluation
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials
Management Benefits
Lower costs: By maximizing plant operability substantial operational costs can be reduced
- Using the template based engineering approach, deployment and training costs can be lowered.
- Reduced use of chemical e.g. the boiler feed water, blowdown etc
- Reduction in energy consumption e.g. reduce excess O2 in furnace

Operational Benefits
Real-time data acquisition: Automatically collects real-time measured data and fault alarms from analyzers which minimizes manual data handling.
Improvement of analyzer performance: Interpret and display analyzer KPIs such as availability, re-producibility, and problem frequency rates to improve analyzer performance.
Improvement in maintenance efficiency: AAIMS enables the following to improve maintenance efficiency:
- Automatic data collection and data interpretation
- Documentation of analyzer maintenance & validation activities
- Statistical analysis of validation results
- Analyzer performance analysis (e.g. KPI, reports)
- Identify good practices and bad actors
- Reduction of unnecessary checking
- Proactive maintenance
Simplified operations interface: Simplified user interface for analyzer management and monitoring. Drill Down navigation from Plant Overview to House/Shelter Overview and to Analyzer Overview
Customizable operations interface: Customizable Interface for all types of analyzers to perform validity checks and maintenance.
Improves operator's confidence: By providing the transparency of analyzer performance operator's confidence over analyzer performance can be improved
Standard Human Machine Interface (HMI)
AAIMS provides top down overview of analyzers from plant or house/shelter showing real-time analyzer status such as normal, faulty, maintenance etc. One click operation to trigger validation or maintenance. Provides various tools like KPIs, SQC charts and reports to visualize analyzer performance
Support for various types of analyzers
AAIMS supports various types of analyzers ranging from simple to complex analyzers. Supported analyzers include GC , pH, conductivity, O2, NIR etc.
Support for various validation methods
- Reference Validation
- Line Sample Validation
- Reference Measurement Validation
- Filter Method
- Response Time Method
Support for various validation Execution modes
AAIMS supports Automatic Validation, Manual Validation, Schedule Validation, and Line Sample Validation
Standardized Operations through Workflows
AAIMS provides standard workflows that can be used to standardize operations for various types of validations and procedures. New workflows can be added to the system if required with minimum effort.
Configurable user interface through graphic templates
AAIMS provides basic templates for plant/house/analyzer user interface for various types of analyzers. New templates can be easily added to the system and configured according to the customer's needs with minimum effort.
Multilingual Support (English, and Chinese)
Multilingual support enables standardizing the analyzer management operations globally. User can select the language at the time of login.
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