Notificar: Este producto fue descontinuado en el Jul 17, 2018.

The HXS10 combines the best of Yokogawa's measurement and control technologies. The measurement system is inherited from Yokogawa's recorders that are used in mission critical applications throughout the world; while the control engine comes from Yokogawa's highly reliable loop controllers that have been proven and refined for over 30 years.

HXS10           Application Specific Controller

HXSS10         Setting software for HXS

HXSS90         Proprietary cable for HXS

Optimally-designed field control device that combines proven robust measurement and control technologies.

  • Built-in Solar Position Algorithm
    • Sunrise, Sunset, and Solar Culmination time calculation functions available
    • Open loop/closed loop hybrid control available
  • Excellent Environmental Performance
    • Operable even in a fanless box in the field
    • Low power consumption (5 W or less) at a wide range of operating temperatures (-20 to 70°C)
  • User Programs Meet a Wide Range of Requirements
    • A wealth of arithmetic functions (trigonometric functions, PID, comparison, alarm, filter, etc.)
    • Ability to create user algorithms
  • Hardware Design Enables Optimization
    • Customized hardware configuration to avoid unnecessary input, output and communication port costs.
  • High Quality and Reliable Support
    • High quality controllers with advanced diagnostics backed by Yokogawa's global support team ensure reliable operation.

Solar Tracking Controllers HXS10


I/O Functions

Analog and digital I/Os, pulse counter input

Analog and digital I/Os, pulse counter input

User Programming and Maintenance

  • Programming tool for easy function creation.
  • Batch download to multiple HXS10 controllers via Ethernet
  • Individual settings and diagnostics via a maintenance port.

User Programming and Maintenance

Communication Function

The HXS10 peer to peer communication function reduces the communications load of higher-level systems.

Communication Function

Solar position algorithm (SPA) Built-in NREL* SPA algorithm
*National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Analog inputs 0, 2, 4, or 6, isolated-channel, universal inputs (TC, mV, V, and RTD)
Analog outputs 0 or 2, 0-20 or 4-20 mA
Digital inputs 12
Digital outputs 12
Pulse counter inputs 0 or 2 (encoders), encoder input available
Control periods 250 or 100 msec (when using 2 or less analog inputs)
Measurement period Synchronized to control period
Programming functions Arithmetic operations, trigonometric functions, PID, alarm, filter, delay, time/numerical value comparison, branching, resistor operation, etc.
Communication Ethernet x1, maintenance port x1, RS232 (option), RS485 (option)
Power supply 24 VDC
Power consumption 5 W or less
Operating temperature range -20 to 70°C
Dimensions 226 mm (W) x 132 mm (H) x 67 mm (D)
Applicable standard CE mark, C-Tick


Descripción General:

Granite Power es una empresa geotérmica que ha desarrollado GRANEX®, una tecnología patentada de transferencia directa de calor fluido supercrítico para la generación eficiente, económica y de cero de emisiones de carbono generados por electricidad a partir de fuentes geotérmicas de bajo grado utilizando el Ciclo Orgánico de Rankine (ORC).

Descripción General:
  • El Sistema FAST/TOOLS SCADA para monitorear remotamente la optimización del proceso y realizar los cambios de ingeniería necesarios en el sistema en vivo.
  • El sistema de control Yokogawa (FAST/TOOLS, STARDOM, HXS10) monitoriza no sólo la luz solar, sino también las condiciones meteorológicas.

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