Virtualization and Cloud Computing are becoming common terms. Global leaders in Information Technology (IT) advertise with their new solutions of Virtualization and Cloud Computing.
Is Cloud Computing similar to Virtualization? Are these solutions a proven-technology or a hype? Can a virtualized environment handle real-time data? What are the benefits of these solutions? And more over, what are the challenges of these solutions? This white paper will provide insights in these matters and how to phase in with existing and new systems.
A brief explanation about Virtualization technology
If you would take a look in the current server parks you would find racks with a multitude of servers. Each server has its own dedicated task, for instance one server handles all Manufacturing Execution System (MES) data, another server handles the SCADA platform and another server for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Probably there will also be a group of servers for the IT infrastructure, such as WSUS server, Domain Controller (DC) server or Active Directory (AD) server.
Each of these servers run their own OS, for instance the MES runs on Windows Server 2003, ERP runs on Windows Server 2008 and the SCADA solution runs on Linux. Logically these applications with their own OS cannot run on one physical server.
Virtualization allows several types of OS's to run on one physical server, while maintaining a dedicated platform per application. On a virtualized server there is no OS installed, instead a hypervisor is installed. On this hypervisor the instance of an OS is installed on which the applications can be run. Multiple OS instances of different types can run on the hypervisor. As figure 1 shows, by virtualization a combination of logical servers can be consolidated in to one physical server while maintaining the same functionality.
Figure 1 Server Consolidation
A hypervisor is the backbone of Virtualization. On a hypervisor the OS instances run with their own environment, which is referred to as Virtualization. There are two sorts of hypervisors; native hypervisor and hosted hypervisor.
Until now we have been discussing a specific type of hypervisor, this is the so called native hypervisor. These are mostly applied when server consolidation is required. Note that an additional workstation is required to configure and manage the OS instances by means of the Hypervisor Management Console (HMC).
A more common type of hypervisor is the hosted hypervisor. A hosted hypervisor is installed on a host OS as opposed to the native hypervisor. This type of hypervisor is found mostly on workstations such as desktops and laptops. These workstation already have their own OS installed, mostly is configured and equipped with applications for daily use. The hosted hypervisor can then be used to run applications on the OS instances which differ from the host OS. A common use of this client virtualization software is to configure OS instances dedicated for development or test environments. In the unfortunate event of a corrupt environment occurring, the host OS is not affected. This environment is ideally suited to test beds and evaluation of applications, without disturbing the host OS environment.
Figure 2 Configuration Difference Native & Hosted Hypervisor
Benefits of Virtualization
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Figure 3 Disaster Recovery |
The availability of data within industrial automation is paramount. There are other IT solutions, besides virtualization, which provide high availability. For instance servers that are equipped hardware redundant, unfortunately these are mostly expensive and have short durability. The industry demands sustainable solutions which further enhance the system availability. Virtualization can contribute to this demand.
Commonly servers are set up by installing a single OS on the Server. The applications, e.g. the SCADA application, are installed on the OS/server configuration. If a contemporary server would go down, for instance by a failure in the power supply or CPU, the application will go down as well. This will lead to data loss and loss of functionality of the IT infrastructure, eventually leading to unanticipated costs.
Efficient disaster recovery ensures continuity, and therefore contributes to the process availability.
With Fault Tolerance Virtualization, the availability is enhanced by running two virtualized servers simultaneously.
One of these runs the applications in the same way single virtualized system would, this server is the active server. The difference is that this active server is connected to a second virtualized server. This second server runs a shadow image of the virtualized instance from the active server. This means that the shadow server has an exact runtime copy of the active server.
When the system is stable, the primary communication to- and from the server is with the active system. For a SCADA system this implies that the active server communicates with the controllers in the field and the HMI's in the control room.
When a malfunction occurs, such a failure of the power supply or CPU, the primary communication shifts from the active server to the shadow system. Since the shadow server is in sync with the active server it is able to take over the operation of the active server seamlessly. With that, the shadow server becomes the active. Figure 3 shows how this can be established.
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Figure 4 Fictitious display of performance usage AD Server. |
Another significant benefit of Virtualization is the performance, or resource, balancing. Some applications require high performance server activity during certain parts of the day. For example an Active Directory server only requires the resources during the morning or after lunch. In the contemporary setup a high performance server is dedicated to this high resource demand, which is only required for a short period per day. For the remainder of the day the server is minimally utilized.
With Virtualization the HMC manages the performance of the physical server. The HMC allocates the resources to the virtual machine that requires it at a certain moment. Virtualization allows multiple applications to be run on the same server. By installing applications with different resource requirements on the same server, the available hardware resources will be used more efficiently. The HMC delegates resources to the demand of the OS instances. By delegating the performance use, two heavy applications and their OS's make use of one physical server without any limitation to the performance.
Moreover, when several virtualized servers are connected, then the HMC can even decide to run the instance of the OS, which requires more than the available resources, to a neighboring server which is running on a lower performance demand.
Challenges of virtualization
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Figure 5 Fictitious display of performance usage AD Server and MES Server on a Virtualized Machine |
Recourse allocation is one of the many features within Virtualization. When configuring the resource allocation with a hosted hypervisor the maximum amount of RAM of the workstation must be taken into account. When running an OS instance it uses the allocated amount of resources. Take the example of Figure 6, when the OS instances are configured to a certain resource allocation, these OS instances will use the allocated resources when activated. The sum of allocated resources in Figure 6 is 8 GB and the memory of the main OS is 4 GB. Therefore in this case the laptop should have at least 12 GB of RAM in order to be able to run all the OS instances. Another example, if the laptop has an 8 GB of RAM (memory) installed, then besides the main OS it can run OS instances which require to no more than 4 GB. Even if the instance is just activated but no applications are executed, the OS instance will always obtain its allocated memory. When the sum of the OS instances exceeds the amount of RAM, the machine will perform sluggishly.
When a hosted hypervisor runs an OS instance that deploys network activities it can conflict network activities of the main OS. Virtualization uses hardware emulation, in which the hypervisor pretends to be a hardware device such as a CPU or network card. With hardware emulation the hypervisor can produce a virtual network card. For the OS instances it is as if the instance has its own hardware, whereas it is running on the same device. The OS instance runs its executions as if it has full control over the hardware. The executed command to the hardware is intercepted by the hypervisor, which in turn runs the command in emulation. The hypervisor returns the expected result to the OS instance.
An important remark regarding this solution is that it is slower than direct control over the hardware, since it is running through software. A more comprehensive solution for "OS instance – to – hardware" communication is by hardware-assisted virtualization. Hardware-assisted virtualization uses VT-x and AMD-V technology which is built with the new generation Intel and AMD chipsets. This technology deploys the same functionality as the hypervisor does with hardware emulation. However instead of running the emulation in the software the hypervisor intercepts the command from the OS instance and communicates it to the hardware-assisted virtualization technology. Because the command of the OS instance is executed in the hardware, the process becomes much faster. Hardware assigned virtualization is now common place in virtualization since all current generation of chip manufacturers support virtualization instruction sets.
Virtualization of the SCADA environment
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Figure 6 Resource allocations Hosted Hypervisor |
The most obvious reason to virtualize the SCADA environment is to reduce hardware, infrastructure and facilitation costs. Besides this obvious reason there are other, and perhaps, equally significant reasons for virtualizing the SCADA environment.
Virtualization enables better integration of SCADA software into the existing virtualized IT environment. In the past there was a clear line between Process Control departments and IT departments when it came to responsibilities and the decision making. This clear line has faded out; making this adaption become very important. The collaboration between these departments is on such a high level that Process Control solutions are already compliant with both Process Control and IT needs, with for instance the integration of cyber security.
All industrial processes are constantly subject to change. This change can be physical, for instance when changes occur in the Piping & Instrumentation Diagram such as: adding pumps, valves, change in process flow, etc. However the changes can also be on application level. The integration of new or substitute software components in the SCADA environment, such as data historians, MES functionality, ERP integration, Logbook functionality.
Working in a real-time environment with high production demands and hazardous conditions makes seamless implementation a high priority. Test environments offer a reliable solution, but are often very costly since this requires all hardware, software, infrastructure, maintenance and facilitation costs similar to the live system. This is where virtualization becomes significantly useful, since the test environment can be run virtualized, reducing costs and being able to downsize the environment when the test phase is accomplished.
When and how will the next step towards virtualizations in SCADA be? We are experiencing that the demand for SCADA to adapt to the corporate IT environment is increasing. Therewith an increasing demand for virtualization since this is commonly used at corporate level. Momentarily this is mainly applied on the less critical processes where communication loss for a short period of time is allowed. Virtualization will continue to evolve, with the expectation that it will evolve in to a state that the technology is adaptable in the field of real-time automation.
Please be advised that this document solely provides a global overview on Virtualization. The most suitable solution must be determined on a per case basis. Yokogawa Global SCADA Center can be contact to give advice on these matters.
Agua y agua residual
Yokogawa ha estado suministrando soluciones de control para la producción hídrica sostenible desarrollando tecnología con mayor eficiencia energética, ayudando a reducir la huella de carbono de las operaciones y fabricando productos de gran solidez que protegen el ambiente contra los contaminantes. Con nuestra tecnología de vanguardia y amplios conocimientos de las aplicaciones, trabajamos con usted para proveer soluciones hídricas sostenibles que impulsen su negocio y agreguen alto valor a lo largo del ciclo de vida de la planta. Nuestra tecnología y nuestros productos mejoran el desempeño de las plantas y garantiza que puedan operar competitivamente en los mercados del agua de hoy, así como reducir sus costos operativos. Yokogawa brinda apoyo en una amplia gama de aplicaciones para el control del agua en los mercados del agua tanto públicos como privados.
Bocas de pozo y separación
La boca de pozo proporciona la interfaz estructural y la presión que contiene para el equipo de perforación y producción. El control de la presión superficial es proporcionado por un ensamble de válvulas con medidores y obturadores (árbol de Navidad), que se instala en la parte superior de la boca de pozo. Las válvulas de aislamiento y los equipos de obstrucción controlan físicamente el flujo de los fluidos del pozo cuando el pozo está en producción. Varios paquetes de automatización se añaden al monitor local o remoto, controlan y optimizan la producción de cada pozo o almohadilla de múltiples pocillos. Los separadores de campos petroleros emplean un recipiente a presión para separar así los fluidos producidos en los pozos de petróleo y gas en componentes gaseosos y líquidos que se transfieren a continuación a las tuberías o almacenamiento localizados en función de la infraestructura de las zonas.
En cubierta
Al igual que su equivalente en tierra, el procesamiento y manejo en cubierta en las plataformas de producción preparan hidrocarburos extraídos para transportación. Yokogawa ofrece soluciones de control integrado y de monitoreo que maximizan la productividad y la disponibilidad de las operaciones en cubierta.
A mediados de la década de 1970, Yokogawa inició su participación en el negocio de la energía con el lanzamiento del Sistema de control eléctrico EBS. Desde entonces, Yokogawa ha continuado firmemente con el desarrollo de nuestras tecnologías y capacidades para proveer los mejores servicios y soluciones a nuestros clientes en todo el mundo.
Yokogawa ha operado la red de soluciones de energía globales para jugar un papel más activo en el dinámico mercado de energía global. Esto ha hecho un posible un trabajo en equipo más unido dentro de Yokogawa, el cual conjunta nuestros recursos globales y nuestra especialización en la industria. Los expertos en el sector de energía de Yokogawa trabajan juntos para brindar a cada cliente la solución que se adapta mejor a sus requerimientos sofisticados.
Procesamiento y fraccionamiento
El procesamiento de gas natural está diseñado para controlar el punto de condensación del flujo de gas natural y separar los líquidos de gas natural para la venta y distribución. La eliminación de petróleo y condensados, la eliminación de agua, la separación de líquidos de gas natural y la eliminación de azufre y dióxido de carbono son procesos que se emplean para separar las impurezas en el alimentador que proviene de los yacimientos aguas arriba. En el proceso de fraccionamiento se extraen los efluentes líquidos de la planta de procesamiento de gas, que pueden estar compuestos de metano, propano, butano y pentano, para ser tratados en columnas de fraccionamiento separadas, y posteriormente pueden pasar a una planta de tratamiento de impurezas antes de ser vendidos como componentes separados.
Refinación, procesamiento y almacenamiento de petróleo y gas
Gracias a sus innovadoras plataformas tecnológicas y su ejecución líder en la industria, Yokogawa tiene buena reputación en el mercado global como socio en soluciones pionero en la integración de tecnologías para todos los aspectos del ecosistema de petróleo y gas, desde el yacimiento hasta la empresa. Soluciones comprobadas que incluyen modelado de negocio predictivo, optimización de plantas y plataformas de automatización altamente confiables están apoyando a los operadores de refinación, procesamiento y almacenamiento a dirigir sus negocios con niveles de eficiencia óptimos. Yokogawa está ayudando a sus clientes a desarrollar sus estrategias de automatización, para garantizar años de utilización de activos altamente eficaz y sostenibilidad.
La industria de exploración, desarrollo y producción terrestre se enfrenta a exigencias cada vez más altas y mayores desafíos con entornos cada vez más difíciles y hostiles en las que debe funcionar.
A medida que las oportunidades de los recursos de gas natural no convencionales, en particular el gas de esquisto, están creciendo en América del Norte, la solución total de Yokogawa juega un papel importante al ayudar a los clientes a satisfacer los desafíos de reducir tanto el CAPEX como el OPEX, mientras que las tecnologías integradas mejoradas aumentan la producción. Nuestra experiencia global y local constituye la base de nuestras soluciones totales únicas para satisfacer las necesidades de esta industria. Con expertos en exploración, desarrollo y producción terrestre que trabajan en oficinas por todo el mundo, ofrecemos un soporte rápido y extenso para satisfacer las demandas de nuestros clientes.
Productos y Soluciones Relacionadas
Empezó como un proyecto de Sistema Flexible de Técnicas Avanzadas (FAST), el FAST/TOOLS hoy en día es un paquete completo y totalmente integrado de aplicaciones SCADA. Potente y flexible, el FAST/TOOLS sirve en instalaciones que van desde procesos unitarios de 50 puntos a multimillonarios puntos de producción offshore y sistemas tuberías que se extienden a lo largo de miles de millas.
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