Virtualization and Cloud Computing are becoming common terms. Global leaders in Information Technology (IT) advertise with their new solutions of Virtualization and Cloud Computing.
Is Cloud Computing similar to Virtualization? Are these solutions a proven-technology or a hype? Can a virtualized environment handle real-time data? What are the benefits of these solutions? And more over, what are the challenges of these solutions? This white paper will provide insights in these matters and how to phase in with existing and new systems.
Cloud Computing vs. Virtualization
Virtualization is the abstraction of hardware through software, separating the Operating System (OS) from its hardware, where Cloud Computing separates the applications from the platform on which they run. It is necessary to make clear that these solutions are not the same. Virtualization is a component within Cloud Computing; Cloud Computing embraces a much greater concept than Virtualization.
A brief explanation about Cloud Computing
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the U.S. Department of Commerce defines Cloud Computing as:
"Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models."
Basically this definition describes that you can allocated performance, resources, storage, applications, platforms outside your devices on a remote location. But still being able to use this as if all these quantities are installed and running on your own device (e.g. PC, laptop, smartphone). With cloud computing a device shifts from being a framed platform of certain capabilities to being the interfaces to the unlimited activities a user wants to deploy.
Cloud computing is a result of evolutions in the IT environment. Cloud computing derived from the demand to outsource servers and virtualization of these devices outside the premises. The initial concept of Cloud computing delivers an on-demand Computing environment. The simplest and most common form of these on-demand environments are web applications, such as Google Docs.
Figure 1: Evolution into the Cloud
The cloud environment is categorized in to 3 service models:
- Software as a Service > SaaS
Delivering an application with its data to the end-user over the web
Common use: CRM, Sales application, Relational databases - Platform as a Service > PaaS
A combination of Services and Application development tools. Enabling efficient and agile deployment
Common use: development of business model application - Infrastructure as a Service > IaaS
Combination between of hardware and software 'providing' cloud services.
Common use: outsourcing computing infrastructure to an on-demand cloud service
The hierarchy of these 3 models is best visualized via the stacked diagram below.
Figure 2: Cloud Stacked Diagram
As you go from top to bottom in the stack, the target user differ from "End-user" target customers in SaaS to "IT-Operator" target customers in IaaS. The flexibility of its purpose devaluates in the same direction while the level of abstraction is inversely proportional to the flexibility.
For industry solutions this means that requirements as: availability, scalability, interoperability prescribe what type of service model is applicable.
As an example: what if Pipeline Management wants to move into the cloud? What kind of service models would be applicable? With these kinds of extensive process management applications there are a number of features that all require their own philosophy to align the choice of service models. These features can range from real-time data in the cloud up to document control in the cloud. Pipelines cover lengths as large as tenths of thousands of kilometers. Many devices along the pipeline hold their own manuals, such as installation-, troubleshoot manuals. To equip every field engineer with a device that holds all the documents is inconvenient. Besides the storage space and application capabilities a device requires to display all the different document, document revision management is also becomes very difficult to handle.
For this kind of challenges SaaS, Software as a Service, can be the right solution. The corporation can centrally manage the documents, making this a more efficient and reliable way of working. Furthermore, documents come in multiple file formats that in turn require multiple software applications. With SaaS this can also be managed centralized, enabling a uniform method of document distribution and availability while being able to maintain transparency in device use.
For each of these models the NIST defined four deployment models with which the level of governance can be differentiated proportional to the level of the exclusivity of infrastructure control.
- Private cloud
The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprising multiple consumers. - Community cloud
The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a specific community of consumers from organizations that have shared concerns. - Public cloud
The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for open use by the general public. - Hybrid cloud
The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private, community, or public) that remain unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability (e.g., cloud bursting for load balancing between clouds).
When we combine the service models with the deployment models this result in the following overview.
Figure 3: service/deployment model
Benefits of Cloud Computing
The most obvious benefit of cloud computing is the scalability. A sudden increase of computing load can occur often in a SCADA system. Therefore the industry is accustomed to unduly equipped systems in order to handle such an event. This sudden increase of computing load is referred as a "cloud burst" in the definitions of cloud computing.
A benefit that could be a challenge in the same time is internal control. By choosing certain cloud infrastructure models, is it manageable to maintaining internal control while achieving SCADA in the cloud, however the level of control is always less than keeping all hardware in house.
Perhaps one of the most appealing benefits would be lower costs when the infrastructure is outsourced into the cloud. And with that taking the advantage of the environment of the cloud provider such as: processing power, storage capacity, security measures, maintenance service, etc.
Furthermore, cloud computing further enhances the technical functionality and usability of mobile devices. The interest in, and the adoption of, these new generation smart devices is rising significantly. Preparing the infrastructure by integration of SCADA in the cloud would therefore be an important step into future SCADA systems.
Challenges of Cloud Computing
As discussed in the benefits paragraph, a challenge of cloud computing can be internal control. This challenge can be overcome by selecting the most suitable solutions to the specific case. Further details on SCADA in the cloud systems and how to maintain internal control will be discussed in the paragraph "Cloud Computing and the SCADA environment".
The most obvious challenge of cloud computing would be the security. When data is transported over the web the necessity of security becomes even more desirable. Existing SCADA system are often secured with firewalls, VPN tunnels and data encryption between the client user and the SCADA item database, in which the SCADA system acts as a server. In this case the SCADA server awaits requests from its client user, as shown in figure 4.
Figure 4: Current Client/Server model
Security is a trending topic within industrial automation and therewith SCADA. Today`s security-conscious climate demands that the modern systems be able to prevent system compromises in order to provide safe and reliable services to its stakeholders. More information on SCADA Cyber Security can be found in the Global SCADA Center document: "SCADA Cyber Security, Information on Securing the SCADA system".
Cloud Computing and the SCADA Environment
The most applicable concept for the SCADA environment to leverage its functionality by integrating Cloud Computing is presumable by use of the Hybrid Cloud. Combining the principles of private and public clouds will provide the requirement of remote access while maintaining internal control of system critical control and data. Figure 4 displays the suggested concept.
Figure 4: Hybrid Cloud
This proposed concept delivers the beneficial features of both cloud computing deployment models. The private cloud handles all core and process critical data, similar to the current SCADA infrastructure. The SCADA server will be active in the private cloud which will be on premises to ensure internal control and security. Another benefit of placing the private cloud in-house is that the real-time data can still be transferred a LAN speed, mitigating additional latency's.
The public cloud transfers any required data to any user besides those whom execute the actual process control. Via the public cloud partial data is shared with its users, mitigating the performance load on the Private Cloud side. Beneficial aspects of the public cloud are the scalability and relative low costs. Moreover, by choosing for a hybrid cloud solution, the cloud infrastructure can be gradually phased in. After phasing in the private cloud the organization can get accustom to the usability. Once the organization feels comfortable the second phase would be creating the SCADA functionality in the public cloud.
To mitigate processing power and bandwidth usage it is advisable to retrieve value changes by using publish/subscribe (pub/sub) functionality instead of polling data. Pub/sub is based on pushing new values when a value change has occurred. This method of data collection reduces network and processor load on server in the cloud. Even more, when pushing the data the firewalls should remain closed, ensuring the security of the system. Another security measure is solely enabling reading rights for the public cloud users. While maintaining full read and write rights for the user on control level. Thereby further mitigating any unwanted control from unwilling users or outsiders.
Cloud Computing and FAST/TOOLS
SCADA in the cloud would be a logical next step in the evolution of automation technology. Adopting new technology requires an adjustment in the philosophy how we consider applicable systems. When achieving SCADA in the cloud it is necessary to change our mind set to allow real-time data in the cloud. As described a SCADA system should arrange data delivery through pub/sub, since data polling gives a heavy data load. FAST/TOOLS system complies with this philosophy, since the application architecture of data delivery is event based. Moreover, FAST/TOOLS pushes data to its client in an effective manner, by merging similar queries and thereby mitigating transportation of data packages. To clarify, let's assume 100 clients are in connection with the item database. Let say that 25 users are call up the same display at a certain moment. The Web-HMI server mergers these 25 requests into one single request to the item database, as reaction one value is delivered as a response to the Web-HMI server. The Web-HMI server in its turn distributes the data to all the 25 clients, therewith achieving a low performance and network load. To further mitigate performance and network load a data- centric infrastructure can contribute to keep any latencies minimal as possible. In addition to this benefit FAST/TOOLS uses a centralized license structure, which gives the benefit of no revision management on the client side, no software installation required on client side and no license distribution. This so called "zero deployment" means that client applications can be run from any web-browser and the users always get the most recent version of an application. Applications and process information can be rapidly deployed and is easily maintained centrally on the server.
Figure 4: FAST/TOOLS Hybrid Cloud
The communication between the private cloud and the public cloud should be in its rawest form, to comply with a data-centric infrastructure. The communication between the external client and the public cloud can be converted to the required formats such as, SQL, HTML, XML, etc. FAST/TOOLS uses its internal low bandwidth bus language for communication between the private and public cloud. This ensures the data-centric infrastructure between the data source and the cloud, after which the data may be converted in the any other format, e.g. HTML5. In this was FAST/TOOLS enables information delivery in a secure, fast and dynamic manner to any user at any place in the world over the cloud.
Please be advised that this document solely provides a global overview on Cloud Computing. The most suitable solution must be determined on a per case basis. Yokogawa Global SCADA Center can be contact to give advice on these matters.
Agua y agua residual
Yokogawa ha estado suministrando soluciones de control para la producción hídrica sostenible desarrollando tecnología con mayor eficiencia energética, ayudando a reducir la huella de carbono de las operaciones y fabricando productos de gran solidez que protegen el ambiente contra los contaminantes. Con nuestra tecnología de vanguardia y amplios conocimientos de las aplicaciones, trabajamos con usted para proveer soluciones hídricas sostenibles que impulsen su negocio y agreguen alto valor a lo largo del ciclo de vida de la planta. Nuestra tecnología y nuestros productos mejoran el desempeño de las plantas y garantiza que puedan operar competitivamente en los mercados del agua de hoy, así como reducir sus costos operativos. Yokogawa brinda apoyo en una amplia gama de aplicaciones para el control del agua en los mercados del agua tanto públicos como privados.
Bocas de pozo y separación
La boca de pozo proporciona la interfaz estructural y la presión que contiene para el equipo de perforación y producción. El control de la presión superficial es proporcionado por un ensamble de válvulas con medidores y obturadores (árbol de Navidad), que se instala en la parte superior de la boca de pozo. Las válvulas de aislamiento y los equipos de obstrucción controlan físicamente el flujo de los fluidos del pozo cuando el pozo está en producción. Varios paquetes de automatización se añaden al monitor local o remoto, controlan y optimizan la producción de cada pozo o almohadilla de múltiples pocillos. Los separadores de campos petroleros emplean un recipiente a presión para separar así los fluidos producidos en los pozos de petróleo y gas en componentes gaseosos y líquidos que se transfieren a continuación a las tuberías o almacenamiento localizados en función de la infraestructura de las zonas.
En cubierta
Al igual que su equivalente en tierra, el procesamiento y manejo en cubierta en las plataformas de producción preparan hidrocarburos extraídos para transportación. Yokogawa ofrece soluciones de control integrado y de monitoreo que maximizan la productividad y la disponibilidad de las operaciones en cubierta.
A mediados de la década de 1970, Yokogawa inició su participación en el negocio de la energía con el lanzamiento del Sistema de control eléctrico EBS. Desde entonces, Yokogawa ha continuado firmemente con el desarrollo de nuestras tecnologías y capacidades para proveer los mejores servicios y soluciones a nuestros clientes en todo el mundo.
Yokogawa ha operado la red de soluciones de energía globales para jugar un papel más activo en el dinámico mercado de energía global. Esto ha hecho un posible un trabajo en equipo más unido dentro de Yokogawa, el cual conjunta nuestros recursos globales y nuestra especialización en la industria. Los expertos en el sector de energía de Yokogawa trabajan juntos para brindar a cada cliente la solución que se adapta mejor a sus requerimientos sofisticados.
Procesamiento y fraccionamiento
El procesamiento de gas natural está diseñado para controlar el punto de condensación del flujo de gas natural y separar los líquidos de gas natural para la venta y distribución. La eliminación de petróleo y condensados, la eliminación de agua, la separación de líquidos de gas natural y la eliminación de azufre y dióxido de carbono son procesos que se emplean para separar las impurezas en el alimentador que proviene de los yacimientos aguas arriba. En el proceso de fraccionamiento se extraen los efluentes líquidos de la planta de procesamiento de gas, que pueden estar compuestos de metano, propano, butano y pentano, para ser tratados en columnas de fraccionamiento separadas, y posteriormente pueden pasar a una planta de tratamiento de impurezas antes de ser vendidos como componentes separados.
Refinación, procesamiento y almacenamiento de petróleo y gas
Gracias a sus innovadoras plataformas tecnológicas y su ejecución líder en la industria, Yokogawa tiene buena reputación en el mercado global como socio en soluciones pionero en la integración de tecnologías para todos los aspectos del ecosistema de petróleo y gas, desde el yacimiento hasta la empresa. Soluciones comprobadas que incluyen modelado de negocio predictivo, optimización de plantas y plataformas de automatización altamente confiables están apoyando a los operadores de refinación, procesamiento y almacenamiento a dirigir sus negocios con niveles de eficiencia óptimos. Yokogawa está ayudando a sus clientes a desarrollar sus estrategias de automatización, para garantizar años de utilización de activos altamente eficaz y sostenibilidad.
La industria de exploración, desarrollo y producción terrestre se enfrenta a exigencias cada vez más altas y mayores desafíos con entornos cada vez más difíciles y hostiles en las que debe funcionar.
A medida que las oportunidades de los recursos de gas natural no convencionales, en particular el gas de esquisto, están creciendo en América del Norte, la solución total de Yokogawa juega un papel importante al ayudar a los clientes a satisfacer los desafíos de reducir tanto el CAPEX como el OPEX, mientras que las tecnologías integradas mejoradas aumentan la producción. Nuestra experiencia global y local constituye la base de nuestras soluciones totales únicas para satisfacer las necesidades de esta industria. Con expertos en exploración, desarrollo y producción terrestre que trabajan en oficinas por todo el mundo, ofrecemos un soporte rápido y extenso para satisfacer las demandas de nuestros clientes.
Productos y Soluciones Relacionadas
Empezó como un proyecto de Sistema Flexible de Técnicas Avanzadas (FAST), el FAST/TOOLS hoy en día es un paquete completo y totalmente integrado de aplicaciones SCADA. Potente y flexible, el FAST/TOOLS sirve en instalaciones que van desde procesos unitarios de 50 puntos a multimillonarios puntos de producción offshore y sistemas tuberías que se extienden a lo largo de miles de millas.
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