Retort Control

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Retort Control

The basic principles of canning have not changed dramatically since Nicholas Appert and Peter Durand developed the process in the 18th century. Heat sufficient to destroy microorganisms is applied to foods packed into sealed, or "airtight" containers. The canned foods are then heated under steam pressure at temperatures of 240-250°F (116-121°C). The amount of time needed for processing is different for each food, depending on the food's acidity, density and ability to transfer heat. For example, tomatoes require less time than green beans, while corn and beef require far more time.


Application Requirements:

Retort at LDS facility Current recorder and timer
Retort at LDS facility Current recorder and timer

The Church of Latter Day Saints operates their own food manufacturing and distribution system. The foods they grow are harvested and canned for preservation and distribution to those in need in their community.

The church operates several canning facilities with outdated, manual controls and wants to upgrade to a modern, automated control system.

The retort to the left is operated with levers and valves that control the temperature and steam pressure. The temperature and pressure are monitored and operated manually by an operator that is familiar with the process. The FDA requires a record of the process. A simple chart recorder is currently being used to measure these variables. The process cook time is controlled by a simple timer that is integrated into the recorder.

 The cans are loaded into the retort manually.

The cans are loaded into the retort manually.

Yokogawa's Solution:


Yokogawa has proposed to use a CX2000 for the new retort controls. The CX will control both the temperature and pressure in the retort. The CX will also record these values as well as steam pressure and temperature. The pattern generator will control the cook time. The manual process of controlling these variables will be now controlled by the ramp soak profile. This will ensure consistent cook times and conditions on every batch. The CX2000 will also automate the process of record keeping by recording and storing the required process data in a secure location.




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