Coke Drum - Temperature Monitoring

Wireless temperature measurement solution makes modernizing operations and maintenance of delayed coker unit affordable.

Refinery Delayed Coker UnitDelayed cokers are a type of coker unit whose process consists of multiple coke drums that receive heavy oil feed which has been heated to its thermal cracking temperature. Lighter hydrocarbons are produced and sent to a fractionator while solid coke is deposited in the drum. Once the drum is full, production is switched to another drum and the original drum must be cleaned/decoked.


Coking is one of the most temperature intensive processes in a refinery and many temperature measures are required to provide the best control. Depending on the capacity, the number of coke drums in operation can vary from 2-8 drums. Each coke drum can require up to 24 temperature points to be monitored. A coker tube furnace is used to heat heavy oil that feeds the coke drums. The heater provides all the heat in the process. The output temperature of the furnace is typically around 500 degrees. 

Without having the right amount of temperature measurements, refinery coker units may experience the following situations:

  • Increased energy costs due to unoptimized fuel consumption.
  • Furnace fouling leading to added maintenance and downtime.
  • Increased variability in drum cycle times.
  • Reduced throughput and production quality.

However, many refineries find it difficult to add temperature measurements due to costs and lack of available control system IO.


Yokogawa YTMX580 installed in unitTo move forward with their coker optimization project, a North American refinery turned to Yokogawa’s ISA100 industrial wireless solution for their temperature measurement needs.  
Yokogawa YTMX580 multi-input temperature transmitters were installed on each coker drum as well as the furnace. Each of these accepts eight temperature inputs, greatly reducing the quantity of transmitters required for the project.

The field wireless access point was installed on the control room located 600m from the coker unit with dense obstructions. Two repeaters were used to establish redundant communication paths between the measurement devices and the field wireless access point. The wireless temperature data was easily and cost effectively integrated with refinery control system using Modbus communication.

ISA 100 WirelessKey Benefits

  • Avoided costs of traditional instrumentation and control system IO expansion.
  • Improved temperature control in the coker furnace simultaneously reduced fuel consumption and furnace maintenance.
  • Increased coker unit throughput due to less downtime and better coke drum cycle time.


  • Refinación

    En el siempre cambiante mercado, las refinerías no solo son vistas como unidades de procesamiento de crudo, sino también como centros de beneficios. Al mismo tiempo, hay una clara conciencia de la necesidad de la seguridad en este tipo de instalaciones. Una solución de la producción total que abarca la planificación, programación, administración y control es necesaria para lograr los objetivos a largo plazo para la rentabilidad, la eficiencia y la protección del medio ambiente. Con años de experiencia en el campo de la automatización, Yokogawa puede traer soluciones totales accesibles para mejorar la operatividad y un mundo más limpio.

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  • Transporte, distribución y comercialización de petróleo y gas

    La industria de la refinación, comercialización y distribución de petróleo y gas ha estado enfrentando un número cada vez mayor de retos en años recientes. Entre ellos, las características cambiantes de la materia prima a procesar, el envejecimiento de las instalaciones y los equipos de procesos, el creciente costo de la energía, la falta de operadores de planta capacitados que puedan operar una refinería de manera segura y eficiente y los requisitos constantemente cambiantes del mercado y de los clientes.

    Con el paso de los años, Yokogawa ha formado alianzas con muchas compañías de refinación, comercialización y distribución para proveer soluciones industriales enfocadas en resolver estos retos y problemas. Las soluciones VigilantPlant de Yokogawa han ayudado a los propietarios de plantas a alcanzar una máxima rentabilidad y seguridad sostenible dentro de sus plantas.

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