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Productos y Soluciones Relacionadas
EJX110B Wireless Differential Pressure Transmitter
The high performance wireless differential pressure transmitter EJX110B features a single crystal silicon resonant sensor and is suitable to measure liquid, gas, or steam flow as well as liquid level, density, and pressure.
EJX118B Wireless Differential Pressure Transmitter with Remote Diaphragm Seals
Wireless diaphragm seals are used to prevent process medium from entering directly into the pressure-sensing assembly of the differential pressure and pressure transmitters, they are connected to the transmitter using capillaries filled with fill fluid.
EJX210B Wireless Flange Mounted Differential Pressure Transmitter
The high performance wireless flange mounted differential pressure transmitter EJX210B features a single crystal silicon resonant sensor and is suitable to measure levels of densities of solidifying or precipitating liquids.
EJX310B Wireless Absolute Pressure Transmitter
The high performance wireless pressure transmitter EJX310B features a single crystal silicon resonant sensor and are suitable to measure liquid, gas, or steam flow as well as liquid level, density, and pressure.
EJX430B Wireless Gauge Pressure Transmitter
The high performance wireless guage pressure transmitter EJX430B features a single crystal silicon resonant sensor and are suitable to measure liquid, gas, or steam flow as well as liquid level, density, and pressure.
EJX438B Wireless Gauge Pressure Transmitter with Remote Diaphragm Seals
Wireless diaphragm seals are used to prevent process medium from entering directly into the pressure-sensing assembly of the differential pressure and pressure transmitters, they are connected to the transmitter using capillaries filled with fill fluid.
EJX510B Wireless In-Line Mount Absolute Pressure Transmitter
The high performance wireless absolute and gauge pressure transmitters EJX510B and EJX530B feature single crystal silicon resonant sensor and are suitable to measure liquid, gas, or steam pressure.
EJX530B Wireless In-Line Mount Gauge Pressure Transmitter
The high performance wireless absolute and gauge pressure transmitters EJX510B and EJX530B feature single crystal silicon resonant sensor and are suitable to measure liquid, gas, or steam pressure.
FN110 Field Wireless Communication Module
The FN110 is a communication module. When utilized with Field Wireless Multi-Protocol Module FN310 or Field Wireless Multi-Function Module FN510, this product is connectable with a field wireless network as a field wireless device.
FN310 Field Wireless Multi-Protocol Module
- Field Wireless Multi-Protocol Module with Field Wireless Communication Module FN110
- Connect field wireless device with field wireless network
- Sensor data to field wireless network
FN510 Field Wireless Multi-Function Module
FN510 Field Wireless Multi-Function Module with Field Wireless Communication Module FN110 is connectable with a field wireless network as a field wireless device. This product acquires sensor data from a connected sensor and transmits it to a field wireless network through FN110.
YTA510 Wireless Temperature Transmitter
The high performance temperature transmitter YTA510 accepts Thermocouple, RTD, ohms or DC mill volt inputs. The transmitters transmit not only process variables but also the setting parameters using wireless signal. The transmitters run on internal batteries, and the installation cost can be decreased since hard-wiring is not required. The communication is based on ISA100.11a protocol specifications.
Field Instruments
Optimize plant operation performance with high performance instruments
Field Wireless
Reduce infrastructure investment and increase plant operation insights
Wireless Adapter
Field Wireless Multi-Protocol Module with “Field Wireless Communication Module FN110” acquires sensor data from a connected sensor and transmits it to a field wireless network through FN110.
Wireless Differential Pressure/Pressure Transmitters
Experience process insights and improved productivity with superior wireless measurement technology.
Wireless Temperature Transmitters
Yokogawa offers the dual-input YTA510 and the multi-point YMTX580 temperature transmitters.