The 6S Principles
Yokogawa Corporation of America adheres to the 6S principles for a better workplace and environment.
Seiri = Tidiness or Sort
Similar to spring cleaning, ask yourself what is actually needed in your workspace. If you don't use it, get rid of it and place what is left in neat order.
Seiton = Orderliness or Straighten
Everything has its own place and should be located there for organization and order.
Seisou = Cleanliness or Sweep
Clean daily to prevent problems and preserve quality.
Seiketsou = Neatness or Sustain
Maintain what has been achieved. Keep items in their respective locations to stay tidy, orderly and clean.
Safety = Always arrange work with safety in mind
Are there sharp or dangerous objects in your workspace? Is the right equipment for the job available? Are chemicals identified with Material Safety Data Sheets? Are items arranged in natural order?
Shitsuke = Discipline
Developing and maintaining new habits requires discipline.
New Yokogawa Productivity System (NYPS) Philosophy
The New Yokogawa Productivity System (NYPS) is the philosophy of working continuously to increase the productivity, profit and prosperity of Yokogawa by improving quality and reducing lead times, inventory, and cost in everything we do. The NYPS foundation philosophy is applied throughout Yokogawa and all Yokogawa affiliates.
NYPS follows two main principles: Just-In-Time Continuous Flow Manufacturing and Autonomation, the concept in which man and machine work together harmoniously to produce the required material in the required quantity at the required time to support customer demand. Anything that does not add value by contributing to the quality, price, or delivery required by the customer is considered waste and is to be eliminated through the cooperative efforts of all company members.
The NYPS philosophy strives to create flow and rhythm throughout the work process by:
- Establishing standard operations
- Utilizing visual management
- Ensuring one-by-one production
- Promoting equalized work distribution
- Creating pull-driven work flow
- Getting to the root cause of anything that interrupts the smooth flow of work by always asking WHY? five times