Steam 유량 측정에 이상적인 와류 유량계
와류 유량계는 넓은 온도와 압력 범위에서 액체, 기체 및 증기(steam)의 유량을 측정할 수 있는 매우 다재다능한 유량계입니다. 이 유량계의 장점들은 다른 유형의 유량계보다 증기 유량 측정에 더 적합하게 만들어줍니다.
증기는 다양한 산업 분야에서 가장 일반적으로 사용되는 고온, 고압의 열 매질입니다. 예를 들어 화학 공장에서는 가열, 증류 및 농축에 사용되며, 바이오, 식품 및 제약 공장에서는 멸균, 소독 및 청소에 사용되며, 반도체 공장 및 지역 난방/냉각 공장에서는 공조에 사용되며 많은 다른 응용 분야에서 사용됩니다. 증기에는 포화 증기(saturated steam)와 과열 증기(superheated steam) 두 가지 유형이 있습니다. 포화 증기는 열 효율이 높은 유체이지만, 증기 운반에 따른 압력 손실과 열 방사로 인해 포화 상태를 유지하기가 어려울 때가 있으므로 때로는 더 높은 온도와 압력에서 과열 상태로 공급됩니다. 와류 유량계는 과열 증기를 포함한 고온, 고압 증기의 유량을 측정할 수 있어 많은 시설에서 증기 유량 측정을 위한 최적의 유량계로 선택됩니다.
Yokogawa 와류 유량계 VY 시리즈는 최대 400mm까지의 넓은 측정 범위, 최대 450°C의 고온 및 ASME Class 1500의 고압에서 유체를 측정할 수 있는 능력을 가지고 있습니다. 뛰어난 견고성과 안정성뿐만 아니라 원격 유지 보수 및 자체 진단 기능도 갖추어져 있어 효율적인 유지 보수를 보장하며 공장 운영의 장기적인 안정성과 생산 효율성을 향상시켜줍니다.
Steam 유량 측정에서 와류 유량계가 가지는 장점
이 섹션에서는 다양한 현장에서 사용되는 오리피스 유량계(차압 유량계) 대비, 증기 유량 측정에 와류 유량계가 가지는 장점을 설명합니다.
변동하는 증기 유량을 수용할 수 있는 넓은 Rangeability
일반적인 오리피스 유량계의 Rangeability는 5:1 정도로 측정 범위에 따라 큰 오차를 초래할 수 있습니다. 이와 대조적으로, 와류 유량계 VY 시리즈는 80:1의 Rangeability로 넓은 측정 범위를 가지며 Accuracy 오차를 일정한 수준으로 유지합니다. 이 뛰어난 Rangeability로 인해 계절과 운전 부하에 따라 변동하는 증기 유량을 처리할 수 있습니다.
압력손실이 적어 안정된 작동을 보장
오리피스 유량계는 오리피스(스로틀 밸브)에 의해 생성되는 차압을 통해 유량을 측정하므로 오리피스에 의한 압력손실이 발생합니다. 반면에 와류 유량계는 셰더 바(Shedder bar)에 의한 압력손실이 발생하지만, 오리피스에 비해 작습니다. 압력손실은 증기 품질의 저하를 유발하여 에너지 손실로 인한 높은 비용을 야기합니다. 따라서 압력손실이 적은 와류 유량계는 증기 품질을 유지 및 안정적인 플랜트 운전에 유리합니다.
기계적 Moving Parts가 없어서 고장 가능성이 낮음
오리피스 유량계는 In-line 계기가 아니기 때문에 유지보수가 용이하지만, 오리피스(스로틀 밸브), Impulse Piping 및 3-Valve Manifold와 응축물 포트(Condensate pots) 등의 구성품이 많아서 많은 유지보수 항목을 필요로 합니다. 그러나 와류 유량계는 기계적 Moving parts가 없는 간단한 구조를 가지므로 튼튼하며 고장 가능성이 적습니다. 이러한 장기적인 견고성과 낮은 유지보수 비용은 공장 운영에 큰 도움이 됩니다.
VY 시리즈는 다음과 같은 사용자에게 추천합니다.
온도와 압력보상을 사용해 높은 Accuracy로 장치 운영의 효율성과 안정성을 향상시키고자 하는 분들
Device Condition에 기반한 예측 유지보수를 도입하여 Downtime을 최소화하고자 하는 분들
구성 요소 기반(component-based) 유지보수를 통해 유지보수 비용을 줄이고자 하는 분들
Features of the VY Series
Using Digital Technology to Help Improve Efficiency and Manpower-saving Maintenance Activities
Plants with many pieces of device in operation require “Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM),” which is efficient and systematic predictive maintenance based on the condition of the device. The VY series is equipped with a "self-diagnostic function (built-in verification)" for the entire device, including the vortex shedder bar with sensor elements, and a "process diagnostic function" that detects pulsation and fluctuation of the measured fluid and piping vibration based on the characteristics of the measured signals, through advanced digitization of the internal signals. In combination with the FSA130 Magnetic Flowmeter and Vortex Flowmeter Verification Tool (sold separately) and FieldMate which is adjustment, configuration, and management software (sold separately), those provides "verification functions" and "remote maintenance functions". These functions can be easily used on a PC screen in an instrument room away from the site, dramatically improving the checking and management of device health and operating conditions. In this way, the VY series promotes efficiency and manpower savings in maintenance activities and supports efficient plant operation.
Unique Structure and Technology to Reduce Downtime for Maintenance and Stabilize Flow Measurement
The VY series inherits the high reliability and proven original sensing structure of the previous YEWFLO series. The vortex shedder bar has a unique sensing structure that incorporates two flow sensors and one temperature sensor (optional) and can be detached from the body. This structure not only results in robustness, long-term stability, short face-to face length, and short upstream straight pipe length, but also allows cleaning and replacement of the vortex shedder bar without removing the entire flowmeter from the piping when maintenance is required due to fluid deposition and other factors. This helps minimize the downtime required for maintenance. In addition, our unique digital signal processing technology effectively eliminates piping vibration, resulting in stable measurement. Mechanically and functionally compatible with successive generations of the YEWFLO series, the VY series can be installed in the same locations without the need for any additional piping work.

The VY series facilitates efficiency and labor savings in maintenance operations, supporting efficient plant operations.
Product Lineup
VY Series Common Specifications
Vortex Flowmeter VY Series can measure the flow rates of liquids, gases, saturated steam, and superheated steam, and has self-diagnostic and remote maintenance functions. A choice of materials is available for the wetted parts, stainless steel including duplex stainless steel or nickel alloys. The series complies with a wide range of standards, including explosion-proof and SIL2. The current input function (HART7, when current input specification is selected) supports more accurate calculation capabilities* than ever before, including mass flow rate and energy flow rate of liquids, gases, and steam.
*Saturated and superheated steam tables built in
[Common Specification]
Model | VY □ □ □ (Integral Flowmeter, Remote Sensor), VY4A (Remote Transmitter) |
Measurement Fluid | Liquid, Gas, Saturated Steam, Superheated Steam (Avoid multiphase flow and sticky or corrosive fluids) |
Communication and Input/Output | HART 7 communication, 4 to 20 mA DC, Pulse / Status output, Analog input |
Explosion Protected Type | IECEx Ex db / Ex ia, ATEX Ex db / Ex ia, FM Ex db / Ex ia, FMc Ex db / Ex ia, Japan Ex db, NEPSI Ex db / Ex ia, Korea Ex db / Ex ia |
Conformity Standards | EMC, PED, EU RoHS, CE marking, NACE, Functional Safety (SIL2), NAMUR (NE21 / NE107), Marine Certificate (ABS, DNV) |
Refer to the General Specification sheet located under the Downloads tab for detailed specifications.
General Type
The general type is the basic model of the VY series.
The lineup includes connection size from 15 to 400 mm, process temperatures from -40°C to 250°C, and process pressures up to ASME Class 900.

[Specific Specification of General Type]
Type of Body | General Type | |
Type of Shedder Bar | General Type, Long Neck Type | |
Accuracy | Liquid | ± 0.75 % of reading (depends on Reynolds number) |
Gas, Steam | ± 1.0 % of reading (depends on the flow velocity) | |
Process Temperature | -40 °C to 250 °C | |
Max Process Pressure | ASME Class 900, EN PN40, JIS 40K | |
Ambient Temperature | -40 ( / -50 ) °C to 85 °C | |
Connection Size | Wafer | From 15 to 100 mm |
Flange | From 15 to 400 mm | |
Degree of Protection | IP66 / IP67 |
Refer to the General Specification sheet located under the Downloads tab for detailed specifications.
Built-in Temperature Sensor Type
The built-in temperature sensor type has a temperature sensor (Pt1000) built into the shedder bar (vortex generator), allowing simultaneous measurement of the process fluid temperature.
These flowmeters are compatible with connection size from 25 to 300 mm, and can also be used in conjunction with high-temperature type and reduced bore type models, allowing them to handle a wide range of fluids. Compensation calculations are performed at temperatures close to that at the center of the pipe, enabling more accurate measurement of flow rates. Signals from an external pressure gauge can be captured and used in compensation calculations with the current input function (when HART7 communication and current input specifications are selected) to support even more accurate flow measurement.

[Specific Specification of Built-in Temperature Sensor Type]
Type of Body | General Type [Combinationable Body] Reduced Bore Type (1 or 2 size reduction) |
Type of Shedder Bar | General Type with Temperature Sensor, Long Neck Type with Temperature Sensor [Combinationable Shedder bar] Hight Temperature Type with Temperature Sensor |
Accuracy | Liquid | ± 0.75 % of reading (depends on Reynolds number) |
Gas, Steam | ± 1.0 % of reading (depends on the flow velocity) | |
Process Temperature | -40 °C to 250 °C (For General Type and Long Neck Type) -40 °C to 400 °C (For High Temperature Type) |
Max Process Pressure | ASME Class 900, EN PN40, JIS 40K | |
Ambient Temperature | -40 ( / -50 ) °C to 85 °C | |
Connection Size | Wafer | From 25 to 100 mm |
Flange | From 25 to 300 mm | |
Degree of Protection | IP66 / IP67 |
Refer to the General Specification sheet located under the Downloads tab for detailed specifications.
High-Temperature / Cryogenic Type
The high-temperature and cryogenic models use the materials and sensors required for high-temperature and extremely low-temperature environments.
The high-temperature type handles connection size from 25 to 400 mm and fluid temperatures up to 450°C (up to 400°C with a built-in temperature sensor). The cryogenic type handles connection size from 15 to 100 mm and fluid temperatures of as low as -196°C. From this model, It is possible to select either type as an integral type or remote type.

[Specific Specification of High Temperature Type]
Type of Body | General Type [Combinationable Body] Reduced Bore Type (1 or 2 size reduction) |
Type of Shedder Bar | High Temperature Type High Temperature Type with Temperature Sensor |
Accuracy | Liquid | ± 0.75 % of reading (depends on Reynolds number) |
Gas, Steam | ± 1.0 % of reading (depends on the flow velocity) | |
Process Temperature | -40 °C to 450 °C | |
Max Process Pressure | ASME Class 900, EN PN40, JIS 40K | |
Ambient Temperature | -40 ( / -50 ) °C to 85 °C | |
Connection Size | Wafer | From 25 to 100 mm |
Flange | From 25 to 400 mm | |
Degree of Protection | IP66 / IP67 |
[Specific Specification of Cryogenic Type]
Type of Body | General Type [Combinationable Body] Reduced Bore Type (1 or 2 size reduction) |
Type of Shedder Bar | Cryogenic Type | |
Accuracy | Liquid | ± 0.75 % of reading (depends on Reynolds number) |
Gas, Steam | ± 1.0 % of reading (depends on the flow velocity) | |
Process Temperature | -196 °C to 250 °C | |
Max Process Pressure | ASME Class 900, EN PN40, JIS 40K | |
Ambient Temperature | -40 °C to 85 °C | |
Connection Size | Wafer | From 15 to 100 mm |
Flange | From 15 to 100 mm | |
Degree of Protection | IP66 / IP67 |
Refer to the General Specification sheet located under the Downloads tab for detailed specifications.
Reduced Bore Type (1 or 2 Size Reduction)
The reduced bore type is a model in which both upstream and downstream sides of the sensor unit are integrated with a reducer (reduction/expansion pipe). As such, it is ideal for lines where flow rates fluctuate widely depending on the season and operating load.
The reduced bore type are available in two types, one-size reduction and two-size reduction, and the flange model accommodates connection size of up to 200 mm. The reduced bore type can be combined with the built-in temperature sensor type and the high-temperature/cryogenic type, allowing measurement of a wide range of fluids.

[Specific Specification of Reduced Bore Type (1 or 2 Size Reduction)]
Type of Body | Reduced Bore Type (1 or 2 size reduction) | |
Type of Shedder Bar | General Type [Combinationable Shedder bar] General Type with Temperature Sensor, High Temperature Type High Temperature Type with Temperature Sensor, Cryogenic Type |
Accuracy | Liquid | ± 1.0 % of reading (depends on Reynolds number) |
Gas, Steam | ± 1.0 % of reading (depends on the flow velocity) | |
Process Temperature | -40 °C to 250 °C | |
Max Process Pressure | ASME Class 300, JIS 20K | |
Ambient Temperature | -40 ( / -50 ) °C to 85 °C | |
Connection Size | ||
Flange | 1 size reduction: 25 to 200 mm 2 size reduction: 40 to 200 mm |
Degree of Protection | IP66 / IP67 |
Refer to the General Specification sheet located under the Downloads tab for detailed specifications.
High-Pressure Type
This is a one-size reduction model with an ASME Class 1500 flange pressure rating. This allows it to provide stable measurement even under harsh high-pressure conditions.
In combination with a general-type sensor, it uses a flange-type connection size 25 to 150 mm.

[Specific Specification of High Pressure Type]
Type of Body | High Pressure Reduced Bore Type ( 1 size reduction) | |
Type of Shedder Bar | General Type | |
Accuracy | Liquid | ± 1.0 % of reading (depends on Reynolds number) |
Gas, Steam | ± 1.0 % of reading (depends on the flow velocity) | |
Process Temperature | -40 °C to 250 °C | |
Max Process Pressure | ASME Class 1500 | |
Ambient Temperature | -40 ( / -50 ) °C to 85 °C | |
Connection Size | ||
Flange | 25 to 150 mm | |
Degree of Protection | IP66 / IP67 |
Refer to the General Specification sheet located under the Downloads tab for detailed specifications.
Dual-Sensor Type
This type is dual-sensor (welded) type that has a flange pressure rating of up to ASME Class 900. The structure of these two units connected in series is the best choice for applications requiring high reliability.
Size is from 15 mm to 200 mm in combination with several types of sensor.

[Specific Specification of Dual-Sensor Type]
Type of Body | Dual-Sensor (Welded) General Type | |
Type of Shedder Bar* | General Type, Long Neck Type [Combinationable Shedder bar] General Type with temperature sensor, Long Neck Type with temperature sensor, High Temperature Type, High Temperature Type with temperature sensor, Cryogenic Type |
Accuracy | Liquid | ± 0.75 % of reading (depends on Reynolds number) |
Gas, Steam | ± 1.0 % of reading (depends on the flow velocity) | |
Process Temperature | -196 °C to 450 °C | |
Max Process Pressure | ASME Class 900 | |
Ambient Temperature | -40 ( / -50 ) °C to 85 °C | |
Connection Size | ||
Flange | 15 to 200 mm | |
Degree of Protection | IP66 / IP67 |
* Type of shedder bar is same as upstream and downstream
* Refer to the General Specification sheet located under the Downloads tab for detailed specifications.
Examples of VY Series Applications
- Flow measurement in steam piping
- Flow measurement of utility gases such as air and nitrogen
- Flow measurement of hot and cold water, LNG and other cryogenic liquids and chemicals (including inorganic substances)
“Total Insight” - A Product Concept for Supporting Customers Throughout the Entire Product Lifecycle
From Sensing to Sensemaking
“Total Insight” is a shared concept for Yokogawa’s field products that supports customers throughout the entire product lifecycle. By providing new value through superior technology and insight, it is aimed at optimizing costs over the entire lifecycle. The VY series is developed from four perspectives based on the Total Insight concept.
- Simplified Selection : Reduced engineering work hours and procurement costs
- Smart Assist : Reduced start-up time
- Process Guard : Improved operational efficiency and reduced errors
- Expert Solution : Improved efficiency in maintenance operations
Reduced Engineering Work Hours and Procurement Costs / Total Insight - Simplified Selection -
A Comprehensive Lineup to Meet Various Flow Measurement Needs
- Easy Device Selection
A wide range of flow sizes, up to 400 mm, can be accommodated. The reduced bore type allows reductions of up to two sizes. With the same face-to face dimensions as successive generations of the YEWFLO series, they can be used safely and reliably for long periods of time.
- Compliant With a Wide Range of Standards
With high quality and functionality, these products conform to a variety of international standards, including- Functional safety: IEC 61508 compliant, Safety Integrity Level SIL2
- Explosion protection: IECEx, ATEX, FM, FMc, Taiwan, UAE, Korea, Brazil, Japan
- General safety: Various national EMC, PED, EURoHS, CE Mark, CRN, ABS classification, DNV classification
- Industry standards: NAMUR NE21 , NE107, NACE materials
- Extensive Built-in Calculation Functions
Calculates volume, mass, and energy flow rates using temperature, pressure, and density from the built-in temperature sensor or current input. The steam tables built into the device are used to calculate the mass and energy of saturated and superheated steam.
Reduced Start-up Time / Total Insight - Smart Assist -
Provides Stable Flow Measurement Resistant to Vibration
- Ensures Stable Measurement
The unique integrated structure of the vortex shedder bar and sensor allows the entire vortex shedder bar to capture the vortex signal. A short straight pipe length enables stable measurement regardless of the mounting position.
- Accurately Captures the Flow Signal
The unique structure with two sensor elements cancels piping vibration noise. Yokogawa's proprietary digital signal processing technology “SSP*” removes noise signals, extracting only the vortex signal. Possible false outputs due to piping vibration are indicated by an alarm.*SSP: Yokogawa's proprietary signal processing that removes noise signals from signals obtained from the two sensor elements to extract the vortex signal.
- Ready to Use as Soon as Installed
Device parameters are set at the factory before shipping. The automatic adjustment function provided by SSP basically eliminates the need for on-site adjustment. This means that the devices are ready for use as soon as they are installed. Verification tools, including waveform monitoring, make it easy to check status after installation.
Improved Operational Efficiency and Reduced Errors / Total Insight - Process Guard -
Advanced Self-Diagnostics and Remote Maintenance
- Self-Diagnosis of the Entire Device Can Be Performed
All functional blocks are self-diagnosing, allowing easy identification of areas requiring equipment maintenance. Since it conforms to the functional safety SIL2 standard requirements, it can be used in loops that require high reliability, such as safety instrumentation.
- The Health of the Device Can Be Checked From a Remote Location, Such as an Instrument Room
The FSA130 Magnetic Flowmeter and Vortex Flowmeter Verification Tool enables remote maintenance. No need for extensive preparations such as bringing in an oscilloscope, etc. The measurement status can be easily checked during operation, and can be tuned as needed.
- Supporting Condition-Based Device Maintenance
Sensor status can be predicted by the FSA130 Magnetic Flowmeter/Vortex Flowmeter Verification Tool. Graphical display of the condition of sensor elements accumulated inside the flowmeter to check for changes over time and estimate when maintenance is required.
Improved Efficiency in Maintenance Operations / Total Insight - Expert Solution -
Various Functions to Support Efficient Maintenance Operations
- Process-Side and Device-Side Anomalies Can Be Easily Identified
The process diagnostic function detects piping vibration and fluid oscillation, while the self-diagnostic function monitors the health of the device. This ability to identify anomalies allows for a quick and precise response.
- Easy Maintenance
The unique structure of Yokogawa’s vortex shedder bar is known for its robustness and long-term stability, but in the event of unforeseen circumstances, they can be removed for cleaning or replacement. The vortex shedder bar can be easily detached from the body, eliminating the need to remove the entire flowmeter from the piping.
- Reduced Downtime
Because transmitter parameters can be backed up in the remote sensor’s memory, the current state can be easily restored in the event of a transmitter replacement. This means that operation can be resumed after a short downtime.
Technical Information - Measurement principle -
Vortex flowmeters use the Von Karman Effect to measure the flow rate of liquids, gases, and steam. This section explains the principle.
The Operating Principle of Vortex Flowmeters
- What Is a Von Karman Vortex?
In the early 20th century, the Hungarian-born mathematician and physicist Theodore von Karman discovered that when a liquid or gas flows perpendicular to an obstacle, it creates alternating vortices on either side of that obstacle. These rows of vortices are called “Von Karman vortex streets.”
Von Karman further found that the number of vortices generated is proportional to the velocity of the fluid that generates them. This number of vortices generated is called the “Von Karman vortex frequency.” The relationship between the frequency and the flow velocity can be mathematically expressed with the following formula (1). Formula (2) further expresses the relationship with the internal structure of a vortex flowmeter. Putting these two formulas together and expressing them in terms of volumetric flow rate yields formula (3).
Formula (1)
Formula (2)
Formula (3)
f: Von Karman vortex frequency, St: Strouhal number, v: flow velocity, d: width of vortex generator, Q: volumetric flow rate, D: inner diameter of vortex flow meter
The Strouhal number (St) is a dimensionless number determined by the shape and dimensions of the vortex shedder bar, and by properly choosing the shedder bar’s shape, it becomes constant over a wide range of Reynolds number values. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the Reynolds number and the Strouhal number.
Relationship between Reynolds number and Strouhal number (St)
Therefore, if the Strouhal number is known in advance, the flow rate can be determined by measuring the vortex frequency. It has also been found that the volumetric flow rate can be measured irrespective of the pressure, temperature, density, viscosity, etc. of the fluid. However, when measuring volumetric flow or mass flow under standard (reference) conditions, temperature and pressure corrections are required.
- How Is Vortex Frequency Measured?
When vortices form and pass through a vortex shedder bar (obstacle), the pressure in that area is lower than that in the rest of the fluid. This low pressure creates a pressure differential (dp) on each side of the vortex shedder bar, and stress is applied to the vortex shedder bar from the high-pressure side toward the low-pressure side. The position where the vortices are generated switches regularly, causing the position of the low-pressure area to change and the direction of the stress to shift, causing the vortex shedder bar to oscillate. The frequency of this oscillation is the Von Karman vortex frequency.

The vortices generated create low-pressure and high-pressure areas on both sides of the vortex shedder bar, and force is exerted toward the low-pressure area. As the position of the vortices change from one side to the other, the direction of this force is switched, causing the vortex shedder bar to oscillate.
Several methods are available as means of measuring this oscillation. The most suitable for this application is the piezoelectric crystal sensor. When compressed, the piezoelectric crystal sensor produces an electrical signal that is processed by the flowmeter’s electronics. By measuring the Von Karman vortex frequency (the Strouhal number and the diameter of the cylinder are known), a simple calculation by the flowmeter’s electronics can determine the rate of volumetric flow through the pipe.
Technical Information - Our Proprietary Signal Processing Technology -
Vortex flowmeters using Von Karman vortices are vibration sensors that count vortex frequencies, and as such, they are susceptible to external vibration noise. However, the VY series uses Yokogawa’s proprietary signal processing technology to ensure stable measurements at all times. Here is how it works.
Noise Reduction
As with previous models, the VY series of vortex flowmeters incorporates Yokogawa’s proprietary signal processing technology, SSP. SSP performs frequency analysis of the signal detected from the vortex shedder bar, divides it into separate bands, and automatically selects the optimal bandpass filter to transmit only the correct vortex signal with the noise removed. Even if the vortex signal contains vibration noise, only the vortex signal is output, thus ensuring stable measurement.

Noise from strong piping vibration can affect the accuracy of vortex frequency detection, but the two piezoelectric elements in the VY series have reversed polarity, and therefore do not detect vibrations in the flow direction or the perpendicular direction. Noise in the direction of lift is reduced, allowing only the vortex signal to be detected. With superior vibration resistance and diagnostic functions based on our proprietary technology, the VY series provides stable measurements at all times.
Technical Information - Required Straight Pipe Lengths for Different Installation Conditions -
In general, unbalanced velocity distribution in a pipe affects the accuracy of flow measurement in vortex flowmeters. Shown below are the required straight pipe lengths and key points to consider, along with typical installation examples.
Straight Pipe
Ensure at least 10D upstream and 5D downstream.
Reducer Pipe
Ensure at least 5D upstream and 5D downstream.
Expander Pipe
Ensure at least 10D upstream and 5D downstream.
Ben Pipes
(1) Single bend pipe
Ensure at least 10D upstream and 5D downstream.
(2) Pipe with double bend in the same plane
Ensure at least 10D upstream and 5D downstream.
(3) Pipe with double bend not in the same plane
Ensure at least 20D upstream and 5D downstream.
Valve Position and Straight Pipe Length
The valve should be installed downstream of the vortex flowmeter. Ensure an upstream straight pipe length of at least 5 to 10D (see above) and a downstream straight pipe length of at least 5D. If installing the valve upstream of the vortex flowmeter cannot be avoided, ensure a straight pipe length of at least 20D upstream and 5D downstream.
Technical Information - Mounting Orientation -
The mounting can be horizontal, vertical, or inclined, as long as the pipe is always filled with fluid. However, when installing on horizontal or inclined piping, be sure to mount above the pipe to avoid flooding of the terminal box of separated detectors or the transmitter of integrated models. This is illustrated in the diagrams below.
Horizontal Piping
Vertical Piping
Inclined Piping
The key to achieving stable and safe plant operation and overall optimization is to improve the efficiency and labor saving of device maintenance. Vortex Flowmeters VY Series can support these by the digitalization technology to improve the efficiency of maintenance work and the unique sensing structure with excellent maintainability.
Vortex Flowmeter VY series: Measurement Principle and Measured Fluids
- Vortex Flowmeter VY Series (9.2 MB)
- Application for the Marine industry (6.0 MB)
Instruction Manuals
- Vortex Flowmeter VY Series Read Me First (1.0 MB)
- Vortex Flowmeter VY Series Installation Manual (5.2 MB)
- Vortex Flowmeter VY Series Safety Manual (345 KB)
- Vortex Flowmeter VY Series Maintenance Manual (2.2 MB)
- Vortex Flowmeter VY Series HART Communication Type (2.6 MB)
- Vortex Flowmeter VY Series FOUNDATION Fieldbus Communication Type (3.9 MB)
- Vortex Flowmeter VY Series Modbus Communication Type (2.6 MB)
- Vortex Flowmeter VY Series Korean Explosion Protection Type [Korean Version] (1.2 MB)
General Specifications
Technical Information
- Vortex Flowmeter VY Series (1.5 MB)
- FMEDA YEWFLO TI YEC 21-01-069 R002 V2R1 (626 KB)
- FMEDA YEWFLO TI YEC 20-04-072 R001 V2R2 (938 KB)
The self-diagnostic and remote maintenance functions support Condition Based Maintenance, which performs efficient and planned maintenance. Inherited YEWFLO's sensing structure brings robustness and long term stability.
2D/3D Configurator
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