ADMAG Total Insight (TI) 시리즈 ADMAG AXW는 "Total Insight"개념을 채택하여 제품 수명 주기를 완벽히 지원합니다.

ADMAG Total Insight 시리즈 AXW 전자유량계는 당사 고유의 이중 주파수 여자 방법으로 Application을 향상시키는 등 수년간의 경험과 업적을 바탕으로 개발된 고품질의 신뢰성 높은 제품입니다.

AXW는 일반 산업 공정 라인 및 상하수도 분야에 이상적입니다. 수십 년간 현장에서 입증된 경험을 바탕으로 개발된 탁월한 신뢰성과 간편한 유지보수로 AXW는 총 소요 비용을 줄이면서 이익을 향상시킵니다.

  • Size : 25mm ~ 1800mm (1 ~ 72 인치) 
  • 라이닝 재질 : PTFE, 다양한 고무
  • Accuracy : ± 0.35 % of rate
  • 상하수도 및 일반 산업 공정 라인


The functions of “Total Insight”

New Series ADMAG Total Insight(ADMAG TI)

The support functions throughout the life cycle of the product will increase your benefits with reducing total cost of ownership.

  1. Simplified Selection

    • Selection Tool
      From selecting the best unit to choosing the functionality required, it is all done in a matter of a few clicks.(To be released)
  2. Expert Guide

    • Wizard function
      The easy setup function walks you through the  configuration of the transmitter allowing for step by step parameter setting.
    • Multiple Languages
      9 languages which are user selectable, help your setting.
    • Cable connection check function
      Reduce your installation and commissioning time due to incorrect wiring and combination of the devices.
  3. Process Guard

    • Data logging function
      Maximum 4 different information of the measurement can be saved onto the transmitter. A quick trouble shooting analysis can be conducted by looking at the trend curve and alarms.
      The data logging function provides a total process analysis by showing the record of the measured data.
    • NAMUR function
      A total of 28 system and process alarms can be individually classified according to NAMUR NE 107.
      The user can adapt the action of each alarm individually to your process requirements and prevent unnecessary alarms from distracting plant operators.
      Alarms can be classified as Failure, Function Check, Out of Specification or Maintenance Required.
  4. Maintenance Manager

    • Variety of Verification
      Calibration check is costly and time consuming which cause downtime in plant process measurement. With the 3 levels of verification, we can check the integrity of the flowmeter and provides a report for justification.
      With this functionality of built-in verification, the reliability of the flow measurement can be maintained easily.
  5. Data Mobility

    • Data transfer using microSD card and remote service
      Maximum 4 different information of the measurement can be saved onto the transmitter. A quick trouble shooting analysis can be conducted by looking at the trend curve and alarms. The data logging function provides a total process analysis by showing the record of the measured data.
  6. Advanced Flexibility

    • Backward compatibility
      YOKOGAWA adopts backward compatibility in its magnetic flowmeter designs and this continues with the ADMAG AXW. This allows users of older ADMAG series to combine new ADMAG AXW sensors and transmitters, making your plant lifecycle management easier and less costly
    • Worldwide approvals
      The ADMAG AXW offers explosion proof, SIL, EMC, NAMUR and multiple communication protocols to meet the needs of all markets and applications
    • Various I/O combinations
      The ADMAG AXW offers multiple combination of I/O (includes current input) and communication types. This gives the flexibility to utilize the process information the way you want it.

Specification of ADMAG AXW Transmitter

microSD data storage Yes
Build-In Verification Yes Yes
Application Diagnostic Yes
Low conductivity,
Bubble, Slurry etc
Current, Pulse,
Status Output
(max. channel)
Current 2ch
Pulse/Status 2ch
Current 1ch
Pulse/Status 3ch
Status input 1ch
Current input
(For calc. mass flow,Calorie)
Intrinsically safe output 1ch (Alternative)
To be released

* Please refer to General Specifications in detail.

Specification of ADMAG AXW Flow Sensor

  AXG Flow sensor AXW Flow sensor
Diameter 2.5 to 500mm 25 to 1800mm
Liner variation Ceramic, PFA  PTFE,Polyurethane rubber,
Hard rubber, Soft rubber
Accuracy ± 0.3% of rate ± 0.35% of rate
High accuracy ± 0.15% of rate
25 to 200mm

* Please refer to General Specifications in detail.

Definition of ADMAG AXW Flow Sensors


Definition of ADMAG AXW Flow Sensors


2D/3D Configurator

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