DTSX3000은 프로세스 제어 플랫폼에 구축 된 장거리 통합 광섬유 감지 시스템입니다. 주로 온도 감지에 사용되는 소형 하드웨어 플랫폼은 최대 50km의 광범위한 온도 측정을 제공합니다! DTSX3000은 전력 소비가 적기 때문에 태양 광을 사용하는 원격 지역에 설치할 수 있습니다. Yokogawa의 DTSX3000은 Yokogawa의 PLC & SCADA 플랫폼을 기반으로 하므로 제어 기능을 제공하는 유일한 분산 형 온도 감지 시스템입니다.
Yokogawa는 운영 비용을 줄이고 생산량을 늘리는 성능, 거리, 가격 및 인텔리전스 분야의 분산 형 온도 감지에 대한 새로운 표준을 제시합니다. DTSX3000 모듈 식 설계로 최대 16 개의 광섬유 채널, 제어 I / O 모듈 및 다양한 전원 공급 장치 옵션을 상호 교환 할 수 있습니다.
DTS 어플리케이션이란?
- 컨베이어 벨트 화재 감지
- 덕트 화재 감지
- 과열에 대한 전원 케이블 모니터링
- 과열에 대한 버스 바 모니터링
- 파이프 라인 누출 탐지
- 안전 및 CBM을 위한 화로 모니터링
- VSD 효율성 극대화
자세한 내용은 "Resorces"를 참조하십시오.
광섬유 분산 온도 감지란 무엇입니까?
분산 온도 감지 (DTS) 는 광섬유 자체를 감지 요소로 사용하여 광섬유 케이블 전체에 걸쳐 온도 분포를 측정하는 솔루션 입니다. 기존의 전기 온도 측정 (써모커플 & RTD) 방식과 달리 광섬유 케이블 전체가 온도 센서가 되는 방식입니다. 분산 온도 감지는 장거리에 걸쳐 수천 개의 정확하고 정밀한 혼도 측정을 제공할 수 있습니다. 기존의 전기 온도 측정 대비 정확하고 고해상도의 온도 측정을 할 수 있는 효율적이고 경제적인 방법입니다.
작동 원리?
Yokogawa DTSX3000 은 라만 산란 방식을 사용하여 광섬유 케이블 전반에 걸쳐 온도와 거리를 측정합니다. 광원에서 발사된 빛의 펄스 (레이저 펄스)는 광섬유 케이블 에서 산란됩니다. 이 산란되는 파장에서 스톡스 신호 (긴 파장) 와 안티 스톡스 신호 (짧은 파장) 를 생성하며, 이 두 신호의 성분의 강도 비율은 라만 산란이 생성되는 위치와 온도에 따라 달라집니다. 따라서 이 온도는 스톡스 및 안티 스톡스의 강도를 각각 측정하여 확인할 수 있습니다. 또한 후방 산란으로 알려진 산란광의 일부는 광원이 발사된 위치로 돌아오게 됩니다. 이 후방 산란이 광원 쪽으로 돌아오는 데 걸리는 시간을 측정하여 위치를 확인 할 수 있습니다.
라만 산란 원리는 무엇인가요?
모든 빛은 물질과 상호 작용합니다. 예를 들어 외부 빛이 없는 캄캄한 차고에 서 있다고 상상해 봅시다. 이 차고 안에는 밝은 빨간색 스포츠카가 있습니다. 말할 필요도 없이 스포츠카의 형태나 색상을 볼 수 없습니다. 그러나 차고의 조명을 켜면 즉시 차에서 밝은 빨간색을 반사하는 광원을 볼 수 있습니다. 빨간색 스포츠카에서 반사되는 빛은 "빨간색" 스펙트럼에서만 반사가 되므로 우리의 눈으로는 스포츠카가 빨간색으로 보이게 되는 것입니다.
이 현상은 분자 (이 경우 광섬유 케이블의 유리섬유 분자) 에서 빛의 펄스 (레이저 펄스) 를 쏠 때도 마찬가지 입니다. 광원이 광섬유 케이블에 들어가면 대부분의 빛은 그대로 반사 (후방 산란) 됩니다. (즉, 파장의 변화는 없음) 그러나 그 빛의 작은 양이 이동 또는 변경이 되었을 때 이러한 변화를 Raman Scatter 라고 합니다. Raman Scatter 는 온도에 영향을 받기 때문에 온도에 따라 파장은 변화합니다. 분산 온도 감지는 전파하는 광 펄스에서 이동 / 변화를 포착하고 두 신호 구성 요소 (스톡스 및 안티 스톡스) 사이의 강도를 측정합니다.
DTS 를 사용하면 어떤 장점이 있습니까?
- 비용 절감! 어플리케이션에 수백 또는 수천개의 센서를 설치 후 측정해야 하는 경우 각 개별 센서의 데이터 수집 스테이션에 연결하는데 비용이 많이 듭니다. 광섬유 케이블을 사용하여 정확하고 고해상도의 온도 측정 결과를 얻는 것이 비용 면에서 효율적이고 경제적입니다.
- 장거리 측정! 기존의 전기 측정 센서를 사용하여 장거리 온도를 측정하는 것은 어렵습니다. DTS 광섬유 케이블은 장거리에 걸쳐 배치될 수 있을 뿐 아니라 (최대 50km) 해당 지역의 고해상도 profile 과 정확하고 정밀한 온도 측정을 제공합니다.
- 높은 전자파 노이즈 대응! DTS는 광섬유 케이블이기 때문에 전자기기 노이즈로부터 방해받지 않습니다. 기존의 전기 측정 센서 (써모커플 및 RTD) 와 달리 광섬유 내에 전기 부품이 없으므로 전자기 노이즈의 영향을 받지 않습니다.
- 센서 설치에 대한 지식 불필요! 사전에 온도 센서를 배치할 올바른 위치를 식별하는 것이 항상 가능한 것은 아닙니다. DTS 의 장거리 기능과 함께 높은 공간 분해능으로, 엔지니어는 정확하고 정밀한 온도 측정을 위해 동일한 영역을 따라 여러개의 광섬유를 배치할 수 있습니다.
DTSX3000 Specifications
Item | Specifications | ||||||
Distance range suffix code | -S | -N | -M | -L | |||
Distributed temperature measurement |
Distance | Measurement distance range | 6km, 10km |
6km, 10km, 16km |
6km, 10km, 16km, 20km, 30km |
6km, 10km, 16km, 20km, 30km, 50km |
Sampling resolution | 0.5m, 1m, 2m | ||||||
Spatial resolution | 1m or less | ||||||
Temperature | Measurement temperature range | -220 to +800°C | |||||
Temperature resolution (10-minutes measurement, 1 σ, without optical switch |
Distance range | ||||||
10 km | 16 km | 30 km | 50 km | ||||
Max. Value | 0.03°C | 0.06°C | 0.2°C | 2.6°C | |||
Typical Value | 0.02°C | 0.03°C | 0.1°C | 1.6°C | |||
Sensor optical fiber | Optical fiber | 50/125 μm GI closed end, non-reflection required |
Optical connector | E2000/APC | ||||||
Interface | Serial (RS-232 C) |
3 ports, non-isolated, RJ45 modular jacks Full duplex, asynchronous |
SERIAL 1 | Function: Communication (Modbus) Baud rate:,1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 57.6, 115.2 kbps |
SERIAL 2 | Function: Communication (Modbus) Baud rate:,1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 kbps |
SERIAL 3 | Function:,Maintenance (Private) | ||||||
Network Interface | LAN | 1 port, 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX, RJ45 modular jacks, automatic negotiation, automatic MDI, with power switch (ON/OFF) |
Display | LEDs: HRDY, RDY, LASER ON | ||||||
Power supply | Consumption | Operating mode | 16 W | ||||
Power save mode | 2.1 W | ||||||
Dimensions (W x H x D) | 197.8 x 132.0 x 162.2 mm (6 slots width) | ||||||
Weight |
Item | Specifications | |||
Model | DTOS2 | DTOS4 | DTOS16 | |
Insertion loss | 0.8 db (Typical) 1.4 dB (Max.) |
Distributed temperature measurements | Measurement type |
Single end, Double end | ||
Sensor optical fibers | Optical fiber | 50/125 μm GI closed end, non-reflection required | ||
Optical connector | E2000/APC | |||
Optical channels | 2 channels | 4 channels | 16 channels | |
Interface | Control | Controlled by DTSX3000 | ||
Display | LEDs: HRDY, RDY, Alarm, Active channel | |||
Power supply | Consumption |
Operating 4 W |
Dimensions (W x H x D) | 71.65 x 130.0 x 160.3 mm (2 slots width) | |||
Weight | 0.63 kg | 0.65 kg | 0.75 kg |
Note: As a guideline, the module should be replaced periodically every 4.7, 6, and 9.5 years for continuous operation of 15-second, 20-second and 30-second measurements, respectively.
Regulatory Compliance and Conformity to Standards
Item | Specifications | |
Safety Standards | CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-04 EN 61010-1:2010 EN 61010-2:2010 |
EMC Standards | CE Marking | EN 55011:2009 +A1 :2010 Class A Group 1 EN 61000-6-2:2005 EN 61000-3-2:2006 +A1: 2009 +A2: 2009 EN 61000-3-3:2008 |
RCM | EN 55011:2009 +A1 :2010 Class A Group 1 | |
KC Marking | Korea Electromagnetic Conformity Standard | |
Laser safety | Class | IEC 60825-1/2007. EN60825-1 Class1M |
FDA (CDRH) | 21CFR Part 1040.10 | |
Standards for Hazardous Location Equipment |
FM Non-Incendive | Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D T4 FM 3600-2011 FM 3611-2004 FM 3810-2005 |
ATEX Type "n" | II 3G Ex nA ic [op is] II C T4 Gc X EN 60079-0:2009, 2012 EN 60079-11:2012 EN 60079-15:2010 EN 60079-28:2007 |
CSA (Non-Incendive) |
Note: Under EU legislation, the manufacturer and the authorized representative in EEA (European Economic Area) are indicated below: Manufacturer: YOKOGAWA Electric Corporation (2-9-32 Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8750, Japan). Authorised representative in EEA: Yokogawa Europe B.V. (Euroweg 2, 3825 HD Amersfoort, The Netherlands).
DTSX3000 Module Base (Required)
The base module for DTSX3000 is used for mounting various function modules including the DTSX3000 distributed temperature sensor, power supply modules, optical switch modules and CPU I/O modules
Optical Switch Module (Required)
Installing an optical switch module (2, 4 or 16-channel model) allows monitoring of multiple optical fibers using a single DTSX3000 system.
- DTOS2: 2 channel Optical Switch Module
- DTOS4: 4 channel Optical Switch Module
- DTOS16: 16 channel Optical Switch Module
Power Supply Module (Required)
- NFPW426: 10 to 30 VDC
- NFPW441: 100 to 120 VAC
- NFPW442: 220 to 240 VAC
- NFPW444: 21.6 to 31.2 VDC
CPU I/O Module (Optional)
Installation of a CPU I/O module allows for additional control capability on the DTSX3000
- NFCP050: 12 AI, 2 AO, 16 DI, 8 DO, 2 PI, 1 AI for battery monitoring
Model and Suffix Codes
Description | ||
Model | DTSX3000 | Distributed Temperature Sensor |
Suffix Codes | -S | 10km range |
-N | 16km range | |
-M | 30km range | |
-L | 50km range | |
0 | Standard type | |
5 | Non explosion proof | |
E | Explosion proof | |
E | E2000/APC | |
N | Basic type | |
G | With ISA Standard G3 option |
DTSX3000 Module Base (same as DTSX200 Module Base)
Model and Suffix Codes
Description | ||
Model | DTSBM10 | Base module for DTSX200 |
Suffix Codes | -N | Standard type |
0 | Standard type | |
9 | EAC mark | |
N | Basic type | |
G | With ISA Standard G3 option |
Optical Switch Module
Model and Suffix Codes
Description | ||
Model | DTOS2L | Optical Switch module 2ch |
DTOS4L | Optical Switch module 4ch | |
DTOS16L | Optical Switch module 16ch | |
Suffix Codes |
-N | Standard type |
5 | Non-explosion proof | |
E | Explosion proof | |
E | E2000/APC | |
N | Basic type | |
G | With ISA Standard G3 option |
Power Supply Module
Model | Reference (Input voltage range) |
NFPW426 | 10 to 30 VDC |
NFPW441 | 100 to 120 VAC |
NFPW442 | 220 to 240 VAC |
NFPW444 | 21.6 to 31.2 VDC |
The development of unconventional resources, such as heavy oil, oil sands and shale gas has been progressing in line with the increase in global energy demand. DTSX3000 can measure the temperature distribution along an optical fiber with a length of several kilometers are being applied to extraction of unconventional resources. DTSX3000 maximizes oil/gas extraction by providing real time continuous temperature measurement through different injection dynamics. In addition to well optimization, DTSX3000 provides critical data that help monitor and detect wellbore conditions for leaks, water penetration and gas breakthrough. DTSX3000 also provides control capability (measurement of flow, pressure, temperature, valve position, etc.) on top of fiber optic temperature measurement. More importantly, compared to conventional wellbore monitoring technology, DTSX3000 is more robust, cost effective and accurate.
Features | Benefits |
Ultra low power consumption: 10W | Perfect for solar application in remote areas |
Operating temperature range: -40 dec C to 65 dec C | Perfect for rugged environment without cooling or heating |
Fiber optic cable sensor | Provides a complete and continuous profile of the downhole well |
Control capability with NFCP050 module | Monitor and control external devices such as flow, pressure, valve position, temperature, etc. |
Wide range of communication protocols | Connect to existing DCS, PLC, DAQ and wireless interface |
6km optical fiber = 6,000 points! | Cost effective way of measuring temperature compared to traditional sensor technology |

Yokogawa DTSX3000 can protect the infrastructure of existing power line/cable and reduce cost by monitoring the thermal dynamics of the power transmission and distribution line. By measuring the temperature of the power line, power grid operators can maximize the usable capacity of the power current by avoiding power cable damage and extending the cable life by maintaining optical power current. More importantly, operators can identify hot spots, fire breakout and location of fire along the entire grid. DTSX3000 minimizes the potential power grid network outages and streamlines preventative maintenance process. Because of its immunity to electromagnetic interference, DTSX3000 is ideal for high voltage, high noise environment. DTSX3000 is designed to deploy in the following environments:
- Underground power cables
- Subsea power cables
- Overhead power lines
- Distribution station
- Substations
Features | Benefits |
Isolation from electromagnetic interference | Fiber optic is isolated from electrical magnetic current |
Real time temperature measurement and monitoring | Measure and monitor real time power grid/cable temperature |
Measure and monitor multiple power circuits/cables | Up to 16 channels of optical switch can be connected |
Report and data analysis | Access historical data using HTTP, SFTP or web browser |
Wide range of communication protocols | Connect to existing DCS, PLC, DAQ and wireless interface |
6km optical fiber = 6,000 points! | Cost effective way of measuring temperature compared to traditional sensor technology |

Yokogawa DTSX3000 offers superior pipeline leak detection by using fiber optic solutions that provide a complete temperature profile along the entire length of a pipeline. When a leak occurs anywhere along the pipeline, a localized temperature change is produced at that specific location. The optical fiber cable, due to its close proximity to the pipeline, has adequate thermal contact and can provide accurate temperature readings. By compar+7-ing every new temperature profile scan acquired against a reference profile taken under normal conditions, it is possible to detect temperature anomalies which may indicate a possible pipeline failure or external extrusion which might result in or be an actual break. DTSX3000 is designed to deploy in the following applications:
- Gas pipelines: Ammonia, natural gas, carbon dioxide
- Liquid pipelines: Crude oil, heated oil, gasoline, PNG, LNG, brine, steam
A leak induced temperature change can be either from a localized cooling or heating. For leaks occurring in pipelines carrying crude oil and other similar products, it is expected that a localized warming will result from a leak as it is often a common practice to transport the crude at a warm temperature to reduce its viscosity.
Leaks in pressurized gas pipelines or those carrying LNG or other cryogenic products, a localized cooling effect will be observed as a result of the Joule Thompson effect, whereby a rapidly expanding gas under pressure lowers the surrounding temperature.

Feature | Benefits |
1m special resolution | Identify the exact location of the leak/failure |
Up to 0.1°C temperature resolution | Possible leak detection within the first 1 minute of occurrence * |
Fiber optic cable sensor | Real time, accurate and continuous detection of gas, oil and fuel pipeline leaks |
Report and data analysis | Access historical data using HTTP, SFTP or web browser |
Wide range of communication protocols | Connect to existing DCS, PLC, DAQ and wireless interface |
6km optical fiber = 6,000 points! | Cost effective way of measuring temperature compared to traditional sensor technology |
* Assuming appropriate scan rate and data refresh intervals are used
Early fire detection to critical process and environment is an important component to any safety system. A blazing fire has devastating consequences to important assets, products and most importantly, human lives. Furthermore, the cost of downtime due to fire leads to lost opportunities and costly repairs. Discrete sensor technology often fails due to the surrounding environment conditions such as dust, humidity, heat and corrosion. In addition, it is expensive to maintain a conventional sensor technology due to constant repair. Yokogawa's DTSX3000 is designed to detect fire in critical assets under the most extreme conditions and offers unmatched reliability, performance and cost savings.
Yokogawa's DTSX3000 is designed to deploy in the following fire detection applications:
- Conveyor belts carrying important goods
- Tank farms
- Cable trays
- Underground tunnels
- Pipelines (underground, above ground)
- Nuclear facilities
- Mining, Refinery
Feature | Benefits |
1m special resolution | Identify the exact location of the fire |
Up to 0.1°C temperature resolution | Possible fire detection within the first 10 seconds of occurrence * |
Fiber optic cable sensor | Unlike discrete sensor or IR camera, fiber optic cable eliminates "blind spots" |
Coated fiber optic cable | Immune to dust, humidity, corrosion and dirt |
Report and data analysis | Access historical data using HTTP, SFTP or web browser |
Wide range of communication protocols | Connect to existing DCS, PLC, DAQ and wireless interface |
6km optical fiber = 6,000 points! | Cost effective way of measuring temperature compared to traditional sensor technology |
* Assuming appropriate scan rate and data refresh intervals are used
DTAP3000 Control Visualization Software
The DTSX3000Control Visualization Software (DTAP3000) is used to control the DTSX3000 and visualize DTS data on a PC. In addition, the software displays measurement data graphs and generate LAS format. DTAP3000 allows a user to perform control, monitoring and analysis from anywhere on Ethernet network.
DTAP3000D Data Conversion Software
The Data Conversion Software option (DTAP3000D) allows the DTSX3000 to generate data files in WITSML format. When the DTSX3000 is configured for WITSML conversion using DTAP3000D, then the DTSX3000 will generate data files in WITSML format.
What if you could detect signs of abnormalities in bus ducts (bus bars) quickly during maintenance and inspection work and respond to them at just the right time? Yokogawa DTSX monitoring solution constantly monitors connections that tend to deteriorate over time and contributes by pinpointing abnormality locations and reducing workload of maintenance personnel, helping to ensure stability in plant operations.
양조장용 DTSX 솔루션(저온 살균 공정에서 살균기 막힘 감지)
Temperature Monitoring Solution for
Quick Detection of Fires in Fume Ducts
With industrial and economic development comes increasingly large and advanced power plants and factories. Nevertheless, we find many cases where the original cables, cable tunnels, and other components of the power infrastructure have languished under continuous operation.
Reactor/Furnace Wall Healthiness Monitoring with a Fiber Optical Temperature Sensor
Temperature Monitoring Solution forMaximum VSD Operating Efficiency
Recently, several ARC Advisory Group analysts and management team members had a chance to sit down with the new Yokogawa President and COO, Mr. Takashi Nishijima, and several other top Yokogawa executives to discuss the company's burgeoning presence in the worldwide upstream and midstream oil & gas industry.
- Distributed Temperature Sensor DTSX3000/DTSX200 (2.1 MB)
- DTSX, STARDOM and FAST/TOOLS Solution (997 KB)
- Temperature Sensing Solutions (596 KB)
DTSX has been increasingly used in variety of applications such as fire detection, leak detection and preventative maintenance.
기술 및 솔루션, 요꼬가와에 대한 자세한 정보를 찾고 계십니까?
견적 및 기술문의