GX10 / GX20은 측정 데이터를 실시간으로 터치 패널에 표시하고 SD 메모리 카드에 데이터를 저장할 수 있는 디지털 레코더입니다.
트렌드를 밀어 과거 데이터 보기, 손가락으로 확대하기 등 직관적인 조작이 가능하며, 측정 · 기록 중 과거 트렌드를 볼 수 있습니다.
또한 이더넷 인터페이스는 표준 장착되어 있으며 이를 통해 E 메일로 통지, Web 브라우저를 통한 실시간 원격 감시, FTP로 파일 전송 등의 네트워크 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.
스마트한 다양한 기능
다양한 표시 기능
- 트렌드 화면과 오버뷰 화면 이외에 각종 정보, 로그 등 고객의 요구에 맞춘 화면 표시 기능을 탑재
- 사용자가 원하는 대로 화면을 구성하여 볼 수 있는 사용자 지정 디스플레이 기능 탑재 (옵션)
터치 패널을 사용한 직관적인 조작
- 감압식 터치 패널의 2점 터치가 가능하여 두 손가락 터치로 시간 축의 확대 · 축소가 가능
- 또한 2 점 터치를 사용하여 표시된 레인지의 확대 · 축소도 가능
필기 메시지 기능
- 터치 펜이나 손가락 등으로 트렌드 위에 자유롭게 메시지를 쓸 수 있음
스마트한 구조
확장성이 뛰어난 구조
- 입출력 증설이 가능한 모듈 구조를 채택하여 다양한 입출력 모듈 중에서 고객의 환경에 맞게 자유롭게 선택이 가능
다양한 입출력 사양
- 아날로그 입력 모듈 1대의 입력 점수는 10 점이며 직류 전압 및 열전대, 측온 저항체 등 다양한 입력을 지원하는 유니버셜 입력 타입의 모듈. 기타 디지털 입출력 모듈도 제공
- GX90XA 아날로그 입력 모듈 : 직류 전압, 열전대, 측온 저항체, 접점, 직류 전류
- 신제품 GX90XA-10-V1 고전압 AI 모듈 : 최대 common 모드 전압 600V
- GX90XA-04-H0 고속 AI 모듈 : 직류 전압, 열전대, 측온 저항체, 접점을 1ms로 고속 측정
- GX90XA-06-R1 4 선 RTD 모듈 : 4 선식 측온 저항체, 입력 저항 측정
- GX90YA 아날로그 출력 모듈 : mA 전류 출력
- GX90XD 디지털 입력 모듈 : 원격 제어 입력, 펄스 입력
- GX90YD 디지털 출력 모듈 : 알람 출력 등
- GX90WD 디지털 입출력 모듈 : 원격 제어 입력, 알람 출력, 펄스 입력
- GX90XP 펄스 입력 모듈 : 펄스 신호 데이터 수집, 적산 카운트
- GX90UT PID 제어 모듈 : PID 제어 (2루프)
전면 하단 커버 색상 선택 가능 (흰색 또는 검은색)
- 사용하는 환경에 맞게 원하는 색상 선택 가능
다채널 지원
- GX10은 최대 30 채널까지 GX20은 최대 100 채널까지 확장 가능
- Ethernet으로 레코더 본체와 쉽게 연결 가능하여 확장 유닛을 장착할 경우 최대 450 점의 입력이 가능
스마트 기능
PID 제어
- PID 제어와 프로그램 제어 가능 (20 루프까지 제어가 가능)
- Web 애플리케이션을 통해 Web 브라우저로 현장에서 떨어진 곳에서도 원격 조작 및 모니터링이 가능
- 다양한 제어 화면을 선택할 수 있으며, 운전 · 감시가 가능
- 프로그램 제어 기능 (옵션)에 의해 최대 99 패턴의 프로그램 제어가 가능
듀얼 간격 측정
- 두 가지 측정 주기를 시스템에서 혼합하여 사용 가능
프린터에 직접 출력
- PC를 통하지 않고, GX에서 보고서 파일 등을 직접 인쇄 가능
편리한 Report 작성 기능
- Excel에서 만든 템플릿에 따라 자동으로 보고서 데이터의 작성이 가능하며 PDF 파일로도 출력 가능
Web 브라우저로 실시간 모니터링
- Web 브라우저를 사용하여 원격으로 실시간 모니터링 및 각종 설정 변경이 가능
21 CFR Part 11 지원 (옵션)
- 미국 FDA 21 CFR Part11에 대응 (의약품 제조 산업)
전력계 WT 시리즈와 쉽게 연결 기능 (옵션)
- E전력 측정계(WT 시리즈 파워 분석기)의 측정 데이터를 쉽게 데이터 수집 · 기록이 가능
DARWIN 호환 기능 (Ethernet, RS-422/485, RS-232)
- 데이터 수집 장비 DARWIN에서 원활하게 대체 가능
멀티 배치 기능 (옵션)
- 배치마다 독립적인 기록 시작/중지 및 각각의 데이터 파일 생성 가능
SLMP 통신 (미쯔비시 PLC) (옵션)
- GX에서 시퀀스 프로그램 없이, 미쓰비시 사의 PLC와 연결을 가능하게 하는 프로토콜 기능
OPC-UA 서버 (옵션)
- 상위 시스템 (OPC-UA 클라이언트)에서 Ethernet 통신을 통해 GX에서 수집한 데이터에 액세스 가능
열처리 어플리케이션 AMS2750 / NADCAP 대응
- 우주 항공 열처리 (옵션), 입력 값 보정 설정 등을 정기적으로 실시하기 위해 일정 관리가 가능
* Notice on Java Plug-in running in Web browser for SMARTDAC+ series
OpreX는 제어 사업의 포괄적인 브랜드입니다. 고객의 가치창출을 통해 쌓아온 YOKOGAWA의 기술과 솔루션의 우수성을 나타내고 YOKOGAWA의 모든 제어 관련 제품, 서비스 및 솔루션을 포함하고 있습니다. OpreX Transformation, OpreX Control, OpreX Measurement, OpreX Execution, OpreX Lifecycle 5 개의 카테고리로 구성되어 있으며 디지털 레코더 GX10 / GX20은 OpreX Measurement 구성 제품 솔루션 군의 하나 인 OpreX Data Acquisition에 속합니다. OpreX Measurement은 고정밀 측정, 데이터 수집, 분석을 가능하게하는 현장 장비 및 시스템을 의미합니다.
YOKOGAWA는 이 브랜드를 통해 고객의 비즈니스 과제 해결의 관점에서 고객의 변혁과 성장을 지원하는 통합 솔루션을 제공하고 있습니다
An intuitive UI engineered for ease-of-use
Efficiently search for key data
Easily review historical data
Seamless display of historical trends—flick or drag the trend display to scroll through the data, even during measurement.
Quickly find data using calendars and summary screens
From a calendar, jump to waveforms of a specific date. From the alarm summary, jump to the waveform active during the alarm.
Easily check off trouble spots
Write freehand messages
Immediately clear areas of concern with a hand-written message.
You can draw or hand-write on the waveform area using a stylus (standard accessory) or the tip of your finger. You can even select a color and line width. Alternatively, you can select from a list of preset messages.
Save and output image files
Save trend waveforms of interest or screens displayed during alarms as image (PNG) files, and print them out at the same time.
Check waveforms of concern in detail
Display digital values at any location
Move the scale to display the value corresponding to that position as a numeric value. Instantly check maximum/minimum measured values.
[Patent technology]
Ascertain long-duration trends at a glance
All historical trends display
Long-duration trends can be fitted to a single screen for easy viewing.
All historical trends display
Zoom in/out - time axis and engineering units
The time axis and engineering axis can expanded and compressed using a simple pinch together or apart function
Pinch apart / Pinch together
Create your own screens
Custom display (/CG option)
You can arrange display objects such as trend, numeric, and bar graphs any way you like to create monitor displays that are customized to the environment. Start/stop pumps and perform other operations.
Custom display building software
DAQStudio DXA170
DAQStudio is software for creating custom displays. You can load screens you created onto the GX via Ethernet or external memory media (SD/USB) and display them.
Variety of display screens
Physical quantities are displayed and recorded on a log scale.
Multi-panel display
You can select from 9 layouts, and save up to 20 configurations. (Multi panel available on the GX20 only)
Highly flexible and scalable architecture
Modular input/output
Inputs and outputs are modular for easy expandability. The GX multichannel paperless recorder main unit alone provides up to 100 channels (GX20) of measurement.
Wide variety of input/output modules
Select from a wide variety of input/output modules.
Model | Name | Measurement/Application | Channels |
GX90XA-10-U2 | Analog input module | DC voltage, DC current (with external shunt resistor connected), thermocouple, RTD, contact (solid state relay scanner type) | 10 |
GX90XA-10-L1 | DC voltage, DC current (with external shunt resistor connected), thermocouple, contact (Low withstand voltage solid state relay scanner type) | 10 | |
GX90XA-10-T1 | DC voltage, DC current (with external shunt resistor connected), thermocouple, contact (electromagnetic relay scanner type) | 10 | |
GX90XA-10-C1 | DC current (mA) (solid state relay scanner type) | 10 | |
GX90XA-10-V1 | DC voltage, DC current (with external shunt resistor connected), thermocouple, contact (Solid state relay scanner type) | 10 | |
GX90XA-04-H0 | DC voltage, DC current (with external shunt resistor connected), thermocouple, RTD, contact (individual A/D type) | 4 | |
GX90XA-06-R1 | 4-wire RTD, 4-wire resistance (solid state relay scanner type) | 6 | |
GX90YA | Analog output module | Current output | 4 |
GX90XD | Digital input module | Remote control input or operation recording | 16 |
GX90YD | Digital output module | Alarm output | 6 |
GX90WD | Digital input/output module | Remote control input or operation recording/alarm output | DI:8/DO:6 |
GX90XP | Pulse input module | Pulse signal data acquisition, integral count | 10 |
GX90UT | PID control module | PID control (2 loop) | AI:2/AO:2 DI:8/DO:8 |
Expandable to up to 450 channels (real actual input)
Supports up to 450 channels of measurement. Note that if MATH and communication channels are included, the GX20 large memory type can record on up to 1000 channels. The GX main unit and expandable I/O can both use the same input/output modules.
You connect directly with a LAN cable without connecting through a hub or repeater.
* You can also connect subunits of the GM Data Acquisition System.
Model | Type | Max.channels | Number of channels by configuration | |
GX10 | Standard | 100ch | Main unit only | 0-30 |
Main + expandable I/O | 0-100 | |||
GX20 | Standard | 100ch | Main unit only | 0-100 |
Main + expandable I/O | 0-100 | |||
Large memory | 450ch | Main unit only | 0-100 | |
Main + expandable I/O | 0-450 |
The number of channels is for analog input only.
Reduce wiring with distributed installation
When the recorder is installed offsite (away from the DUT), you can place the expandable I/O at the site and monitor data without the need for long-distance wiring of thermocouples and other sensors.
A full range of network functions and software
Real time remote monitoring from a web browser
Through a Web browser you can monitor the GX in real time and change settings. You can easily build a seamless, low-cost remote monitoring system with no additional software.
Real time monitoring screen
You can view monitor screens in real time that are identical to the trends, digital, and other displays on the GX main unit.
Enter settings online with a web browser
The setting screen lets you copy AI channel settings and other information to Excel for editing. You can reimport the data into the setting screen after editing.
Dedicated software (free download) is available for loading waveforms and GX settings.
Universal viewer
Data files saved on the GX can be viewed and printed. You can perform statistical computation over an area and export to ASCII, Excel, or other formats.
Offline setting software
Save settings or transfer them to the GX.
Aerospace Heat Treatment Supports heat treatment application AMS2750/NADCAP
Calibration correction schedule control function (/AH option)
Schedule management for periodically executing calibration correction configuration and the like. The correction factor can be set separately for unit and sensor dependency. TUS report software enables you to easily create TUS (temperature uniformity survey) reports.*.
* For information on TUS software, contact your Yokogawa representative.
Record data in separate files per equipment set
Multi-batch Function (/BT option)
Recorder pre-defined channel groups to separate data files with independent start and stop control. Up to 12 independent batches can be created.
PID control function
Control function
Enables PID and program control
- PID control module
2-loops per module, up to 20 loops per system/li> - Setpoint program control function (/PG option)
Up to 99 patterns

Remote operation and monitoring
The web application enables remote operation and monitoring from a browser.

Built in control screens and display
Various pre-configured control screens and display are available.

Seamless integration
Combine and integrate complex legacy control panel into a simple and flexible data acquisition station.

Custom display
Remote operation is possible through screens that are customized for your specific system.

High speed measurement (down to 1 ms)
Yokogawa's proprietary A/D converter allows the high speed module to measure data points as fast 1ms.
- High speed (1 ms) measurement*
- Proprietary A/D converter
With 1ch per module. At 2 ms, 2 ch per module, and at 5 ms or more, all 4 ch per module.
Model | Scan interval | ||
1ms | 2ms | 10ms | |
GX10 | 1ch | 5ch | 10ch |
GX20-1 | 1ch | 5ch | 10ch |
GX20-2 | 5ch | 25ch | 40ch |
Dual interval measurement with two different scan intervals
Users have the ability to choose two different scan intervals on a single GX/GP system. This allows users the flexibility to measure various types of inputs with two different scan intervals in a single system. For example, this provides for efficient, simultaneous measurement of signals with slow fluctuations such as temperature, and fast-changing signals such as pressure and vibration. Modules can be assigned to measurement groups.

MATH (including reports), and event actions
MATH function (/MT option)
Supports various kinds of math computation, including basic math and functions (square root, logarithms, trigonometry). Write formulas using variables for measured or computed data and save or display the results—this saves time and effort on post-processing. Create hourly, daily, monthly, and other reports with the Report function.

Event actions
Ability to assign actions tied to specific events during the operation of the data acquisition station.

Report creation and network functions (/MT option)

Provides a variety of convenient networking functions
Modbus/TCP and Modbus/RTU Communications
GX supports Modbus TCP/IP client and server modes for Ethernet communications and Modbus RTU master and slave modes for optional serial communications.
Modbus/TCP (Ethernet connection)
Using the Modbus/TCP and Modbus/RTU functions, you can display and save data from the server and slave devices on the GX.*
* Requires the communication channel (/MC option ).
(Connect up to 16 Modbus/TCP servers, or up to 32 for the GX20-2.)
(Up to 31 Modbus/RTU slaves can be connected.)
Modbus/RTU (RS-422/485 connection)
Using the Modbus/TCP and Modbus/RTU functions, you can acquire GX data from upstream devices.
EtherNet/IP Function (/E1 option)
GX supports EtherNet/IP server functions. You can access GX from PLCs or other devices and load measurement/MATH channels or write* to communication input channels (GX10: max. 50 ch, GX20-1: max. 300 ch, GX20-2: max. 500 ch).
* Requires the communication channel function (/MC option).
CC-Link family SLMP communication (/E4 option)
Protocol function that enables connection from a GX to Mitsubishi Electric PLCs without sequencer programs. You can run the GX as an SLMP client, enabling writing of GX measured data to the PLC and writing of PLC data to communication channels.*
*Requires the communication channel function (/MC option).
Powerful tool for instrument performance evaluation testing (/E2 and /MC options)
Highly precise measured data from power measuring instruments (WT series power analyzers) can be acquired without loss of fidelity on the GX, and recorded and displayed alongside the GX's own measured data. This is ideal for performance evaluation testing because you can record instrument power consumption, temperature, and other phenomena simultaneously.
- Models that can be connected:
Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corp.,
WT series power analyzers,
WT300/WT300E (command mode WT300), WT500, WT1800/WT1800E (command type WT1800) - Max. no. of connections:
8 (GX10), 16 (GX20)
OPC-UA Server (/E3 option)
Data acquired by the GX can be accessed through Ethernet communication from a host system (OPCUA client). Writing from an upstream system to a GX communication channel requires the communication channel function (/MC option).

DARWIN-compatible communication
The GX supports DARWIN communication commands. Use your current DARWIN communication programs as-is on the GX.*
* See your dealer or nearest Yokogawa representative for details.
CENTUM/STARDOM communciation package
- CENTUM: LFS2432, DARWIN/DAQSTATION Communication package (for ALE111 [Ethernet])
- STARDOM: NT365AJ DARWIN connection package
FTP-based file transfer
The FTP client/server functions allow you to easily share and manage data from a centralized file server.
E-mail messaging function
Automatic network setup (DHCP) function
Using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), the GX can automatically acquire the settings it needs (IP address) for network communications from a DHCP server. This makes it easier than ever to install the unit on a plant network.
Time synchronization with network time servers
GX uses SNTP protocol in client mode to acquire time information from a network time-server. This function allows any number of GX units within a facility to have precisely synchronized time; all units will record data with coordinated date and time stamp information. In addition, GX can function as a server, providing time data to other SNTP client units on the network.
Rock-solid hardware and highly secure
Choice of mounting designs
Be confident that recorded data is saved
Measured and calculated data is continuously saved to secure, internal non-volatile memory. At manual or scheduled intervals, the files in memory are copied to the removable media. In addition, the files can be copied and archived to an FTP server.
Because of the inherent reliability and security of non-volatile memory, the possibility of losing data under any operating condition or power failure event is extremely small.
Select file formats according to your application
For increased security, measured data can be saved in binary format. This format is very difficult to decipher or modify in traditional text editors or other programs. To enable easy and direct opening of the data in text editors or spreadsheet programs, choose text format. This allows you to work with your measurement data without dedicated software.
ASCI data display
Binary data display
21 CFR Part 11 support (/AS option)
With the expanded security function option, the instruments support the USA FDA's Title 21 CFR Part 11 regulations (for the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry). It gives you access to a credential-based login function, electronic signatures, audit trails, an anti-tampering function, an Active Directory-based password management function, a sign-in function, and other security features.
Security enhancements
Safely sends and receives customer data.
SSL: An encryption protocol for data sent over TCP/IP networks.
Front panel door lock
The front panel door can be locked to prevent mishandling of the power switch or external media.
Analog front end module
A proprietary A/D converter delivers high speed, high precision data acquisition. (High-speed AI, PID Control module)
Standards supported
GX90XA : Analog input module
Model | GX90XA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Input type (Inputs: 10) |
DC voltage*1, standardized signal*1, thermocouple*1, RTD*2, DI*1, DC current (with external shunt resistor)*1, DC current*3, resistance*4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DCV | 20 mV, 60 mV, 200 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 6 V, 20 V, 50 V, 100 V*5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Standard signal | 0.4-2 V, 1-5 V | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resistance | 20, 200, 2000 Ω | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thermocouple | R, S, B, K, E, J, T, N, W, L, U, W97Re3-W75Re25, KpvsAu7Fe, Platinel 2, PR20-40, NiNiMo, W/WRe26, N(AWG14), XK GOST | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RTD | Pt100, JPt100, Cu10 GE, Cu10 L&N, Cu10 WEED, Cu10 BAILEY, Cu10 (20°C) α=0.00392, Cu10 (20°C) α=0.00393, Cu25 (0°C) α=0.00425, Cu53 (0°C) α=0.00426035, Cu100 (0°C) α=0.00425, J263B, Ni100 (SAMA), Ni100 (DIN), Ni120, Pt25, Pt50, Pt200 WEED, Cu10 GOST, Cu50 GOST, Cu100 GOST, Pt46 GOST, Pt100 GOST, PT500*4, PT1000*4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DI | Level, Contact | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DC current | 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scan intervals |
1/2/5/10/20/50/100/200/500ms, 1/2/5s Scan interval by type
Power supply and consumption | Supplied from main unit, power consumption: 2 W or less | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Insulation resistance | Between input circuits and internal circuitry: 20 MΩ or greater (at 500 V DC) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Withstand voltage | Between the input circuits and the internal circuitry: 3000 VAC for one minute (current input type and low withstand voltage type: 1500 VAC for one minute, high withstand voltage type: 3700 V AC for one minute) Between analog input channels: 1000 V AC for one minute (excluding b terminals for universal input type) (low withstand voltage type: 400 VAC for one minute, high speed universal type: 3000 V AC for one minute) |
Terminal types | M3 screw terminals or clamp terminals | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weight | Approx. 0.3 kg |
*1 Cannot be set for the current input type (type suffix code: -C1) or 4-wire RTD/resistance type (type suffix code: -R1).
*2 Cannot be set for the current input type (type suffix code: -C1), electromagnetic relay type (type suffix code: -T1), low withstand voltage type (type suffix code: -L1) or high withstand voltage type (type suffix code: -V1).
*3 Can only be set with current input type (type suffix code: -C1).
*4 Can only be set with 4-wire RTD/resistance type (type suffix code: -R1).
*5 Can only be set with high speed universal type (type suffix code: -H0).
Model and Suffix Codes
Model | Suffix Code | Description | ||||
GX90XA | Analog input module | |||||
Number of channels | -04 | 4 channels (-H0 type only) | ||||
-06 | 6 channels (-R1 type only) | |||||
-10 | 10 channels (-C1, -L1, -U2, -T1, -V1) | |||||
Type | -C1 | Current, scanner type (isolated between channels) | ||||
-L1 | Low withstand voltage DCV/TC/DI, scanner type (isolated between channels) | |||||
-U2 | Universal, Solid state relay scanner type (3-wire RTD b-terminal common) | |||||
-T1 | DCV/TC/DI, Electromagnetic relay scanner type (isolated between channels) | |||||
-H0 | High speed universal, individual A/D type (isolated between channels) | |||||
-R1 | 4-wire RTD/resistance, scanner type (isolated between channels) | |||||
-V1 | DCV/TC/DI, high withstand voltage scannertype (Isolated between channels) | |||||
- | N | Always N | ||||
Terminal form | -3 | Screw terminal (M3) | ||||
-C | Clamp terminal | |||||
Area | N | General |
GX90YA : Analog output module
Model | GX90YA |
Output type (outputs: 4) | Transmission output, manual output |
Range | 4–20 mA or 0–20 mA |
Output update interval | 100 msec (shortest) |
Load resistance | 600 Ω or less |
Resolution | 0.002% |
Power supply and consumption | Supplied from main unit, power consumption: 3W or less |
Insulation resistance | Between output circuits and internal circuitry: 20 MΩ (at 500 VDC) |
Between output channel terminals: 500 VDC, 20 MΩ or greater | |
Withstand voltage | Between output circuits and internal circuitry: 1500 AC for one minute |
Between output circuits: 500 VAC for one minute | |
Terminal type | M3 screw terminals or clamp terminals |
Weight | Approximately 0.2 kg |
Model and Suffix Codes
Model | Suffix Code | Description | ||||
GX90YA | Analog output module | |||||
Number of channels | -04 | 4 channels | ||||
Type | -C1 | Current output (isolated between channels) | ||||
- | N | Always N | ||||
Terminal form | -3 | Screw terminal (M3) | ||||
-C | Clamped terminals | |||||
Area | N | General |
GX90XD : Digital input module
Model | GX90XD | |
Input types (Inputs: 16) |
DI or pulse input*1 (Open collector or non-voltage contact) | |
ON/OFF detection | Open collector: Voltage of 0.5 V DC or less when ON, leakage current of 0.5 mA or less when OFF Non-voltage contact: Resistance of 200 Ω or less when ON, 50 kΩ when OFF |
Contact rating | 12 V DC, 20 mA or more | |
Power supply and consumption | Supplied from main unit, power consumption: 0.7 W or less | |
Insulation resistance | Between input terminals and internal circuitry: 20 MΩ or greater (at 500 V DC) | |
Withstand voltage | Between input terminals and internal circuitry: 1500 V AC for one minute | |
Terminal types | M3 screw terminals or clamp terminals | |
Weight | Approx. 0.3 kg |
Pulse input specifications*1
Counting system | The rising edge of the pulse is counted. |
Max. pulse period | 250Hz (The chattering filter : OFF) 125Hz (The chattering filter : ON) |
Minimum detection pulse width | Low (close), High (open), both is 2 ms or more |
Pulse detection period | 1ms |
Pulse measurement accuracy | ± 1 pulse |
Pulse count interval | Measurement interval |
Filter |
The chattering filter can be switched On/Off. (When the chattering filter is off, connect GX/GP so that it is not affected by the noise.) |
*1 Integration requires the math function (optional code /MT).
Model and Suffix Codes
Model | Suffix Code | Description | ||||
GX90XD | Digital input module | |||||
Number of channels | -16 | 16 channels | ||||
Type | -11 | Open collector/Non-voltage, contact (shared common), Rated 5 VDC | ||||
- | N | Always N | ||||
Terminal form | -3 | Screw terminal (M3) | ||||
-C | Clamp terminal | |||||
Area | N | General |
GX90YD : Digital output module
Model | GX90YD |
Output types (outputs: 6) | Relay contact (c contact) |
Rated load voltage | 100 to 240 V AC or 5 to 24 V DC |
Max. load voltage/current | 264 VAC or 26.4 VDC, 3A/point (resistance load) |
Power supply and consumption | Supplied from main unit, power consumption: 1.4 W or less |
Insulation resistance | Between output terminals and internal circuitry: 20 MΩ (at 500 VDC) |
Withstand voltage | Between output terminals and internal circuitry: 3000 V AC for one minute |
Terminal types | M3 screw terminals |
Weight | Approx. 0.3 kg |
Model and Suffix Codes
Model | Suffix Code | Description | ||||
GX90YD | Digital output module | |||||
Number of channels | -06 | 6 channels | ||||
Type | -11 | Relay, SPDT(NO-C-NC) | ||||
- | N | Always N | ||||
Terminal form | -3 | Screw terminal (M3) | ||||
Area | N | General |
GX90EX : Expansion module
Model and Suffix Codes
Model | Suffix Code | Description | ||||
GX90EX | I/O expansion module | |||||
Port | -02 | 2 Ports | ||||
Type | -TP1 | Twisted pair cable | ||||
- | N | Always N | ||||
Area | -N | Standard accessories |
GX90WD : Digital input/output module
Model | GX90WD | |
Input types (Inputs: 8) |
DI or pulse input*1 (Open collector or non-voltage contact) | |
ON/OFF detection | Open collector : Voltage of 0.5 V DC or less when ON, leakage current of 0.5 mA or less when OFF Non-voltage contact : Resistance of 200 Ω or less when ON, 50 kΩ when OFF |
Contact input rating | 12 VDC, 20 mA or more | |
Output type (outputs: 6) | Relay contact (C contact) | |
Rated load voltage | When connected to the main circuit (fi rst-order power supply), 150 VAC or less When connected to a circuit derived from the main circuit (second-order power supply), 250 VAC or less (the main circuit is 300 VAC or less and uses an isolated transformer) or 30 VDC or less |
Max. load current | 2 A (DC)/2 A (AC), resistive load | |
Power consumption | 1.9 W or less | |
Insulation resistance | Between input terminals and internal circuitry: 20 MΩ or greater (at 500 VDC) Between output terminals and internal circuitry: 20 MΩ or greater (at 500 VDC) |
Withstand voltage | Between input terminals and internal circuitry: 1500 VAC for one minute Between output terminals and internal circuitry: 3000 VAC for one minute |
Terminal types | M3 screw terminals | |
Weight | Approx. 0.3 kg |
Each unit (GX/GP main unit and expandable I/O), can use 1 module only.
Pulse input specifications*1
Counting system | The rising edge of the pulse is counted. |
Max. pulse period | 250Hz (The chattering filter : OFF) 125Hz (The chattering filter : ON) |
Minimum detection pulse width | Low (close), High (open), both is 2 ms or more |
Pulse detection period | 1ms |
Pulse measurement accuracy | ± 1 pulse |
Pulse count interval | Measurement interval |
Filter |
The chattering filter can be switched On/Off. (When the chattering filter is off, connect GX/GP so that it is not affected by the noise.) |
*1 Integration requires the math function (optional code /MT).
Model and Suffix Codes
Model | Suffix Code | Description | ||||
GX90WD | Digital input/output module | |||||
Number of channels | -0806 | 8 channel DIs, 6 channel DOs | ||||
Type | -01 | Open collector/non-voltage contact (shared common), rated 5 VDC; Relay, SPDT, (NO-C-NC) | ||||
- | N | Always N | ||||
Terminal form | -3 | Screw terminal (M3) | ||||
Area | N | General |
GX90XP : Pulse input module
Model | GX90XP |
Number of inputs | 10 |
Measurement interval | 100 ms (shortest) |
Input type | Contact (open collector, voltage-free contact), level (5 V logic) |
Input range | Up to 20 kHz* * 30 Hz when the chattering filter is in use (On) |
Minimum detection pulse width | 25 μs* * 15 ms when the chattering filter is in use (On) |
Measurement accuracy | Count ± 1 pulse During integration, the following accuracies are added. Upon MATH start: +1 measuring period Upon MATH stop: -1 measuring period * Integration requires the math function (optional code /MT). |
Chattering filter | Removes chattering up to 5 ms (can be turned on/off on each channel) |
Hysteresis width | Approx. 0.2 V |
Contact, transistor rating | Contact: 15 V DC or higher and 30 mA or higher rating. Minimum applicable load current 1 mA or less. Transistor: With the following ratings: Vce > 15 VDC, Ic > 30 mA |
Maximum input voltage | ±10 V DC |
Insulation resistance | Between input terminals and internal circuitry: 20 MΩ or greater at 500 V DC |
Withstand voltage | Between input terminals and internal circuitry: 1500 V AC for 1 minute |
Model and Suffix Codes
Model | Suffix code | Description | ||||
GX90XP | Pulse input module | |||||
Number of channels | -10 | 10 channels | ||||
Type | -11 | DC voltage/open collector/non-voltage contact (shared common), rated 5 VDC | ||||
— | N | Always N | ||||
Terminal form | -3 | Screw terminal (M3) | ||||
-C | Clamp terminal | |||||
Area | N | General |
GX90UT : PID control module
Model | GX90UT | |
Control loops | Number of loops | 2 |
Analog input (measured input) | Measured points | 2 |
Measurement type | DC voltage (DCV)/standardized signal, TC/RTD, DI (LEVEL and non-voltage contact)/DC current (with external shunt resistance) | |
Scan (control) interval | 100 ms or 200 ms (system global setting) | |
Analog output (control output/transmission output/sensor power supply) | Outputs | 2 |
Output type | Power supply for current, voltage pulse, or sensors. | |
Current output: 4-20 mA or 0-20 mA | ||
Voltage pulse output: ON voltage = 12 VDC or more (load resistance 600 Ω or more), OFF voltage = 0.1 VDC or less | ||
Can be used as a sensor power supply (13.0-18.3 VDC) | ||
Digital input (switching the SP, operation mode, etc.) | Inputs | 8 |
Input format | Non-voltage contact and open collector | |
Contact rating: 12 VDC or more, 20 mA or more | ||
Digital output (of alarms, events, etc.) | Outputs | 8 |
Output format | Open collector (sink type) | |
Output contact capacity | Max 24 VDC, 50 mA | |
Withstand voltage/insulation resistance | See PID control module general specifications (GS 04L51B01-31EN) | |
Terminal type | M3 screw terminals | |
Weight | Approximately 0.3kg |
Model and Suffix Codes
Model | Suffix Code | Description | ||||
GX90UT | PID control module | |||||
Number of loops | -02 | 2 loops | ||||
Type | -11 | 8 DIs, 8 DOs | ||||
— | N | Always N | ||||
Terminal form | -3 | Screw terminals (M3) | ||||
Area | N | General |
【Support Information】List of Verified SD Memory Cards (SD Cards)
The SD cards of the following manufacturers have been verified for use with SMARTDAC+ GX/GP/GM, μR10000/μR20000 and FX1000. However, please note that Yokogawa does not guarantee normal operation of the SD card when using with products listed below.
【Support Information】List of Verified USB Barcode Reader
The USB barcode reader of the following manufacturers have been verified for use with the SMARTDAC+ GX/GP series, DXAdvanced series. However, please note that Yokogawa does not guarantee normal operation of the USB barcode reader when using with products listed below.
【Support Information】List of RoHS
This is a list of recorder and controller products that support the RoHS (2011/65/EU) directive.
【Support Information】New Legislative Framework (NLF) Conforming Products
This is a list of recorder and controller products that support the New Legislative Framework (NLF.)
【Support Information】Display Language Support List for Recorders
List of languages that can be set for each model.
모듈러 GM10
GM10은 산업용 및 연구실용으로도 활용이 가능한 다기능 데이터 로거로서, 블루투스 무선 통신과 정확하고 안정적인 측정 기능을 제공하는 모듈러 I/O 방식의 데이터 로거 입니다.
Okinawa Cellular Telephone Company has launched an experimental vegetable factory to encourage farmers in the prefecture to enter into that business. The 80 square meter vegetable factory engages in hydroponics, and uses 100% artificial lighting. Located at Nanjo City in the southern part of Okinawa island, the facility holds six levels of beds dedicated to raising greens like romaine and leaf lettuce.
S&B Sankyo uses the GX20 Paperless Recorder to monitor temperature and pressure in a food processing plant's sterilization process.
One important risk to manage with regard to coal stacks is preventing fires due to spontaneous combustion.
This recorder can efficiently control the heat treatment process, which is a critical control point (CCP) of HACCP, a hygiene management method in the food production process . It measures and records F values and elapsed time in the sterilization process of food and pharmaceuticals.
The SMARTDAC+ GX Series monitor furnace temperature in tunnel kiln furnaces and the like using Faceplate and Trend screens that come as standard features.
Continuous technology improvement is ongoing in the pulp & paper industry to obtain the best possible performance. The improved plant performance translates to the higher quality improvement and lower cost, and simultaneously environmental friendly plant operation.
The GX20 and GX90UT offer an average value computation function making it ideal for controlling temperature and other fluctuating phenomena. The operating status can be controlled in real time, providing operating cost reductions.
Performing control while changing the set point temperature moment by moment is called running a program pattern (or simply running a program). Sterilization and pasteurization require maintaining specific temperatures for specific durations.
The SMARTDAC+ GX is an ideal instrument for program control of a vacuum heat treatment furnace, and recording of subsequent data. A screen is available for monitoring of the program status.
Pressure measurement of tubeless tyres to monitor the air loss is one of the key performance tests in the tyre manufacturing units. Relocation of tyres from one testing rack to the other for various tests and frequent movement of the testing setup for conditional tests to various locations calls for cable free implementation for ease of handling.
AN 04L51B01-01EN
AN 04L51B01-02EN
The SMARTDAC+ recorder monitors wind direction and speed on-site or remotely, and sends instant email notifications if wind speed exceeds a specified threshold. This not only helps ensure safe loading and unloading of cargo at ports, but also prepares for natural disasters.
SMARTDAC+ GX series records the clean room temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, door openings and closings, etc.
AN 04L51B01-03EN
- For remote monitoring (of temperature, pressure, and flow volume), installing the SMARTDAC+ GM in the plant and the SMARTDAC+ GX in the office provides for a scalable, pc-free on-site data monitoring solution.
- You can centralize management of large quantities of data by automatically transferring acquired data to a FTP server.
- Universal inputs provide support for thermocouple, RTD, voltage, and a variety of other input signals.
- Lineup of models for up to 450 inputs.
Allows multipoint monitoring and recording on a single unit. - Easily enables network-based data management.
file transfers, Web monitoring, and alarm e-mail
Multi-touch technologies have rapidly moved from the commercial to the industrial sector where they are being used to enhance data analysis.
Instruction Manuals
- Precaution on the use of SMARTDAC+ (615 KB)
- Model GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20 Paperless Recorder First Step Guide (14.1 MB)
- Model GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20 Paperless Recorder User’s Manual (14.7 MB)
- Model GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20/GM10 Communication Command User's Manual (4.4 MB)
- Cloud Equipment/Quality Predictive Detection Tool User’s Manual (166 KB)
- Handling of the SD Memory Card (321 KB)
- SMARTDAC+ STANDARD Hardware Configurator User's Manual (4.4 MB)
- SMARTDAC+ STANDARD Universal Viewer User's Manual (4.1 MB)
- DXA170 DAQStudio User's Manual (4.8 MB)
- Regarding the Downloading and Installing for the Software, Manuals and Labels/About the Usage of Open Source Software (367 KB)
- Model GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20 Advanced Security Function (/AS) User’s Manual (4.7 MB)
- Model 773230 Downloading the Validation Documents (132 KB)
- Model GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20/GM10 Multi-batch Function (/BT) User’s Manual (3.5 MB)
- Model GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20/GM10 EtherNet/IP Communication (/E1) User’s Manual (1.8 MB)
- Model GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20/GM10 WT Communication (/E2) User’s Manual (1.5 MB)
- Model GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20/GM10 OPC-UA Server (/E3) User’s Manual (884 KB)
- Model GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20/GM10 SLMP Communication (/E4) User's Manual (2.1 MB)
- Model GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20/GM10 Log Scale (/LG) User’s Manual (1011 KB)
- Model GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20/GM10 Loop Control Function, Program Control Function (/PG Option) User’s Manual (23.6 MB)
- Notes on using the Model GX90EX expansion module (I/O expansion module) (194 KB)
- Model GX20/GP20/GM10, UT52A/UT32A, UPM100 920 MHz Wireless Communication, MH920 Console International (For the US and the Korea) (11.6 MB)
General Specifications
- GX10/GX20 Paperless Recorder (Panel mount type) (3.9 MB)
- GX60 I/O Base Unit (Expandable I/O), GX90EX Expansion Module (3.1 MB)
- GX90XA/GX90XD/GX90YD/GX90WD/GX90XP/GX90YA I/O Modules (4.6 MB)
- GX90UT PID Control Module, GX10/GX20/GP10/GP20, GM, Loop Control Function, Program Control function (/PG) (1.8 MB)
- Equipment/Quality Predictive Detection Tool (340 KB)
- Model 773230 Validation Document for SMARTDAC+ (for the /AS option) (335 KB)
- 415940, 415941 and 415942 Shunt Resistor for Screw Input Terminal (178 KB)
- 438920, 438921 and 438922 Shunt Resistor for Clamp Input Terminal (252 KB)
- List of the US Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Compliant Recorder and Controller Products (175 KB)
- List of RoHS (2011/65/EU) Directive Compliant Products (6-substances RoHS compliant products) (356 KB)
- New Legislative Framework (NLF) Conforming Products (362 KB)
- Hardware Configurator *Log-in Required
- Universal Viewer *Log-in Required
- GA10 Data Logging Software *Log-in Required
- GA10 Data Logging Software [60-day free trial] *Log-in Required
- DAQStudio (DXA170) Revision Upgrade *Log-in Required
- Offline version: Equipment/Quality Predictive Detection tool OE10 *Log-in Required
- Validation Document for SMARTDAC+ *Log-in Required
- EtherNet/IP Profile (EDS file) for GX/GP *Log-in Required
- PLC Communication Protocol Profile (EDS file) for GX/GP (For connecting OMRON's PLCs) *Log-in Required
- SMARTDAC+ Report Template Builder *Log-in Required
- SMARTDAC+ Excel Report Simulator *Log-in Required
- SMARTDAC+ SettingFileConverter Settings File Conversion Tool *Log-in Required
- Tag Plate *Log-in Required
- Mobile WEB Application for GX/GP/GM *Log-in Required
- SD Card Formatter *Log-in Required
- LabVIEW Driver (for SMARTDAC+ Series) *Log-in Required
- GX/GP Firmware *Log-in Required
- SMARTDAC+ I/O Module Firmware *Log-in Required
- SMARTDAC+ I/O Expansion Module Firmware *Log-in Required
- SMARTDAC+ PID Control Module Fiemware *Log-in Required
Technical Information
- Effectively Using SMARTDAC+; Software Introduction (6.1 MB)
- SMARTDAC+ Advanced Security Functions White Paper for FDA 21 CFR Part 11 (587 KB)
- Reduce Risk by Eliminating Paper Chart Records (1.6 MB)
- GX/GP Custom Display Setup Guide (642 KB)
- Recorders, Data Loggers, and Control Products Security Standard (488 KB)
- DARWIN Replacement Guide (9.1 MB)
- High-speed Measurement Application High-speed Measurement/ Dual Interval Measurement Feature LR Replacement (8.9 MB)
- SMARTDAC+ Loop Control Function, Program Control Function (/PG Option) (9.5 MB)
- SMARTDAC+ CX Replacement Guide (Model and Suffix Code Replacement) (2.2 MB)
- Paperless Recorder GX10 (828 KB)
- Paperless Recorder GX20 (976 KB)
- Expandable I/O GX60 (575 KB)
- Expansion Module GX90EX (207 KB)
- PID Control Module GX90UT (219 KB)
- Digital Input/Output Module GX90WD (229 KB)
- Analog Input Module GX90XA (531 KB)
- Digital Input Module GX90XD (378 KB)
- Pulse Input Module GX90XP (329 KB)
- Analog Output Module GX90YA (265 KB)
- Digital Output Module GX90YD (267 KB)
Smart user interface, smart architecture, and smart functionality is achieved in the new Yokogawa SMARTDAC+ data acquisition and control product series. The Yokogawa SMARTDAC+ GX and GP are fully integrated measurement, display, and recording platforms equipped with an advanced touch screen operator interface. GX series is a panel-mount design, capable of operating in harsh industrial applications and environments. GP is the portable version of the GX, intended for use in lab and test bench applications.
This short video introduces SMARTDAC+ GX20 Data Acquisition Station and demonstrates how quickly we can set the unit up to do measurement and data recording.
This short video shows the method of adding input/output modules to the Yokogawa SMARTDAC+ Data Acquisition recording system and how to confirm correct installation.
This short video shows the method of configuring alarms on the SMARTDAC+ paperless recorder. In this example setting a high alarm on channel 1 at 25 Deg C.
This short video shows the method of configuring group settings in SMARTDAC+ paperless recorder.
This short video shows the method of loading a configuration file stored on an SD card into a SMARTDAC+ paperless recorder.
This short video shows the method of configuring tag numbers in the SMARTDAC+ paperless recorder.
This video shows the capability of viewing information from the 21 CFR Part 11 compliant SMARTDAC+ paparless recorder range on an iOS or Android device
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