Yokogawa는 신뢰할 수있는 전도성 장비 분야에서 세계적으로 인정 받고있는 리더로서 까다로운 공정 어플리케이션을 유지 관리하고 제어 할 수있는 믿을 수 있고 반복 가능한 측정 솔루션을 제공합니다.
Yokogawa는 두 가지 가장 일반적인 전도도 측정 방법 인 접촉식 및 유도식 (toroidal 또는 electrodeless라고도 함) 측정에 적합한 전도도 분석기를 제공합니다. 당사의 전도도 분석기는 고정밀 측정을 제공하며 가장 까다로운 어플리케이션에도 견딜 수 있도록 제작되었으므로 유지 보수가 최소화되고 효율성 증대 및 운영 비용 절감에 도움이됩니다.
SC450G/ISC450G | FLXA202/21 | FLXA402 | DC402 | |
지역 분류 | General Purpose, Class I Div II | General Purpose, Class I Div II, Class I Div I | General Purpose, FM Class I Div II pending | Class I Div II |
전원 공급 | 4-Wire 110-256 VAC, Mains Power; 4-Wire 24 VDC | 2-Wire Loop Powered 24VDC | 4-Wire 100-240 VAC; 4-Wire 12-24 VDC | 4-Wire 110-256 VAC, Mains Power |
통신 | 4-20mA, HART | 4-20mA, HART, FF and PA* | 4-20mA, HART, Ethernet (Modbus TCP), RS-485 (Modbus RTU) | 4-20mA, HART |
접점, 릴레이 | 4 SPDT relay contacts with display indicators | N/A | 4 SPDT relay contacts with display indicators | 4 SPDT relay contacts with LED indicators |
측정 타입 | Contacting Conductivity, Resistivity, Percent Concentration (SC450G) Inductive, Toroidal, Non-Contacting Conductivity, Percent Concentration (ISC450G) |
Contacting Conductivity, Resistivity Inductive Conductivity, Percent Concentration |
pH, ORP (oxidation- reduction potential) , Contacting Conductivity, Resistivity Inductive Conductivity, Percent Concentration, Dissolved Oxygen and 4-20 mA input |
Universal Conductivity/Resistivity |
*FF 와 PF는 접촉식 전도도 및 저항성 용의 플라스틱 커버의 FLXA21에서 사용가능합니다.
Four-Wire Conductivity Analyzer
EXAxt450 시리즈는 구성 수를 줄이기 위하여 표준 분석계의 모든 특수 소프트웨어 기능을 포함하여 모든 전도도 어플리케이션을 다룹니다. 따라서 여러 전도도 어플리케이션을 사용하는 사용자에게 필요한 재고를 줄이고 교육 필요성을 줄일 수 있습니다.
Modular Dual Input Transmitter/Analyzer FLEXA
2선식 분석계 FLEXA™ 는 산업 설비의 연속 온라인 측정에 사용됩니다. 단일 또는 이중 센서 측정 옵션을 제공하므로 가장 유연한 2선식 분석계를 사용할 수 있습니다. FLEXA™ 모듈형 설계 시리즈 분석계 모델은 pH/ORP (산화환원 전위), 전도도(SC), 유도 전도도 (ISC), 용존산소(DO) 의 4 가지 파라미터 선택을 각 센서 모듈과 함께 제공합니다.
2-Wire Transmitter/Analyzer FLXA202
The FLEXA™ series analyzers are used for continuous on-line measurements in industrial installations. With an option for single or dual sensor measurement, they are the most flexible two-wire analyzer available.
Dual-Channel Conductivity Analyzer
2 개의 센서 입력을 수용하도록 설계되었습니다. 미분, 비율, 편차, 통과율 또는 % 거부율이 표시 및 / 또는 전송 될 수 있습니다.
Hazardous Area Conductivity Transmitter/Analyzer
Class I Div I 및 Class I Div II 영역의 전도도 / 비저항 응용 분야에 사용됩니다.
Universal Contacting Conductivity Analyzers
접촉식 전도도 방법은 특히 낮은 전도도 및 매우 순수한 전도도 측정에 적합합니다. 이 분석기는 온도 요소가 내장 된 접촉 전도도 센서와 함께 작동합니다.
Pure Water (low) Conductivity/Resitivity Analyzers
반도체, 전력, 수자원 및 제약 산업에서 발견되는 낮은 전도도 응용 분야를 대상으로합니다. 이 분석기는 전도도 센서에 접촉하여 작동합니다.
Fieldbus Conductivity Transmitter/ Analyzer
이 분석기는 Foundation Fieldbus 통신을 사용하는 2선식 (루프 전원 공급) 시스템 구성을 위해 설계되었습니다. Fieldbus Foundation은 "필드 버스는 지능형 측정 및 제어 장치 간의 디지털, 양방향, 다중 드롭 통신 링크입니다."라고 정의합니다.
Profibus Conductivity Transmitter/Analyzers
이 분석기는 Profibus 통신을 사용하는 2선식 (루프 전원 공급) 시스템 구성을 위해 설계되었습니다.
2-Wire Transmitter/Analyzer FLXA202/21
FLEXA ™ 시리즈 분석기는 산업용 설비의 연속 온라인 측정에 사용됩니다. 단일 또는 이중 센서 측정 옵션이 있어 가장 유연한 2 선식 분석기입니다.
Portable Conductivity Meter SC92
Tough and easy-to-use portable conductivity meter (SC meter) that can measure a wide range of conductivity from pure water to seawater. For your daily measurement partner.
Portable Conductivity Handheld Meter SC72
소형, 경량의 SC72는 현장에서 사용하기에 이상적인 전도도 측정기 입니다. 광범위한 자동 범위 설정, 자동 온도 보상, 자가 진단 기능 및 읽기 쉬운 대형 LCD 디스플레이가 특징입니다.
Inductive (Torodial, Electrodeless) Conductivity Analyzer
유도식 전도도 방법은 특히 높은 전도도 측정에 적합합니다. 분석계는 2개의 Troidal 변압기가 내장된 센서와 함께 작동합니다. AC 전류는 공정 샘플에 전압을 유도하여 샘플에 전류를 발생 시킵니다. 이 전류의 세기는 옴의 범칙에 따른 샘플의 전도도에 비례합니다.
Water Purification
Brine Manufacturing
Brine is often used within industrial processes such as food and beverage, refineries, textile dyeing house, and chemical plants as well as in municipalities or for commercial use as a final product applied to pavement roadways or commercial parking lots as an anti-icing or de-icing agent.
Conductivity measurement can be used as a reliable indicator of the real-time brine concentration. Utilizing online process analyzers removes the need for timely grab sample analysis. Yokogawa’s inductive conductivity analyzers help you achieve increased efficiency and reduced operating costs while realizing reliable brine concentration measurements.
Boiler Blowdown
The frequency and duration required for boiler blowdown is significantly affected by water quality. Raw water used to feed the boilers contains varying levels of impurities that must be removed to protect the boiler and associated equipment. Pretreatment processes such as reverse osmosis, ion exchange, filtration, softening and demineralization may be used to reduce the level of impurities. Unfortunately, even the best pretreatment processes will not remove all impurities and will continuously carry some dissolved mineral impurities into the boiler.
Improving feedwater quality through make-up water, chemical treatment, and proper blowdown control can significantly reduce costs including:
- Reduced operating costs
- Reduced maintenance and repair costs
- Cleaner and more efficient steam
- Energy savings
- Increase efficiency and reduce operating costs using Yokogawa’s conductivity products.
Pharmaceutical Waters
Yokogawa’s conductivity transmitters and converters possess USP (United States Pharmacopoeia) functions to simplify and automate USP requirements. The FLEXA two-wire conductivity transmitter has the USP23/24 Stage One table pre-programmed in its software. When enabled, the transmitter will send a FAIL signal when the water exceeds the USP limit and can display and transmit the uncompensated conductivity that USP mandates for compliance recording.
The SC450 and DC402 four-wire conductivity converters have additional USP features with the ability to display and transmit the uncompensated conductivity for USP compliance, as well as the NaCl temperature compensated measurement, valuable for process control.
The USP23/24 Stage One table is pre-programmed into these instruments, and a FAIL alarm will be given if the conductivity limits are exceeded. Alarms on these units can be dedicated as USP “warning” alarms with user-defined safety margins. These “warning” alarms will inform the operator that his/ or her water is trending towards the USP limit and will allow him/or her to take preemptive corrective action.
Ion Exchange is a method for the exchange of ions between two electrolytes or between an electrolyte solution and a complex molecule. In most cases, the term is used to denote the processes of purification, separation, and decontamination of aqueous and other ion-containing solutions with solid polymeric or mineralic ion exchangers.
The dual channel process liquid analyzer gives you the ability to measure the bed’s inlets and outlets and calculate the ratio or % passage of the bed.
Heat Exchanger Leakage
Corrosion on the process side causes the heat exchanger tubing to mechanically fail, allowing the process fluid to leak into the condensate return line. This can cause serious damage to the boiler. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condensate downstream of the heat exchanger and to dump it as soon as it shows signs of contamination.
An excellent indication of contamination can be obtained by measuring the conductivity of the condensate because pure condensate has a very low conductivity value (1 to 10 µS) while contaminates (typically salts, acids or alkalis) that are introduced when leakage occurs have a significantly higher conductivity value. Because of the sizeable differences in values, even the slightest leak will sharply increase the conductivity reading. Any marked increase in the conductivity of the condensate indicates that leakage is present and that the condensate should be sent to drain.
Measurement and control of heat exchanger leakage can help prevent costly maintenance, repair, and downtime. The simple, essentially maintenance-free measurement of condensate conductivity gives operators the necessary information (or provides automatic control) to prevent severe damage to the boiler should a breakthrough of the heat exchanger occur.
Measuring the Electric Conductivity with Clean-in-Place (CIP) System
In the Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Food & Beverage industries, after manufacturing products, the cleaning and sterilization of tanks and piping are done with various cleaning solutions, fresh or hot water and steam. Clean-in-Place (CIP) is a system designed for automatic cleaning and disinfecting.
Yokogawa’s inductive conductivity liquid process analyzer takes measurements with good boundary surface precision over a wide range, earning it a reputation in the recovery of cleaning, which contributes significantly to reduce chemical and wastewater processing costs.
Percent Concentration
There are numerous industrial applications where measurements and/or control of a specific chemical strength of the process is critical for optimizing the production of the end product. These specific concentrations are obtained by mixing a full strength solution with water to achieve the desired percent concentration. Conductivity measurement is a reliable indicator of the concentration of most acid or base solutions.
In the past, the boiler feed tank systems in sugar factories had to be checked several times a day to make sure there were no sugar solution leaks. This was a very laborious process and, as continuous monitoring was not possible, monitoring results were not reliable. When a leak occurred, recovery operations were very costly and time-consuming. (AN10D01K01-02E)
In a semiconductor plant, a variety of chemicals are used in various manufacturing processes. The chemicals used for specific purposes are produced by diluting raw liquid with demineralized water using in diluting equipment, and the control of the concentration at this point is performed by conductivity measurement.
Caustic soda and hydrochloric acid, produced in electrolyzer plants, are fundamental materials used in varieties of industries; chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petrol-chemicals, pulp and papers, etc. Profit is the result of the effective production with minimized running / maintenance cost. Proper control of the process brings you stabilized quality of products with the vast operational profit.
To defray energy costs, many industrial plants have their own boilers to generate steam in order to produce a portion of their energy needs. In addition to generating power, the steam may also be used directly in plant processes or indirectly via heat exchangers or steam jacketed vessels.
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a separation process that uses pressure to force a solution through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. More formally, it is the process of forcing a solvent from a region of high solute concentration through a membrane to a region of low solute concentration by applying a pressure in excess of the osmotic pressure.
Instruction Manuals
- ISC202SJ [Style: S1] 2-wire Inductive Conductivity Transmitter with Supplement (371 KB)
- Discontinued: SC72 Personal Conductivity Meter Quick Manual (343 KB)
- SC202SJ [Style: S2] 2-wire Transmitter for Conductivity or Resistivity with Supplement (1.3 MB)
- Discontinued: SC72 Personal Conductivity Meter (4.2 MB)
- DC402G Converter for Dual Cell Conductivity and Resistivity (2.9 MB)
- PH201G Distributor (1.1 MB)
General Specifications
- FLXA202 2-Wire Analyzer (1.6 MB)
- FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer (1.1 MB)
- SC450G Conductivity / Resistivity Converter (854 KB)
- FLXA402 4-Wire Converter (1.4 MB)
Technical Information
- K9221ZA / NaCl solution (164 KB)
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