In-Situ Gas Analyzer TDLS8000

Yokogawa의 새로운 TDLS™8000은 업계 최고의 기능을 전부 담았습니다. 이 플랫폼은 샘플 추출 및 컨디셔닝 장치의 필요없이 현장 측정을 위한 것입니다.

비접촉 센서는 부식성, 연마성, 응축을 포함한 다양한 프로세스 유형을 허용합니다.

1세대 플랫폼은 O2, CO, CH4, NH3, H2O 와 여러 NIR 흡광 가스의 측정을 위해 많은 곳에서 입증되었습니다. 이 2세대 플랫폼은 설계된 어플리케이션 요구사항을 충족시키거나 초과하면서, 신뢰성과 설치 및 유지보수의 용이성을 향상시켰습니다.

가장 신뢰할 수 있는 레이저 분석계로 조작하기 쉽고 유지보수가 쉽고 견고하게 제작 되어 고객의 모든 요구사항을 충족할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.




  • 스마트 레이저 기술이 결합된 SIL2 TruePeak 
  • 직관적인 터치스크린 HMI
  • HART 와 Modbus TCP 통신 표준
  • 어려운 어플리케이션 적용을 위한 8-단계 auto-gain 
  • 50일간의 데이터 및 스펙트럼 저장으로 완벽한 현장 수리 가능
  • 견고성을 유지하면서 1인 설치가 가능한 콤팩트 디자인
  • Area classification Zone2/Div2 or Zone1/Div1

시스템 구성

높은 신뢰성

  • Reference Cell
    레이저 모듈의 내부 리퍼런스 셀은 Trace 측정 중에 피크 잠금을 보장합니다.
  • Auto gain
    Auto-gain 동적 변이에 대한 넓은 신호 범위를 가능하게 합니다.

  • 검증
    검증은 사용자가 정의한 일별, 주별, 월별 기준으로 수동, 원격 또는 자동으로 시작 가능합니다.
  • SIL2 승인
    IEC61508 SIL 설계 승인되었으며 단일 분석계 사용을 위한 SIL2 기능, 이중 분석계 사용을 위한 SIL3 기능을 갖추고 있습니다.


 TruePeak 는 흡광피크의 면적을 측정할 수 있습니다. 이는 백그라운드 가스의 변화로 인한 영향을 제거하여 압력 및 온도 보상을 간단하게 합니다.

직관적인 터치 스크린 HMI

  • Touch screen 7.5 inch color LCD on HMI
    간편한 오퍼레이션
    유지보수용 PC 없이 트렌드 그래프를 포함한 모든 정보를 제공
    원격 설치가 가능
    TDLS8000 TouchScreen
  • 미니 디스플레이
    쉬운 얼라인먼트를 위한 양쪽에서 광전송
    TDLS8000 display



측정 대상 연소 배기 가스 및 공정 가스 내 O2, CO, CO or CH4, CO2, CO + CO2, H2O, NH3, NH3 + H2O, H2S, HCl 농도
측정 방법  가변 파장 레이저 분광법



측정 성분 Min. range Max. range
O2 0-1% 0-25%
CO(ppm) 0-200 ppm 0-10,000 ppm
CO+CH4 CO 0-200 ppm 0-10,000 ppm
CH4 0-5 %
NH3 0-30 ppm 0-50,000 ppm
H2O (ppm) in non HC 0-30 ppm 0-30,000 ppm
H2O (ppm) in HC 0-30 ppm 0-30,000 ppm
CO (%) 0-20 % 0-50 %
CO (%) + CO2 (%) 0-30 % 0-100 %
 NH3 + H2O NH3 0-30 ppm 0-5,000 ppm
H2O 0-5 % 0-50 %
H2S 0-5 % 0-100 %
CO2 (%) High Range 0-1 % 0-5 %
CO2 (%) Extend.Range 0-30 % 0-50 %
H2O (%) 0-10 % 0-100 %
HCl 0-50 ppm 0-5,000 ppm
Output path length Optical distance between the laser unit and the sensor control unit Standard; 0.5 to 6 m, Max; 30 m
출력신호 2 points, 4 to 20 mA DC
Output types; Gas concentration, Transmission, Process gas temperature, Process gas pressure
Output range; 3.0 to 21.6 mA DC
디지탈 통신 HART, Ethernet
접점 출력 2 points, contact rating 24 V DC, 1 A
Function: Activate during Warning / Calibration / Validation / Warm up / Maintenance conditions
Function: Activate during normal condition, not activate during fault condition or when the system power is off

밸브 제어


2 points
Function; Activate calibration or validation solenoid valves for zero, span or validation gas
Output signal; 24 V DC, 500 mA Max. per terminal
알람 Warning;
Gas concentration low/high, Transmission low, Process pressure low/high, Process temperature low/high, Validation required, Validation failure, Zero/Span calibration error, Non process alarm, External alarm
Laser module temperature low/high, Laser temperature low/high, Detector signal high, Peak center out of range, Reference peak height low, Absorption too high, Transmission lost, Reference transmission low, Reference peak height high, Laser unit failure, Laser module error, File access error, E2PROM access error.
접점 입력
(디지탈 입력)
2 points
External alarm/Calibration start/Validation start/Stream switch
Contact specification;
Zero voltage contact input
Input signal; Open signal;
100 kΩ or more, Close signal; 200 Ω or less
입력 신호
(아날로그 입력)
2 points, 4 to 24 mA DC
Input types; Process gas temperature, Process gas pressure
자기 진단 Laser Unit temperature, Sensor Control Unit temperature, Laser temperature, Detector signal level, Memory read/write function, Peak locking condition
교정 Calibration method; Zero/Span calibration
Calibration mode; Manual, Auto, Local initiate (HMI)
검증 Validation method; Up to 2 points
Validation mode; Manual, Auto, Local initiate (HMI)
전원 공급 24 V DC ±10%
Warm-up time 5 min.
보호 등급 IP66, NEMA Type 4X

위험 지역


Division 1, Zone 1; Explosion-proof/ Flame-proof type; FM, cFM, ATEX, IECEx (Pending)
Division 2, Zone 2; Non-Incendive/Type n; FM, cFM, ATEX, IECEx, KOSHA, NEPSI

공정 가스


Process gas temperature; Maximum 1500℃
Process gas pressure; Max. 1 MPa, Min. 90 kPa
Dust in process gas; 20 g/m3 or less
설치 조건 Ambient operating temperature; -20 to 55℃
Storage temperature; -30 to 70℃
Humidity; 0 to 95%RH at 40℃ (Non-condensing)
Mounting flange type; ASME B 16.5, DIN, JIS
Gas connections; 1/4 NPT or Rc1/4
Purge gas;
   Recommended purge gasses
   O2 analyzer; N2 (99.99% or greater, application dependent)
 H2O ppm analyzer; N2 (99.99% or greater with < 20 ppm H2O for feed to the optional dryer package)
CO, CO or CH4, CO2, CO+CO2, NH3, NH3+H2O, H2S, HCl;
   N2 (99.99% or greater, application dependent) or Instrument air  CO, NH3 analyzer: N2 (99.99% or greater, application dependent) or Instrument air
Purge gas flow rates;
   5-20 L/min for optic
   5-30 L/min for process window
Purge gas connections;
   1/4NPT (-G1, -C2, -D2, -C2, -D1, -C1),
   Rc1/4 (-G2, -S2, -E2, -J2, -E1, -J1)


측정 기체 재현성 선형성
O2 ± 1% reading or ± 0.01% O2, whichever is greater ± 1% F.S.
CO (ppm) ± 2% reading or ± 1 ppm CO, whichever is greater ± 1% F.S.
CO + CH4 CO ± 1% reading or ± 1 ppm CO, whichever is greater ± 2% F.S.
CH4 ± 4% reading or ± 0.02% CH4, whichever is greater ± 4% F.S.
NH3 ± 2% reading or ± 1 ppm NH3, whichever is greater ± 2% F.S.
H2O (ppm) in non
± 2% reading or ± 0.1 ppm H2O, whichever is greater ± 1% F.S.
H2O (ppm) in HC ± 2% reading or ± 0.1 ppm H2O, whichever is greater ± 1% F.S.
CO (%) ± 1% reading or ± 0.01% CO, whichever is greater ± 1% F.S.
CO (%) + CO2 (%) CO ± 1% reading or ± 0.1% CO, whichever is greater ± 1% F.S.
CO2 ± 1% reading or ± 0.1% CO2, whichever is greater ± 1% F.S.
NH3 + H2O NH3 ± 2% reading or ± 1 ppm NH3, whichever is greater ± 2% F.S.
H2O ± 4% reading or ± 0.05% H2O, whichever is greater ± 2% F.S.
H2S ± 1% reading or ± 0.005% H2S, whichever is greater ± 1% F.S.
CO2 (%) High Range ± 1% reading or ± 0.005% CO2, whichever is greater ± 1% F.S.
CO2 (%) Extend. Range ± 1% reading or ± 0.02% CO2, whichever is greater ± 1% F.S.
H2O (%) ± 1% reading or ± 0.004% H2O, whichever is greater ± 1% F.S.
HCL ± 1% reading or ± 2.5 ppm H2O, whichever is greater ± 2% F.S.

YH8000 HMI Unit

YH8000 는 TDLS8000을 위해 특별히 설계된 가스 분석계입니다.

  • 터치스크린 7.5 인치 컬러 LCD
  • 간단한 조작
  • 원격 설치 가능
  • 최대 4 대 접속 가능


디스플레이 Touchscreen 7.5 inch TFT color LCD panel, 640 x 480 (VGA)
통신 Ethernet; RJ-45 connector, Communication speed; 100 Mbps
Enclosure 보호등급 IP65, NEMA Type 4X
무게 4 kg
Mounting Analyzer mount (Front, left-side, right-side) with tilt function, Pipe mount or Panel mount
Cable Entries 1/2NPT or M20 x 2
설치 조건 Ambient operating temperature; -20 to 55℃
Storage temperature: -30 to 70℃
Humidity: 10 to 90%RH at 40℃ (Noncondensing)
전원 공급 24 V DC ±10%
위험 지역 분류 Division 2, Zone2: Non-Incendive/Type n; FM, cFM, ATEX, IECEx, KOSHA, NEPSI

간단하고 견고한 TDLS8000은 분석의 신뢰성과 유지보수의 용이성을 보장합니다.

Fired Heater Combustion Safety and Lifecycle Management

Yokogawa TDSL8000과 CO + CH4 측정은 신뢰성 높은 정보를 제공합니다 :

Fired Heater Combustion Safety and Lifecycle Management

  • 연소 효율 개선
  • 안전 개선
  • 코일과 코일 행거의 긴 수명
  • 공정 가열 개선


제한된 O2 농도

Yokogawa TDLS8000 O2 분석계의 안전성 및 공정 모니터링, 제어를 위한 O2 측정:

Limited O2 Concentration

  • 샘플링 시스템 작동 없음
  • 빠른 응답 분석
  • 분석 간섭 없음
  • 유지보수 작업 감소




Fired heaters are used for various processes in oil refining and petrochemical plants.


In maintaining and managing industrial plants, monitoring waste water pH/ORP is both a legal obligation and an unavoidable necessity for protecting the environment. Monitoring without an attentive eye can lead to severe consequences.


Considering safety and environmental issues such as combustion efficiency and decreasing NOX and CO in exhaust gas, it has become important to control O2 concentration in garbage incineration processes.


Industrial Combustion sources such as thermal cracking furnaces and, process heaters play a critical role in the process industry.


Caustic soda and hydrochloric acid, produced in electrolyzer plants, are fundamental materials used in varieties of industries; chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petrol-chemicals, pulp and papers, etc. Profit is the result of the effective production with minimized running / maintenance cost. Proper control of the process brings you stabilized quality of products with the vast operational profit.


The ammonia (NH3) gas is injected to remove the NOx and thus reduce the NOx concentration in the stack flue gas. With conventional NH3 analyzers that perform measurements indirectly, NH3 concentrations are obtained through a sampling system. Therefore, there are problems with the maintenance and running costs of the sampling system, and time delays in measurement. The TDLS8000 Laser Analyzer is the solution to all these problems.


O2 measurement in hydrocarbon vapor is used for safety monitoring in vacuum distillation columns in petroleum refining. With conventional paramagnetic oxygen analyzers, O2 concentrations are obtained through an extractive sampling system, which conditions the sample prior to being analyzed.


Storage tanks are used in a variety of industries ranging from holding crude oil to holding feedstock for vinyl chloride monomer (VCM).


O2 measurement is used to safely recover flue gas containing a high concentration of CO from a converter furnace. With conventional paramagnetic oxygen analyzers, O2 concentrations are obtained through a sampling system to recovery flue gas. Therefore, there are problems with the maintenance and running costs of the sampling system, and time delays in measurement.


If a sensor is not operating, the manufacturer cannot detect moisture in the chlorine and must stop the process. Unfortunately, sensors can deteriorate and deliver inaccurate measurements due to contact with the process.


Spectrometric technology can assess many critical characteristics about products, but it has limits. It can be challenging to determine when the line has been crossed


With fired heaters, users hope to get greater efficiency and reduced emissions but often are disappointed. Given the number of fired heaters operating every day and their importance in the process industries, any improvements realized across the board will have huge impacts. More units can reach their potential with some simple changes in work practices and technology upgrades.



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