InsightSuiteAE (ISAE) is PRM application software, which provides online advanced diagnostics of heat exchangers, field devices, control loops, and other field assets. To identify and notify assets with risks, which can potentially affect the stable production of entire plant.
ISAE has the capability to diagnose production equipment and field devices around it together, it is easy to identify the cause of abnormalities, which leads to reduction in production risk. ISAE helps customers to prioritize the right equipment for maintenance and the plant will become more stable.
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Asset Performance Analytics
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Field Asset Analytics (InsightSuiteAE)
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Plant Resource Manager (PRM)
신뢰성 높고 안정적인 플랜트 운영을 위해 설비를 제대로 관리하고 계신가요? PRM은 플랜트 수명 주기 전반에 걸쳐 유지보수 계획의 품질을 개선하고 유지보수 비용을 최적화하는 데 기여합니다.