TAKAKI Hitoshi1 YAMAMORI Masato1 KUROKI Shigekazu1
Supervisory control systems for water supply and sewage services are changing dramatically in response to recent changes in the social environment and rapid progress in computer technology. In particular, the widespread availability of powerful yet inexpensive personal computers has generated demand for systems that are both low cost and versatile. However, the supervisory control systems for water supply and sewage services, which are essential "lifelines", must still be safe and reliable, as well as compatible with existing systems. This paper summarizes the functions required for the supervisory control systems based on market trends, and introduces Yokogawa's approach to meeting these needs with the latest technologies.
- Environmental Systems Sales Division
Figure 1 Example of a Modern Central Supervisory Room |
The requirements for water supply and sewage services are becoming increasingly strict, such as consolidation of facilities, operational efficiency, lower cost, and information transparency due to stagnant demand. There is also demand for greater use of information technologies (IT), encouraged by the government's e-Japan strategy.
However, rapid and concurrent technological progress and environmental changes, even though they may make society more convenient, also generate uncertainty. For example, control systems need to be improved to reduce impacts and create a recycling-based society or to combat terrorist threats, yet it is becoming harder to pass on accumulated know-how due to labor cutbacks and population aging, making it harder to respond in the event of a system failure. This is an example of social changes. In terms of systems, unforeseen problems may occur due to efforts to protect against computer viruses resulting from openness or advanced functionality, or due to diversification of components. With this background, this paper introduces the new technologies of supervisory control systems to meet market demands for high quality and reliable technologies. Figure 1 shows an example of the latest central supervisory room.
In addition to the conventional needs of high reliability, advanced functionality, and extendibility for supervisory control systems, there has been growing concern about the following.
- Flexible integration of facilities
As municipalities consolidate, supervisory control systems must flexibly cope with such integration of facilities. The global management of geographically dispersed facilities is one solution. - Efficiency in operation and maintenance control
Labor cutbacks are being made in operating water supply and sewage plants, so the efficiency of operation and maintenance control needs to be raised. Moreover, operation and maintenance work is being consigned to private companies in response to deregulation, so enhanced management and information sharing are essential. - Utilization of IT
General-purpose technologies and products, such as Windows operating systems, personal computers, and network equipment now offer greater functionality at lower cost, and there is a similar demand for general-purpose technologies to be used in supervisory control systems. There is thus a need for operation and maintenance in a ubiquitous environment. - Reduction in total cost
Local governments are pursuing efficiency and soundness of management including reconsideration of work, so systems that require a lower initial investment as well as lower total cost throughout their lifecycle are required.
Figure 2 Configuration of the Supervisory Control System and the Characteristics of Each Section
Figure 2 shows the functional categories of the supervisory control system. The system is classified into three main sections, which we have addressed according to their respective characteristics.
- Control function section
To securely operate lifeline water supply and sewage service facilities, high reliability and operability are essential. Our dedicated systems therefore feature a redundant CPU design, safe design, highly reliable hardware, and software packages custom-built for water supply and sewage services. - Supervisory operation section
The operation functions have been configured using custom- built software for operating the facilities safely and efficiently. We offer two types of hardware for this section: specially designed and general-purpose machines, so that low-cost supervisory control systems are available. - Information processing section
To be able to install and improve the network environment and information sharing, it is necessary to cooperate with municipal networks (intranets). This section handles data management of various processes and running a variety of applications for each facility of water supply, etc. Versatile technologies such as general-purpose PCs, Windows operating system, and MS Office applications are used, operating in conjunction with intranets and Internet to create a ubiquitous environment that can be accessed from anywhere on the network.
The following introduces specific examples of the latest supervisory control technologies offered by Yokogawa.
Technologies for Integration of Facilities
Figure 3 Configuration of a Wide-area-capable Bus Communication System
To address the consolidation of municipalities and integration of facilities, we offer technologies for centralized operation and maintenance of facilities over a wide area from a central control center, as well as technologies for easily merging information of existing, different systems (Figure 3). Our solutions, wide-area bus communication and standard interface technologies, are described below.
- Wide-area-capable Bus Communication
The control LAN for Yokogawa's supervisory control systems (hereafter called CENTUM) is connected through a digital network provided by a common carrier using wide- area communication gateways to achieve supervisory operations of treatment plant B, situated in a remote area, from treatment plant A. This control LAN handles more transmission data than the conventional TM/TC or modem system and allows CENTUM's internal data such as control parameters and alarm setpoints to be checked and modified. Thus, a facility that becomes unmanned due to integration of facilities can be operated and maintained remotely in the same way as manned operation.
Moreover, since both systems become similar, the communication and control functions do not overlap, thus reducing the cost of system expansion or modification. - Standard interface technology
The OPC interface (OLE for Process Control) is the standardized specifications for industrial systems that make use of Microsoft's OLE technology, which allows supervisory control systems of different vendors to be connected.
In the conventional integrated systems, it was necessary to develop an interface for inter-connectivity between different vendors' systems. However, the OPC interface allows standardized data accesses between different vendors' servers. Thus, it is easy to integrate different vendors' systems that have been operating in different lines or different equipment such as water treatment or wastewater treatment equipment in large-scale facilities.
Technology for Bringing Efficiency to Operation and Maintenance Control
To cope with manpower reductions and privatization, efficient operation and maintenance control of facilities is essential. This section introduces the operation-support package, Exapilot, and information processing system, Suimei, which achieve this. It also describes Fieldbus which helps improve the efficiency of operating and maintaining equipment.
(1) Operation-support system, Exapilot
Unsteady operations in the event of a problem in a facility or during maintenance often depend on manual operations because they are difficult to automate. The operation-support system Exapilot achieves automation/semi-automation of operation in the unsteady state by systematizing skilled operators' know-how. This makes the quality of operation uniform and improves efficiency. It has the following features:
- In the operation environment, the versatile Windows OS and OPC are used, enabling easy connection to the supervisory control system.
- The operation procedures of skilled operators are converted into flowcharts, so sequences can be easily built by simply arranging process objects.
- Created flows can be used as operation manuals.
For water supply and sewage service facilities, Exapilot is applicable to the following unsteady state operations:
- Operation during maintenance and inspection with a power failure and recovery from it Operation during maintenance of a reservoir or machinery
- Water quantity-limiting operation due to water shortage
- Operation and maintenance when taking measures against rain water
- Water treatment stoppage, partial volume-reduction operation, and water treatment startup operation in the event of a power failure Exapilot can also be used in the event of water contamination or as anti-disaster manuals. Furthermore, it offers guidance to alarms to prevent operators' erratic operation even during steady-state operations or a variety of simulation functions. As the number of operators continues to decline, this system ensures safety and stores operation know-how.
(2) Information management system, Suimei
The information management system, Suimei, uses the Windows OS to run a variety of applications dedicated to water supply and sewage services in an open environment. Suimei performs data input/output to/from the supervisory control system via OPC, and incorporated process data is databased by an application package designed for the main process of water supply and sewage services. Suimei comes with application packages for the operation and maintenance of water supply and sewage service facilities that Yokogawa has developed over the years.
- Examples of application in water works
Demand prediction, water quantity management, water distribution control, water quality control function, etc.- Examples of application in sewage works
Waste water flow-in control function, simulator function, etc. As shown in Figure 4, these packages are modular and so can be added as necessary, thus reducing the initial investment required.
Figure 4 Information Management System, Suimei
(3) Fieldbus
In water supply and sewage service systems, there are many field devices scattered throughout the plant, so there is a strong demand for reducing the work of operating and maintaining these products. Fieldbus is a digital communication system for field devices capable of performing bi-directional communication. It is defined in the international standard (IEC) for networking field information, and replaces the conventional analog signal of 4 to 20 mA. Fieldbus has the following features:
- A single cable allows multiple devices to be connected (multidrop connection), so systems require less wiring.
- Capable of multiplex transmission, enabling much field control information to be sent and received in addition to PV and MV.
- Inter-operability is secured, allowing different manufacturers' devices to be combined.
Since various information can be obtained online through the field network in this way, Yokogawa offers Fieldbus-based integrated equipment management package PRM (Plant Resource Manager) (Figure 5), which makes maintenance control of field equipment efficient and so reduces operation and maintenance costs of facilities.
Figure 5 Example of Fieldbus Configuration
Technology for Reducing Total Costs
It often takes ten years or longer for water supply and sewage service facilities to reach their final form after annual plan-based business has started. As a result, the lifecycle costs of the system may rise due to limitations on extendibility resulting from partial aging of systems or functional limitations of the initial system.
This section introduces the partial system updating technology as reducing the total cost in an environment where new and conventional systems coexist.
(1) Stepwise updating (migration) technique
Migration is a technique for shifting to the latest functions for minimal investment while using existing assets to reduce total cost. Figure 6 shows the phase-in migration steps in Yokogawa's supervisory control system (CENTUM).
Figure 6 Example of the Stepwise Functional Upgrading Technique
Step 1: Human interfaces (HMI) in which functional aging is significant are migrated to introduce the latest supervisory operation environment and network environment.
Step 2: Control devices' CPUs are updated to meet functional expansion or to take measures against aging in order to improve the functions and reliability.
Step 3: Cubicles or I/O units, requiring no functional changes, are used until their life expires, to reduce migration costs.This technique smoothes out differences in the physical and functional deterioration rates occurring between devices and maintains the functions and quality in the latest and optimum conditions. Control sections and/or I/O units that have been installed at different times (mixture of new and old devices) can thus be updated at different times, hence delaying the migration of equipment that still has useful life and so reducing total cost. Moreover, because the existing field wiring can be used as is during replacement, there is almost no influence on the plant (operation hindrance) caused by replacement, ensuring very high safety. This is a major benefit of this technique.
Sophisticated water supply and sewage services have become commonplace and have entered an era of operation and maintenance control. However, these services are essential lifelines of society and their importance is increasing. For the supervisory control systems at the core of operation and maintenance of these facilities, we are committed to developing systems that meet the diverse, sophisticated market needs as well as maintaining the highest quality and operational efficiency.
- "Application of the Operation-support Systems to Unsteady Operations of Purification Plant Facilities," proceedings of 54th Presentation of Researches on National Water Supply in Japan (7-14), May 2003, Japan Water Works Association, pp. 15-18
- Mori Hiroshi, Machida Teruharu, Ozaki Masahiro, Sukegawa Yuko, " PRM Field Device Management Package", Yokogawa Technical Report, No. 32, 2001, pp. 20-23 (3) Kuroki Shigekazu, Nanba Eiji, Takaiki Hitoshi, "Examples of Introduction of CENTUM CS Wide-area Supervisory Control System", Yokogawa Giho, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1998, pp. 37-40 (in Japanese)
- The product names and designations in this paper are the registered trademarks or trademarks of respective holders.
석유 화학 제품, 무기물 또는 중간체를 생산하든 관계없이 화학 회사는 안전하고 호환되는 작업을 유지하면서 적시에 효율적인 방법으로 제품을 제공하는 비용과 마진 압박에 시달리고 있습니다. 또한 화학 회사들은 공급 원료 및 에너지 가격의 변동에 적응하고 가장 수익성 높은 제품 혼합을 시장에 제공해야 합니다.
Yokogawa는 벌크 화학 시장의 자동화 요구 사항을 세계적으로 지원해 왔으며 이 시장에서 인정받는 선두 주자입니다. Yokogawa는 제품, 솔루션 및 업계 전문 기술을 통해 시장 및 생산 요구 사항을 이해하고 플랜트의 수명주기를 통해 안정적이고 비용 효율적인 솔루션을 제공하기 위해 협력합니다.
1970년대 중반, Yokogawa는 EBS 전기 제어 시스템 (EBS Electric Control System)의 출시와 함께 전력 사업에 진출했습니다. 그 이후로 Yokogawa는 전 세계 고객에게 최상의 서비스와 솔루션을 제공하기 위한 기술과 역량의 개발을 꾸준히 지속해 왔습니다.
Yokogawa는 역동적인 글로벌 전력 시장에서 더욱 적극적인 역할을 수행하기 위해 글로벌 전력 솔루션 네트워크를 운영했습니다. 이로 인해 Yokogawa 내에서 보다 긴밀한 팀워크가 가능해져서 글로벌 리소스와 업계 노하우를 하나로 모았습니다. Yokogawa의 전력 산업 전문가들은 각 고객에게 정교한 요구 사항에 가장 적합한 솔루션을 제공하기 위해 협력합니다.
정수 및 하수 처리
Yokogawa는 보다 효율적인 사회를 만들기 위하여 에너지 최적화 기술 개발, 온실가스 감축, 오염 물질로부터 환경을 보호하는 견고한 제품 제작 등을 통해 지속 가능한 수자원 생산을 위한 제어 솔루션을 제공하고 있습니다. Yokogawa의 첨단 기술과 폭넓은 애플리케이션 노하우를 통해 고객과 협력하여 사업을 활성화하고 플랜트 수명주기 전반에 걸쳐 높은 가치를 제공할 수 있는 지속 가능한 솔루션을 제공합니다. 당사의 기술과 제품은 플랜트의 성능을 향상시키고 오늘날의 수자원 시장에서 경쟁적으로 운영할 수 있도록 보장하며 운영비를 절감합니다. Yokogawa는 지자체 및 공업용수 처리 시장에서 광범위한 수처리 응용 분야를 지원합니다.
지열에너지는 기상 조건에 의존하지 않기 때문에 일 년 내내 안정적인 전력을 공급할 수 있습니다. 또한 어떤 연료도 지상에서 태우지 않으며 매우 적은 양의 이산화탄소만 배출되므로 환경친화적입니다. 태평양, 일본, 필리핀, 인도네시아, 뉴질랜드, 멕시코, 코스타리카, 미국 등의 국가에서 태평양 연안 벨트 ("불의 고리"라고도 함)를 따라 풍부한 지열 자원이 있습니다. 다른 지열 활동 지역에 위치한 아이슬란드, 터키 및 이탈리아와 같은 국가들과 협력합니다. Yokogawa는 현재까지 일본, 동남아시아 및 기타 지역의 30개 지열발전 프로젝트를 실행한 경험을 바탕으로 지열발전 시스템의 신뢰성 및 유지 관리 효율성을 향상시키는 다양한 측정 및 제어 기술을 제공하고 있습니다.
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