Executive Summary
Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij,
Den Helder, the Netherlands
Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) is the Netherlands' largest natural gas producer. In addition to onshore fields, NAM operates manned platforms and four unmanned monotowers in 19 offshore locations. These connect to a pipeline network that comes ashore at Den Helder.
One of the plants at Den Helder is a low calorific gas processing facility that started operating in 1984. As part of a general rejuvenation of the systems and equipment at this facility, NAM decided to upgrade its automatic shutdown (ASD) control system, which relied on obsolete magnetic logic failsafe technology. Once the upgrade decision was taken, time pressure became critical, as ideally, NAM needed the upgrade to coincide with a planned six-yearly maintenance shutdown.
Yokogawa is NAM's preferred main automation contractor (MAC) for its offshore operations. For speed and efficiency, it was decided that Yokogawa would also provide the electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering services required for this automation upgrade - work that would traditionally have been contracted to an engineering, procurement and construction company (EPC). Eliminating the need to hire an EPC sped up project completion by six months.
Project Background
The rejuvenation of the Den Helder gas processing terminal aimed to extend its useful life to beyond 2030. As part of this effort, the company was conducting a progressive upgrade of the terminal's distributed control system (DCS). This upgrade is an element of the ONEgas strategy for the combined assets of NAM and parent company Shell that seeks to lower operating costs in the Southern North Sea by better managing fields that are nearing the end of their operating life.
The final phase of the control and instrumentation upgrades at Den Helder targeted this facility's Yokogawa Maglog 14 ASD system, which relied on magnetic logic technology that was first introduced in the 1960s. Yokogawa stopped selling this system in the late 1980s, and plans to end of support. In December 2011, NAM decided to migrate to Yokogawa's latest safety platform, the ProSafe-RS safety instrumented system. A key consideration was its ability to closely integrate via the Vnet/IP control network with the Yokogawa CENTUM VP DCS installed at the Den Helder terminal.
Yokogawa has developed a close relationship with NAM, as for some years it has operated as a MAC for the company. The MAC role provides a single point of responsibility for all the automation equipment at a facility. This partnership-style approach is becoming increasingly popular with larger end users that have complex automation installations, as it can simplify projects both for the user and any EPC involved. Yokogawa has invested in personnel with the skills needed to exercise this higher level of responsibility. In NAM's case, the MAC role involves the provision of automation equipment and services under the terms of an enterprise frame agreement between Yokogawa and Shell.
To fast track this project and ensure that this upgrade coincided with the periodic maintenance shutdown planned for August 2013, NAM decided that Yokogawa should also take on the traditional role of an EPC by providing a complete package and implementation service, including all the mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering work required to install and commission the system. Missing this deadline could potentially have meant requiring the system to operate for a further two years beyond its end of support.
Several factors led to the decision to ask Yokogawa to operate at this higher level of responsibility. Yokogawa had extensive knowledge of the automation system as it had been associated with the site since it started operations in 1984, and NAM's experience of working closely with Yokogawa as a MAC partner was very positive. The upgrade was a functional replacement for the shutdown system - which was well defined, making it easy to oversee. Another key factor was the importance of this project for NAM, which meant that dedicated NAM engineering resources were available to assist in project planning and implementation.
Services and Equipment
Apart from the elimination of a few control loops that had become redundant over the plant's lifetime, the new safeguard system was a pure functional replacement for the old system.
The initial front-end engineering design (FEED) work was performed by Yokogawa engineering staff under the supervision of an experienced FEED engineer from Shell. This phase of the project started in April 2012 and finished in September. After this initial planning work was completed, Yokogawa presented a solution and execution strategy to NAM in December, and the implementation phase of the project was started in January 2013.
The first element of the execution phase for Yokogawa was the generation of the many detailed drawings, diagrams, and equipment specifications required for implementation. This resulted in a bill of materials that included the core elements of the safety control system, based on Yokogawa ProSafe-RS safety instrumented system with the required I/O interfaces. A range of third-party equipment including new barriers, trip amplifiers and cabinets was also specified to replace old and obsolete I/O technology fitted during the installation of the original ASD system.
The execution phase of the project was performed very rapidly by Yokogawa, with planning, purchasing, and preparation work - plus software development for the ProSafe-RS - completed by the target date of August 2013. Construction, implementation, and testing then took place at Den Helder during the planned shutdown period.
Although the ProSafe-RS platform offers new functional capabilities, it was decided that the safety application would implement the same functionality as the previous Maglog 14 system. That system was based on logic circuits with magnetic cores - a hard-wired system; field communication was made via Modbus links, with data sent as it was requested. In contrast, the new ProSafe-RS safety instrumented system is now directly integrated with the plant's CENTUM VP DCS network. All of the safety-related data - and potentially any other data from the plant's complete DCS - is completely transparent and available to the safety controller. This provides NAM with an advanced safety control platform that can be reprogrammed and modified at will to deal with any proposed future changes to the gas processing terminal.
Key Project Achievements
- Fast-track project completion with on-time start-up
- Implementation during plant shutdown avoided downtime
- Project handled solely by MAC
- Novel approach to project management extends value of plant's MAC strategy
- New software-centric safety platform simplifies future modifications to plant
Customer Satisfaction
"Yokogawa's high level involvement played an important part in helping NAM to implement this automation upgrade project efficiently and cost effectively. With their help we were able to resume normal processing operations on time and without problem after the planned shutdown," says Vincenzo Graziadio, ONEgas Project Engineer with NAM.

Vincenzo Graziadio
NAM ONEgas project engineer
업스트림(Upstream) 산업에는 유전 또는 해저의 원유 및 천연가스의 채취 및 생산을 위한 유정제어, 증류, 분리 및 제품 완성을 포함한 해상 및 육상 플랜트가 포함됩니다.
석유는 육상으로 옮겨져야 하는 관계로 운송 전에 분리 작업이 필요합니다. 1차 및 2차 분리 단계는 일반적으로 가스 흐름, 물 흐름 및 오일 흐름의 3단계로 분류됩니다. 가스 이동은 파이프라인을 필요로 하며, 이동하기 전에 상류 공정에서 분류 공정을 거치게 됩니다. 액체는 탱크 또는 파이프라인에 넣고 운송을 하므로 정확한 레벨 측정이 가능한 레벨계가 필요합니다.
오일 및 가스
Yokogawa는 해상 및 육상 시설에서 파이프라인, 터미널 및 심해 운전에 이르기까지 석유 및 가스 사업의 모든 부분에서 풍부한 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. 우리는 안전을 강화하고 정확하고 신뢰성 있는 운전을 보장하며 플랜트 효율을 높이는 솔루션을 제공합니다.
Related Products & Solutions
Innovative MAC Services
Yokogawa의 MAC 서비스는 프로젝트 실행에 대한 모든 범위의 기능을 제공합니다. Yokogawa는 프로젝트의 모든 자동화 관련 측면을 책임지고 예산, 시간, 인력, 납기 및 위험 관리 요구를 충족시킵니다.
Distributed Control System (DCS)
10,000개가 넘는 플랜트의 운영자는 매년 생산 목표를 달성하기 위해 Yokogawa의 DCS 기술과 솔루션을 신뢰합니다.
Safety Instrumented System (SIS)
안전 계장 시스템(SIS)은 사람, 환경 및 자산을 보호합니다. Yokogawa의 SIS 및 관련 안전 솔루션은 비상 정지, 화재 및 가스, 버너 관리 및 HIPPS 애플리케이션에 널리 사용됩니다.