Parts No. | Name | Remarks | QTY | Recommended Replacement Interval |
- | Primary acetic acid (CH3COOH) grade: over 99.0+% |
For reagent preparation | - | |
- | Sodium acetate (CH3COONa) grade: over 98.0% |
For reagent preparation | - | |
- | Potassium bromide (KBr) grade over 99.0+% |
For free chlorine measurement reagent (-F, -C) | - | |
- | Potassium iodide (KI) grade over 99.0+% |
For total chlorine measurement reagent (- T) | - | |
K8005JC | Measurement Electrode (rotating electrode) | gold-alloy electrode | 1 | yearly |
K8005UH | Reference electrode | Platinum electrode (-F, -T) | 1 | (*1) |
K8005UC | Reference electrode | Silver/Sliver chloride electrode for combined chlorine insensitive type (-C) | 1 | (*1) |
K9332ZJ | Glass beads | 2 Packs/Piece | 1 | yearly |
K9088PE | Polishing Powder (Alumina) | For polishing measurement electrode | 1 | - |
K9332SR | Rotating contact | Part for the electrode unit | 1 | yearly |
K8005LB | Driven shaft assembly | Part for the electrode unit | 1 | 3 years |
Y9115XB | O-ring | Part for the electrode unit | 1 | 3 years |
K8005LC | Motor | Part for the electrode unit | 1 | 3 years |
B1005AC | Coupling | Part for the electrode unit | 1 | 3 years |
A1633EF | Fuse | 250 V/2.5 A for the smart unit | 1 | - |
A1624EF | Fuse | 250 V/3.15 A for the terminal box (/ TB option) | 1 | - |
K9720FZ | Sand for filter | 1 L for the sand Filter (-2N,-3N,-2A,-3A) | 1 | yearly |
K9087XA | Air Pump (100 V) | For the Air pump (- P1) | 1 | 3 years |
K9087XF | Air Pump (110 V) | For the Air pump (- P2) | 1 | 3 years |
K9087XG | Air Pump (200 V) | For the Air pump (- P3) | 1 | 3 years |
K9087XH | Air Pump (220 V) | For the Air pump (- P4) | 1 | 3 years |
K9041RA | Lubricating oil | For liquid pump monthly maintenance | 1 | 1 month (*2) |
L9819AA | Bellofram | For reagent flow control of liquid pump | 1 | 6 Months |
L9819AB | Bellofram | For sample flow control of liquid pump | 1 | 6 Months |
K9041HC | Valve seat | For liquid pump | 1 | - |
K9041SU | Valve seat | For liquid pump (4 pcs of K9041HC) | 1 | 6 Months |
L9862AY | Activated Charcoal Filter | For zero calibration | 1 | yearly |
K9332NN | Filter | Parts of the sand filter (-2N,-3N,-2A,-3A) | 1 | yearly |
*1:Replace it when it is damaged.
*2:Oil is in a bottle, so needs to be applied every month, but not necessary to buy every month a bottle. It will last 3 years.
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