Application: CSU-W1
- ES cell
- Zebrafish
- Brain slice
- Early-stage embryo
ES cell
Ocular cup organ regenerated from mouse ES cells
Data: Mototsugu Eiraku, Ph.D., and Yuiko Hasegawa, Ph.D., Sasai Lab., Organogenesis Neurogenesis group, Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN
3D Play
YZ plane
Measurement condition | |
Z-section/stack | 100um(2um/51slices) |
Fluorescent probe | 640nm:Cy5 |
Pinhole | 25um |
Objective lens | 20x dry |
ES cell colony
Data: Nozomu Takata, Ph.D., Sasai Lab., Organogenesis Neurogenesis group, Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN
3D Play
Measurement condition | |
Z-section/stack | 50um(1um/51slices) |
Fluorescent probe | GFP(Excitation:488nm) mCherry(Excitation:561nm |
Pinhole | 50um |
Objective lens | 60x oil |
Data: Kazuo Yamagata, Ph.D., Center for Genetic Analysis of Biological Responses, The Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University
Full-size movie Play
Measurement condition | |
Z-sections/ stack |
80um (0.4um/201slices) |
Fluorescent probe | 488nm: H2B-EGFP 561nm: mCherry-MBD-NLS |
Pinhole | 50um |
Objective lens | 60x silicone |
Total time | 490 mins (Interval:10mins) |
Zebra fish embryo
Data: Makoto Suzuki, Ph.D., and Naoto Ueno, Ph.D., Division of Morphogenesis, National Institute of Basic Biology
3D reconstructed image of the whole embryo
Excerpts from Timelapse(MIP)
All timelapse Play
3D reconstructed embryo
(partial, at high magnification)
YZ Plane
Measurement condition | |
Z-Sections/ stack |
Upper left:99um(1um/100slices), Lower left:50um(0.5um/101slices), Right:1slice |
Fluorescent probe | Left: membrane RFP(Excitation:561nm) Right: EB3-GFP(Excitation:488nm) membrane RFP(Excitation:561nm) |
Pinhole | 50um |
Objective lens | Upper left:20x dry,Lower left,right: 60x water |
Real-Time Visualization of Neuronal Activity
Data: Akira Muto and Koichi Kawakami, Division of Molecular and Developmental Biology, National Institute of Genetics
Excerpts from Timelapse(MIP)
All timelapse movie: Play
Time-line MIP of timelapse images
Larval zebrafish: The fifth day after fertilization
Pink area: Optic tectum
Measurement condition | |
Total time | 152 sec. (Stream: 600 images) |
Excitation | 488nm: GCaMP |
Pinhole | 50um |
Objective lens | 40x water |
Reference: Muto et al., Real-Time Visualization of Neuronal Activity during Perception, Current
Biology 23(4):307-311
Brain slice
Brain slice of mouse fetus
Data: Atsunori Shitamukai, Ph.D., Laboratory for Cell Asymmetry, Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN
Measurement condition | |
Z-sections/stack | 15um(0.5um/31slices) |
Fluorescent probe | GFP(Excitation:488nm) RFP(Excitation:561nm) |
Pinhole | 50um |
Objective lens | 60x water LWD |
Total time | 2hours (Interval:1min) |
Early-stage embryo
Early-stage mouse embryo
Data: Kazuo Yamagata, Ph.D., Center for Genetic Analysis of Biological Responses, The Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University
Timelapse (MIP) | Full-size movie Play
Measurement condition | |
Z-sections/ stack |
100um (1um/101slices) |
Fluorescent probe | 488nm: H2B-EGFP 561nm: mCherry-MBD-NLS |
Pinhole | 50um |
Objective lens | 60x silicone |
Total time | 48 hours (Interval:10mins) |
Excerpts from Timelapse (MIP of chromosome)
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