Double cone rotary drier


Blending plays a key role in industries like food, healthcare and chemicals etc. Temperature and vacuum measurements are very important in minimizing the moisture content to ensure the quality of the final product. Strictly maintaining them throughout the process ensures the final product yield.

Blending Machine Image

Expected Benefits

  • Improved productivity;
    Continuous online measurement of temperature and pressure ensures the quality of product.
  • Enabled online measurement of rotating dryer;
    NO signal cables, NO power cables, NO cable damage
  • Enabled easy integration with host system through Modbus;
    YFGW410 supports Industry proven Modbus platform, that enables easy and seamless integration with a wide range of host system.
  • Minimized maintenance cost;
    Non-proprietary batteries standardized for the entire product range.

YFGW520 (Field Wireless Access Point), YFGW410 (Field Wireless Management Station)
YFGW520 (Field Wireless Access Point)
YFGW410 (Field Wireless Management Station)

YTA510 (Temperature Transmitter)
YTA510 (Temperature Transmitter)



  • No online monitoring of temperature or pressure measurements
  • Lack of precision measurements, currently only using local gauges
  • Reading errors induced by human error, leading to lower product quality



For rotating equipment;
Eliminating the wire by ISA100 wireless transmitter is the perfect solution.
Battery operated transmitters are installed directly on the rotating dryer and the wireless gate-way is located approx.50m away on a support. Even though the dryer is rotating, reliable communication is established between the transmitters and the gateway.
ISA100 wireless system ensures accurate remote measurements throughout the entire process.

Reliable –Continuous signal availability
Accurate –Dependable sensors for measurement
Simple –Seamless integration with existing host system

The ISA100 wireless system


Eliminating cables, complex connectors and slide rings on rotating equipment have greatly simplified the whole installation and process. The ISA100 wireless transmitter and the gateway have fulfilled this mission and have delivered real productive gains for the user. Ongoing maintenance costs have been significantly reduced by the wireless architecture.

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  • 의약품

    제약회사는 제조 데이터를 기반으로 실시간 품질 관리를 강화하여 유연하고 민첩한 생산 체계를 구축해야 합니다. Yokogawa는 고객과 협력하여 안전하고 신뢰할 수 있는 의약품 제조 솔루션을 개발하고, 디지털 혁신을 통해 규제를 준수하고 품질을 보장하며 시장 출시를 앞당겨 환자에게 더 나은 의약품을 제공합니다.

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