광업 및 금속

채광 작업을 통해 지구로부터 귀중한 광물 또는 지질 물질(geological materials)을 얻을 수 있습니다. 경쟁적인 회수를 위해 적은 운영비 및 엄격한 안전 및 환경 규제로 높은 처리량과 높은 프로세스 가용성이 요구되고 있습니다.

Nedmag Industries Mining & Manufacturing B.V., Veendam, The Netherlands

Success Story
Nedmag Industries Mining & Manufacturing B.V., Veendam, The Netherlands
PRM, FieldMate

  • FDT 기술을 통해 사용자는 모든 장치에 중앙 집중식 액세스가 가능합니다.
  • FDT 기술은 모든 장치를 구성, 작동 또는 유지 관리할 수 있는 공통의 환경을 제공합니다.



Kyushu Mitsui Aluminium uses the UPM100 Power Monitor for its overall factory operations, and the DX1000 Paperless Recorder for its high-purity aluminum refining furnaces.

  • Smooth and safe migration to CENTUM VP enhances production efficiency at major Australian gold mine.
  • The HMI stations instaled at the central control room, training system, primary crusher, workshop, and office are all connected via thesame communication bus.
  • Configuration of complicated procedures in Exapilot leads to operational excellence.
  • DENKA wanted to standardize the operation, reduce workload and prevent operator errors.
  • FDT technology gives users centralized access to all devices.
  • FDT technology provides a common environment for configuring, operating, or maintaining any devices.

CENTUM VP was selected to increase production output of a gold refinery in Australia.
The unprecedented reliability and availability of CENTUM ensured zero unplanned downtime.


기술 및 솔루션, 요꼬가와에 대한 자세한 정보를 찾고 계십니까?

견적 및 기술문의
