The clean hydrogen era is now. The possibilities are vast, but the path forward is complex. As you seek to scale your clean hydrogen enterprise, you will need to navigate challenges such as securing offtakers, managing policy uncertainties, and predicting demand. You’ll also need to obtain funding, scale operations, and stay ahead of the ongoing requirement to be cost-competitive with fossil fuels.

Opportunities for Scalable Growth
Only through effective digitalization, can you streamline operations, optimize efficiency, and quickly access full supply chain information on demand, which enables you to anticipate and rapidly respond to market shifts. Minimize emissions and unleash the efficiency created by process automation. Commit to ESG goals while maximizing profitability. Leverage open, vendor-agnostic systems offering the promise of increased agility and productivity.
Plot a Roadmap to Success
Our comprehensive solutions cover the entire IT/OT spectrum and provide you the best possible positioning for hydrogen production, storage, transportation, and utilization. In a rapidly evolving energy landscape, Yokogawa will walk with customers for energy transition and decarbonization.

In 2024, Yokogawa acquired BaxEnergy, a global leader in renewable energy software solutions. BaxEnergy’s asset performance management (APM) system Energy Studio Pro® for hydrogen provides advanced analytics and optimization capabilities help identify bottlenecks, optimize energy consumption, and improve overall plant performance, contributing to a more sustainable and cost-effective hydrogen production process.
By monitoring critical parameters like H2 purity, pressure, temperature, and flow rates in real-time, our platform enables predictive maintenance, early fault detection, and timely interventions, minimizing downtime and maximizing hydrogen output.
Energy Studio Pro® equips hydrogen power plants with state-of-the-art software solutions to monitor, control, and optimize production.
An electrolyzer, which produces hydrogen from water and electricity, is a key technology. There are two established electrolysis technologies: proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis and alkaline electrolysis. The market of electrolyzer, especially electrolyzer powered with renewable energy is expected to expand dramatically in next several decades, not only becoming a new hydrogen provider but also replacing with existing hydrogen facilities in oil refining, nitrogen fertilizer production, and so on.
Within all manufacturing industries, accurate measurement and monitoring of process parameters are crucial for improving production efficiency and ensuring safety and product quality. Hydrogen, being a potentially explosive substance, requires meticulous process management. Besides, the production cost of green hydrogen remains a significant challenge. In this regard, enhancing productivity and prolonging equipment life are urgent priorities to reduce the cost. Leveraging its reliability and advanced technology, Yokogawa is committed to offering products and services that contribute to customers in the field of electrolyzers.
- Integrating the Hydrogen Ecosystem (9.5 MB)
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