Magnetic Flowmeter CA Series Debut

The Magnetic Flowmete CA Series can measure fluids that are difficult to measure with other magnetic flowmeters. For example, a slurry fluid containing powder. Adhesive fluids such as rubber resins. Low conductivity fluids such as pure water and acetic acid. In addition, the CA series is designed with the Total Insight concept. It has 9 selectable languages, and visibility was greatly improved with a backlight and dot-matrix display. Furthermore, by using the verification tool, it is possible to diagnose the equipment itself and check the soundness.

Prodotti e Soluzioni Correlati

  • Magnetic Flowmeter CA Series

    The CA Series promises stable measurement even for fluids that are considered difficult to measure, such as slurry fluids and adhesive fluids. The design based on the Total Insight concept improves operability and maintainability for customers.

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