Using the following procedure, reconfirm the registered system administrator information.
- Enter “root” for the user name, and press DISP/ENTER without entering a password. An error message will appear, followed by a window for entering the password again.
- Enter the root password, and press DISP/ENTER. You can log in as the root user. The initial root user password is root123.
- Press MENU (to switch to setting mode), hold down FUNC for 3 s (to switch to basic setting mode), and select the Environment tab > Security, Media save (Security,Media save, Batch on the DX2000). Next, turn Password management OFF.
- Press MENU (to switch to setting mode), hold down FUNC for 3 s (to switch to basic setting mode), and select the Menu tab > Login > Admin settings. Finally, reconfirm the registered system administrator information. We recommend that you register multiple system administrators.
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Button Operated DX1000/DX2000
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