Yokogawa Recognized with Selection to the DX Stocks 2024 by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the Information-technology Promotion Agency

Tokyo, Japan - May 28, 2024

Yokogawa Electric Corporation has won recognition with selection to the Digital Transformation Stocks (DX Stocks) 2024 category under the DX Stock Selection program jointly conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan.

Companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange that have enhanced their corporate value with the establishment of internal DX promotion mechanisms and demonstrated a strong track record in the utilization of digital technologies merited consideration for selection to the DX Stocks 2024 category. Selection to this category is an indication that a company has gone beyond simply introducing excellent information systems and utilizing data by continuing to boldly challenge itself to transform its business models and management based on digital technology, and is expected to continue to achieve even greater success in this area. In 2024, 25 companies, including Yokogawa Electric, won this designation.

Yokogawa Electric Corporation selected as one of the DX Stocks 2024
Yokogawa Electric Corporation selected as one of the DX Stocks 2024

The company's selection to the DX Stocks 2024 category follows on from its selection in 2022 to the Noteworthy DX Companies category. The DX Stocks 2024 category selection bears testament to the fact that the company has seized the opportunity to transform its business and corporate culture and is one of the few global companies that can provide solutions connecting the OT and IT domains. Also figuring into this selection was the recognition of the efforts it is making throughout its organization to promote both an internal and a customer-facing digital transformation.

Yokogawa's Growth for Sustainability 2028 medium-term business plan that commenced this fiscal year aims to improve social and corporate value based on an industry-based business structure. In addition to moving existing applications to the cloud and adopting recurring business models, the company is strengthening its cloud services for IIoT, AI, cybersecurity, and the like on the Yokogawa Cloud application platform. Based on this, it will continue in its efforts to strive toward a digital transformation and transform how it does business.

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