Yokogawa's Strengths

Strength in Unity, A Common Vision and Goal

Yokogawa has more than 18,000 employees in 60 countries, operating in truly consolidated fashion and striving to provide Customer Centric Solutions with Leading Edge Technology. At the heart of this approach is the value that we attach to the unique qualities of individuals.

Creating and Sharing Value

We create value together with our customers to achieve synergy and build trust. We base our business on technologies and markets that enable us to fulfill the expectations of customers and society, as well as demonstrate our originality.

Taking the Initiative and Pursuing Dreams

We encourage each individual to bring about desired changes within the organization and act autonomously, with the courage to innovate. We value individuals who put forth an effort to improve their skills and live up to their potential.

Being Innovative and Open to Challenge

To create value in the fields of industrial and social systems, we are looking for individuals who are not afraid to take a new approach and who have a proactive stance toward challenges.

Seeing Change as an Opportunity

We promptly respond to and are sensitive to changes, and use our imagination to seize opportunities by analyzing changes at the society and technology levels and in the competitive landscape.

Being Fair, Open, and Grateful

We practice our business under the principles of fairness and openness. We work sincerely with our customers, partners, and society as a whole, to gain trust. We prize the individual who can work with a sense of gratitude, and thank all who can help us grow and mature.
