SAKAKIBARA Katsutoshi1 KOBAYASHI Fumihiko2 WADA Morio1
This paper describes the structure and characteristics of photodiode modules developed for fiber-optic communications. The modules consist of a highly responsitive GaInAs PIN photodiode with high-speed response, and are assembled using YAG laser welding. A responsivity as high as 0.5 A/W and a cutoff frequency higher than 20 GHz have been achieved at a wavelength of 1.55 µm by using this specially designed module structure.
- Optoelectronics Laboratory, Corporate R&D
- EDA Center
The development of increasing transmission rates for optical fiber communication has proceeded. Systems with transmissions of up to 2.4 Gb/s have already been brought about and even a system transmitting at 10 Gb/s has been put into practical use. Such long-distance communications have been realized using fiber-optic amplifiers and high responsitive, high-speed receivers. At the same time, more superior receivers are necessary for the instruments used in maintaining both fiber-optic communications systems and monitoring systems. To meet this demand, high responsitive, high-speed photodiode modules with a cutoff frequency of more than 20 GHz have been developed using the accumulated laboratory technology of compound optical semiconductor device processes.1 2 3 This paper describes the structure and characteristics of photodiode modules. Figure 1 is a photograph of the YR15-series and Figure 2 is a photograph of the YC1020 O/E converter.
The developed optical receiver is a top-illuminated PIN photodiode, easy-coupled to fibers. The key points to keep in mind in order to realize both high responsivity and high speed are:
- To reduce both stray capacitance and inductance
- To deplete the light-absorbing layer to reduce the diffusion current
- To prevent trapping of the photo carrier generated in the light- absorbing layer at the hetero-junction
- To select the optimal light-absorbing layer thickness because of the tradeoff between high responsivity and high-speed.
Theoretically the cutoff frequency is calculated to optimize the device structure.
The cutoff frequency is calculated by equation (1).4 This equation assumes that 1 to 3 are realized and assumes that carrier transverses the light-absorbing layer with the saturation velocity.
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Figure 1 YR15 Photodiode Module |
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Figure 2 YC1020 O/E Converter |
τn = L/νn, τp = L/νp, C = εsεoS/L
io(ω), io(Ο) : Optical current of photodiode
ω : Angular modulation frequency
R : Load resistance ( = 50 Ω )
C : PN conjunction capacitance
α : Absorption coefficient (0.66 µm-1 @ wavelength 1.55 µm)
L : Absorption layer thickness, S : PN junction area
νn : Electron saturation velocities (6.5 × 104 m/s)
νp : Hole saturation velocity (4.8 × 104 m/s)
εs : Relative dielectric constant (14.1), εo : permitivity of free space
Figure 3 shows the contours of the constant cutoff frequency in the p-n junction area, light-absorbing-layer-thickness (depleted) plane. The thicker the light-absorbing layer, the lower the cutoff frequency because the cutoff frequency is limited by the carrier transit time. The larger the p-n junction area, the lower the cutoff frequency because of the limitation of the RC time constant determined by the junction-capacitance. At the same time, the thicker the light-absorbing layer, the higher the responsivity. The plots in the figure are the data for a prior device's prototype. From Figure 3, it is clear that responsivity must be sacrificed somewhat in order to obtain the required cut-off frequency. The typical method for solving this problem is to use a wave-guide photodiode5 or a back-illuminated photodiode with a lens6. However, these types of diodes have a disadvantage in that their diode constructions and packaging mechanisms are complicated.
Since a top-illuminated photodiode still has a sensitivity of at least 0.5 A/W when the cut-off frequency is around 20 GHz, this type of photodiode is employed in our modules. Figure 4 shows a schematic cross section of the PIN photodiode. In order to reduce stray capacitance, mesa islands on a semi-insulated substrate are passivated with polyimide. In order to deplete the light-absorbing layer with a low bias voltage, the concentration of the carrier of the light-absorbing GaInAs layer is reduced to 1 × 1015 cm-3. In order to prevent trapping of the photo carrier generated in the light-absorbing layer at the hetero-junction, a p-n junction is formed in the light-absorbing layer.
In order to increase accuracy and improve reliability, YAG laser-welding is adopted to assemble the modules. Figure 5 shows the dimensions of the YR15-series. Both photodiode and output connector are connected on the submount. Since optical focusing is done through the GRIN lens fixed to the fiber receptacle, the photodiode is placed in this focus by adjusting its position on the sub-mount. After that, the photodiode is fixed to the submount by means of YAG laser welding. The YC1020 consists of a photodiode-terminated 50 Ω and a DC bias circuit, and incorporates a single-mode fiber, and is assembled by YAG laser- welding (Figure 6).
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Figure 3 Contours of Cutoff Frequency in the PN Junction Area by the Light Absorption Layer Plane | Figure 4 Schematic Diagram of Cross Section of PIN Photodiode |
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Figure 5 Outline of YR15 Series Module | Figure 6 Outline of YC1020 Converter |
Table 1 YR15 Series Specifications (25° C, TYP.)
Parameter | Symbol | Test Cond. | YR1520R | YR1510R | Unit |
Cutoff Frequency (1) | fc | VR=5V, λ =1.54 µm | 20 | 10 | GHz |
Responsivity (2) | R | VR=0V, λ =1.54 µm | 0.5 | 0.9 | A/W |
Dark Current | ID | VR=5V | 10 | 10 | nA |
(1) Referred to 1GHz responsivity. (2) Using single mode fiber |
Table 2 YC1020 Series Specifications (25° C, TYP.)
Parameter | Symbol | Test Cond. | YC1020 | Unit |
Bandwidth (3) | B | VR=5V, λ =1.54 µm | DC-20 | GHz |
Conversion Gain (2) | G | VR=5V, λ =1.54 µm | 12.5 | V/W |
Input Return Loss | L1 | λ =1.54 µm | 30 | dB |
Output Return Loss | LO | 5 | dB | |
Noise Equivalent Power | PN | 30 | pW√Hz | |
(3) Referred to 0.5 GHz responsivity. |
Tables 1 and 2 show the specifications for both the YR15 and YC1020 series. Figures 7 and 8 show the frequency responses of the YR1520 and YC1020 by means of optical heterodyne detection.7 In both modules, a cutoff frequency of more than 20 GHz at a low operating voltage of 5-V inverse voltage and a responsivity of more than 0.5 A/W using a single-mode fiber are achieved. Figure 9 shows return loss S11 of the YC1020. Figure 10 shows a responsivity ranging from 0.95 to 1.7 µm in the YR1510, and a responsivity is very high in the range of 1.3 to 1.6 µm. Figure 11 shows the linearity of the YR1520. It is possible to operate up to 7 mW. Further, after an HBT (85° C, 5 V, 1000 h) test, the characteristics satisfy the specifications.
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Figure 7 Frequency Response of YR1520 Module
Figure 8 Frequency Response of YC1020 Converter
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Figure 9 Return Loss S11 of YC1020
Figure 10 Responsivity of YR1510
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Figure 11 Linearity of YR1520
In this paper, modules (the YR15-series and the YC1020) with a high speed (>10 GHz) and high responsivity (>0.5A/W) in optical communications have been presented. We hope the modules can be applied to optical communications and optical instruments. We will improve their reliability and function.
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