Respect for Human Rights

Yokogawa Group Human Rights Policy

Yokogawa Group's corporate philosophy is "As a company, our goal is to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through broad-ranging activities in the areas of measurement, control, and information. Individually, we aim to combine good citizenship with the courage to innovate." Based on this philosophy, the Group has supported industry and society by providing a variety of solutions that help our customers improve productivity and transform their businesses. Together with our customers and partners, we continue to create new value for the future under our corporate brand slogan, "Co-innovating tomorrow".
All of our business activities for value co-creation are based on respect for human rights. By deepening our understanding of the various human rights issues in the countries and regions where we conduct our business, and by being actively involved in resolving them, we must strive to ensure that people's dignity is protected and respected. We hereby establish the Yokogawa Group Human Rights Policy as a commitment to fulfill this responsibility.

1. Compliance with Human Rights-related Laws and Regulations and Respect for the International Code of Conduct

(Scope and Corporate Structure)
This policy applies to Yokogawa Electric Corporation and its group companies (hereinafter referred to as "Yokogawa Group"). We also expect and encourage our suppliers, business partners and other stakeholders to respect human rights in accordance with this policy. To achieve this goal, we have established a corporate structure in which the President and Chief Executive Officer serves as the Group's chief executive officer for human rights, and we continue to implement initiatives to this end.

(Related Laws and International Codes of Conduct)

Based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Yokogawa Group respects human rights as defined in international norms such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), and the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
We comply with laws and regulations in the countries or regions in which we conduct our business, and where there is a gap between laws and international norms, we respect international norms to the extent possible.

2. Implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence

(Addressing Human Rights Risks)
The Yokogawa Group identifies human rights risks associated with our business activities, collaborates with relevant stakeholders, and establishes and continuously operates mechanisms to prevent or mitigate risks.

If the Yokogawa Group is found to have caused or been involved in any negative impact on human rights, we will work with relevant stakeholders to remedy the situation. We also establish and maintain a grievance procedure for this purpose.

To ensure that this policy is understood and practiced by all people working for the Yokogawa Group, we regularly provide education and awareness-raising programs on respect for human rights. We also take the necessary steps to promote understanding and implementation of the Group's human rights policy to suppliers and business partners associated with our business.

3. Yokogawa's Priority Human Rights Issues

The Yokogawa Group's business is supported by a variety of stakeholders, including customers, business partners, suppliers, employees, and civil society. In order to respect the human rights of all people who are involved with the Yokogawa Group, we actively engage in the following priority issues.

(Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment)
We prohibit discrimination of any kind based on race, skin color, age, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, belief, political opinion, nationality, ethnicity, place of origin, disability, family relations or any other circumstances against any person associated with the Group. Furthermore, we do not tolerate harassment of any kind that harms their dignity.

(Respect for Workers' Rights and Approach to the Supply Chain)
In order to protect the human rights of all workers in the Yokogawa Group, we take the following actions and strive to build a more sustainable and resilient supply chain that ensures the same actions are taken in the supply chain in order to protect the human rights of other workers involved in the Yokogawa Group's business activities.

  • Ensuring occupational health and safety
    We are committed to ensuring the safety and health of our workers and to providing them with a fulfilling and comfortable work environment.
  • No child labor/forced labor
    Child labor, forced labor, slave labor, and trafficking are prohibited. In addition, we prohibit young workers from engaging in hazardous work.
  • Respect for the rights of foreign/migrant workers
    We give due consideration to the human rights of foreign workers and migrant workers.
  • Freedom of association and respect for collective bargaining rights
    We respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, which are the fundamental rights of workers. We engage in ongoing dialogue with employees in order to ensure a better work environment for our employees.
  • Prevention of low wages and long working hours
    In order to promote the lives and health of workers, we pay wages that exceed the minimum wages and living wages and manage working hours appropriately.

(Respect for Rights of Vulnerable People)
We respect the human rights of local and indigenous peoples, children, people with disabilities, minorities, women who are subject to gender discrimination or constraints, and people with disabilities who are socially vulnerable, including the elderly. We also engage in responsible procurement to avoid complicity in conflicts and human rights abuses related to mineral sourcing.

(Protection of Privacy and Personal Information)
We conduct our business activities with due consideration to the privacy of people involved with the Yokogawa Group and the protection of their personal information.

4. Communication and Engagement

This policy was formulated in consideration of expert advice from outside the Group to demonstrate the Group's attitude and commitment to human rights. In order to resolve human rights issues identified through human rights due diligence, the Group will actively and continuously engage in dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders and evolve its efforts to respect human rights. The progress of these activities and initiatives to resolve human rights issues will be regularly disclosed to the public.
The Group has set sustainability goals for 2050 to realize the well-being of future generations, and we are working to achieve net-zero emissions (stopping climate change), ensure well-being (quality life for all), and make the transition to a circular economy (circulation of resources and efficiency). We firmly believe that respect for human rights is the basis for achieving these goals, particularly well-being. The Yokogawa Group will respond swiftly to dynamic social conditions, such as climate change and infectious diseases, confront ever-changing human rights issues, and sincerely implement this initiative together with our employees, business partners and suppliers around the world.

Resolved at the Board of Directors' meeting on September 2, 2020

Sign of Hitoshi Nara
Hitoshi Nara
Director, President & CEO, Representative Executive Officer
Yokogawa Electric Corporation
June 18, 2024


Human Rights Management

Yokogawa Group Human Rights Policy was established with the approval of the Board of Directors. We have established an internal system in which the President & CEO, Representative Executive Officer holds the greatest responsibility for human rights in the Group, and we are implementing ongoing efforts. We set up the Human Rights Working Group, whose members are selected from the departments related to human rights, under the umbrella of the Sustainability Committee to work on specific human rights initiatives.

Human Rights Due Diligence

Yokogawa is committed to implementing human rights due diligence to identify, prevent, and mitigate potential negative impacts on human rights throughout our business and the supply chain and to achieve responsibility for our activities.
We have built internal control systems for the entire group for occupational safety and health, labor management, and purchasing and sales management, and are working to reduce risks with taking corrective actions when we identify problems.

Human Rights Helpline and Remedy Procedures

To swiftly detect and rectify any human rights violations that we may have directly caused or be indirectly involved in, Yokogawa has established an in-house reporting and consultation desk for all persons working at Yokogawa, as well as a helpline for our suppliers. Furthermore, we accept reports from and listen to the problems of all stakeholders, including the general public and supply chains, about human rights violations through the “Contact Us” section of our website.
Anonymous reporting and consultation are also accepted, and the helpline is available in Japanese and other languages. We operate the helpline in accordance with our rules set to protect the privacy of whistleblowers, secure confidentiality, and prohibit retaliation or any disadvantageous treatment. For human rights violations notified by our stakeholders, our corporate ethics, human resources, procurement, and legal departments will work together to investigate and take corrective action such as advising and educating those responsible to prevent the reoccurrence of similar cases.

Human Rights Helpline and Remedy Procedures

Human Rights Risk Assessment

In fiscal 2019, Yokogawa assessed the potential human rights risks in Yokogawa’s business activities and value chain together with NGO's BSR (Business for Social Responsibility), a global NGO active in the field of business and sustainability. Then, in fiscal 2022, we reassessed human rights risks based on changes in the external environment and the progress of internal initiatives.
This human rights risk assessment identifies human rights issues of high priority by confirming company policies, business activities and the operating status of the internal control systems, as well as by interviewing relevant parties in the Group. The priority is determined by two perspectives: salience of the risk of causing an adverse impact through our business activities and business relationships, and Yokogawa’s ability to manage the risks.

Process of identifying the risk of violating human rights

Process of identifying the risk of violating human rights

Main stakeholders targeted for due diligence:
irect employees / Indirect employees, Women and girls, Children and adolescents, Communities, Migrant workers, Indigenous peoples, Workers in supply chain and Others(Rural population, Low income segments of the population, Segments of the population with low education)

Human rights risks identified:
Product quality and security, social and environmental impacts, fair business practices, forced and bonded compulsory labor, child labor, working conditions (including freedom from discrimination, fair remuneration, freedom of association, right to collective bargaining), health and safety, peace and conflict, access to remedy

Human Rights Risk of the Yokogawa Group

Human Rights Risk of the Yokogawa Group

Major Human Rights Initiatives in FY 2023

  • Conducting human rights due diligence for critical suppliers
    We have used the expert’s knowledge to identify critical suppliers. Specifically, we made judgments based on the size of the transaction amount and the content of the purchase (including services). We conducted human rights due diligence using SAQ by suppliers for business sites of selected suppliers. Based on the assessment of SAQ responses, we selected 18 high-risk sites and communicate (including face-to-face interview and interview with third-party organizations) with them to improve their situation.
  • Revised Sustainable Procurement Guidelines
    We have confirmed international standards for procurement and revised our Sustainable Procurement Guidelines. We ask our suppliers to ensure that they comply with the guidelines, and we also ask them to provide information and cooperate in our audits.
  • Education and awareness-raising programs on respect for human rights
    As in the previous year, we provided training courses in multiple languages (English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, and Portuguese) and encouraged employees who had not finished training to take courses. In fiscal year 2023, we provided online training to new employees in Japan and started to offer e-learning contents appropriate to the needs of the Middle East region in cooperation with Yokogawa Middle East & Africa B.S.C.(C). We will continue to implement education in cooperation with each group company.
    In conjunction with the World Human Rights Day, we issued a compliance Newsletter to all employees on the topics of “Human rights risks in business” and “Human rights in the workplace” to raise awareness of respect for human rights.
  • Human rights helpline and remedy procedures
    In order to detect and correct human rights infringement events at an early stage, we have established a whistle-blowing hotline for employees and a helpline for business partners.
    Furthermore, we accept reports from and listen to the problems of all stakeholders, including the general public and supply chains, about human rights violations through the "Contact Us" section of our website. The whistle-blowing hotline is operated in accordance with Yokogawa’s rules that provide for the privacy protection of reporters, securing confidentiality, and the prohibition of revenge on and detrimental treatment to reporters.
