Yokogawa to Deliver Statewide Centralized Water Information Management System in India

Tokyo, Japan - July 27, 2018

Yokogawa Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6841) announces that its subsidiary, Yokogawa India Ltd., has been entrusted by the State Government of Rajasthan with the implementation, operations, and maintenance of a centralized, integrated water information management system (WIMS) in Jaipur, the state capital, as part of the Smart Cities Mission. Awarded through RajCOMP Info Services Ltd. (RISL), a Government of Rajasthan company responsible for IT services, the initial commissioning of the multimillion-dollar project will be completed in November 2018, after which Yokogawa will provide 24/7 onsite facility management services for five years.

Water demand in Rajasthan, the largest state in India, has continued to rise along with the growth in population, and already exceeds supply in many areas, making it increasingly difficult for the state’s Public Health Engineering Department to deliver the quantity and quality of water required. With the present public drinking water systems, which supply more than 370 million liters per day, most of the data collection has been done manually or using supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems where information is stored locally. This means measurement frequency is limited, recorded data is sometimes inaccurate, and central decision-making cannot be carried out in an effective, timely manner.

The WIMS initiative aims to establish a centralized monitoring system for both the potable water supply and industrial and municipal wastewater systems across the state to optimize resource utilization and improve service delivery. Yokogawa will leverage the open, scalable architecture of its FAST/TOOLS™ SCADA system to integrate legacy SCADA installations in one hundred geographically remote locations into a single network. The company will also be responsible for implementing water network management and analytics software, as well as developing mobile applications for field personnel. Water flow and energy consumption data from the multiple SCADA systems will be transferred regularly to a central command center and data storage facility, named the Water Information Hub, to be built at the State Data Center in Jaipur. The new monitoring system will provide a real-time view of assets and the distribution process in dashboards that are optimized by purpose and target user. The new network will enable easier expansion of the water supply and treatment monitoring system as demand grows in the future.

"Yokogawa offers effective water distribution management and energy conservation solutions, as well as integration of field data to enable predictive analysis for the water and wastewater domain. We expect the new centralized system will deliver significant savings of both water and electricity," commented Anil Singh, technical general manager at RISL.

"As part of the Smart Cities Mission, the Government of India is promoting models of sustainable urban development in 99 cities across India," said Raman Garg, head of sales for non-conventional solutions at Yokogawa India. "Yokogawa is honored to be selected for this crucial project that will demonstrate how our expertise in industrial automation and IT can deliver long-term benefits to vital social infrastructure like water supply and treatment."


About Yokogawa

Founded in 1915, Yokogawa engages in broad-ranging activities in the areas of measurement, control, and information. The industrial automation business provides vital products, services, and solutions to a diverse range of process industries including oil, chemicals, natural gas, power, iron and steel, and pulp and paper. With the life innovation business the company aims to radically improve productivity across the pharmaceutical and food industry value chains. The test & measurement, aviation, and other businesses continue to provide essential instruments and equipment with industry-leading precision and reliability. Yokogawa co-innovates with its customers through a global network of 112 companies spanning 61 countries, generating US$3.8 billion in sales in FY2017. For more information, please visit www.yokogawa.com.

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