Chemical injection solution Vol.3: Why FluidCom is suitable for chemical injection on Unmanned Wellhead Platforms (UWHP)

Fluidcom Chemical injection UnmannedvPlatform      Fluidcom Chemical injection

      * This picture is not related to actual platform which FluidCom installed.

In oil and gas offshore, UWHP would be an idealistic asset to optimize Chemical Injection Systems to increase production efficiency, reduction of CAPEX, OPEX and HSE.
To make this possible, the reliability of machinery as well as the Chemical Injection Systems are an important essential component. This is especially true for very remote platforms.
One of the main focuses for the unmanned platform is how often they can reduce the time to visit it for maintenance.
To that point, we can announce that the FluidCom Chemical Injection Solution is a maintenance free device, therefore; there is no need to visit on a fixed interval. Another important aspect is that with a conventional IRCD system the operator would need to keep and maintain the full injection system on the mother platform and provide a multiline umbilical over to the unmanned platform, this would incur at an extreme high cost equipment.

  • Provide a maintenance free chemical injection system
  • Achieve Full remote-control capabilities
  • be able to install directly on UWHP
  • remove the need for high value multi line umbilical
  • provide a single chemical injection line, with chemical distribution controlled by FluidCom on board UWHP

FluidCom has currently been installed on 10 injection points on UWHP on Norwegian sector of the North Sea. The pump system still is located on-board the Main manned offshore platform, with the chemical injection distribution system being installed directly on UWHP. This provide substantial cost savings by supplying chemicals through single distribution line, rather than several km of high alloy umbilical. The FluidCom Chemical Injection Solution provides full remote-control capabilities and a maintenance free device.
Having the Chemical Flow Controller installed closer to the injection point, rather than injecting through a several km long umbilical you will achieve a much more accurate injection rate. It’s also important to remember that the ability to install the Chemical Injection System directly on UWHP will provide additional space for other important equipment on Main Platform.

In this Article, we have demonstrated in detail why FluidCom can provide the following advantages:

  1. Essentially Maintenance Free
  2. Reliability
  3. Minimal Design


1. Essentially Maintenance Free

Essential for an unmanned platform, with FluidCom there is no required maintenance work or manual adjustment of flowrate because of ...

Minimal mechanical moving parts

The design and working principal of FluidCom is very simple, and incorporates minimal mechanical moving parts. There are no concerns of abrasion and aging of mechanical moving parts causing problems.,br>

Self-Cleaning Function

The ability to open and close the valve by thermal Expansion or Contraction can provide self-cleaning capabilities. If the flowrate decreases due to particles plugging the valve, Fluidcom will increase the heating in turn causing the valve to open up fully to assist in the flush of particles out of the system and then allowing the valve to go back to set point automatically once the condition has cleared.
We have conducted a 3 month test in a laboratory to confirm this self-cleaning function works.

* Test Data for Self-Cleaning function.

Fluidcom test result of stable injection rate (Test condition B: Flocculant CD2011)


2. Reliability

The Fluidcom Chemical Injection Solution combines all components necessary to make it a stand-alone system this includes: Valve, Flowmeter, an Actuator and Control Software functions. This all in one full-automatic flow controller can achieve long term chemical injection stability and reliability. Inside the FluidCom there is a mechanical moving valve, this is opened and closed by thermal Expansion or Contraction, this is controlled by a thermal heater and temperature sensors (T1/T2).
In addition. The thermal function can also provide a stable injection rate regardless of ambient temperature and chemical viscosity changes which are a major concern for conventional technology.

* FluidCom "How it works."

How it works of FluidCom


* For more information you can view our Introduction VIDEO.

Introducing Chemical Injection Metering Valve, FluidCom   ( 4:18 )


To prove the technology as well as the product we conducted field tests on a Norwegian Offshore Platform in 2015. Here are the results:

Test Condition:
Chemical Tested: Scale Inhibitor
Temperature variations: ± 10 °C
Pressure variations: upstream 210 bar, downstream -0.6 to 180 bar (U-tube effect)
Test duration: 5 months (No maintenance and adjustment)
Acceptance Criteria: ± 5 % system stability to flow set point.

Test results:
Refer to the chart below, you can see that the FluidCom achieved ± 5 % stability in flowrate. In addition you can see that the FluidCom also achieved approximately 1 % stability in flowrate in comparison to a referenced flowmeter even with ambient temperature fluctuations.

* Test Data for long term stability

Fluidcom test result of stable injection rate (Test condition A: Scale Inhibitor)

3. Minimal Design

FluidCom is all-in-one device and has the combined functionality of the following equipment: a flowmeter, a controller, an actuator and a valve.
Therefore, the cabinet required to have the FludiCom units installed can reduced the size and weight. It is also important to know that by using the FluidCom solution will allow the reduction of the typical installation footprint and material cost that typical IRCD' s. It can also reduce wiring for the other equipment.

* Material Savings and Decreasing the Footprint.

Material Saving and Secure Footprint

Image Zoom 

For a typical project we estimate the following sizes and weights for the pump skid package and distribution cabinet. (Estimated 16 injection points)
* Conventional Technology: Dist. Panel (lxwxh) 4.000 × 800 × 2.000     3 - 4.000 kg
* FluidCom Technology:        Dist. Panel (lxwxh) 1.500 × 600 × 2.000     1 - 1.500 kg


* Decrease Wiring, Save money.

Saving Wiring work, built a beautiful system

Image Zoom 

* For a typical fully automatic single point injection point using a stroke-length controlled pump and a flowmeter, you need two power supplies and to I/O + a control software in the asset control system.

* When using FluidCom a fixed stroke pump can be used as the flow to the injection point is controlled by FluidCom. Hence no instrumentation on the pump is needed.



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